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Everything posted by packsaddle

  1. BSA does allow gay leaders. BSA always has. Gay leaders do exist and always have. They just can't be 'avowed'. They're here....and you have no idea who they are. Have a nice day.
  2. Or you could just USE the phone while it's on the 'charger'. Me, I'd leave the phone at home and enjoy its absence. But the technology is fine.
  3. 'Dry' might not be the word for it but....barge traffic probably would not pass New Orleans again. Maybe an occasional 15' bass boat or something. Think about it, the current flow through the Atchafalaya increases by 3X of normal flows, minimum. Now superimpose a big midwestern flood. Magnificent!
  4. The River Control Structure prevents the Mississippi River from changing its course to going down the Atchafalaya. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Old_River_Control_Structure The above link is a reasonably good summary. The essential words are: "The Corps completed construction on the Old River Control Structure in 1964 to prevent the main channel flow of the Mississippi River from altering its current course to the Gulf of Mexico through the natural geologic processof avulsion. Historically, this natural process has occurred about every 1,000 years, and is overdue. Some researchers believe the likelihood of this event increases each year, despite artificial control efforts" My buddies over in the Hydraulics Lab used to laugh at the idea that we could 'control' the river indefinitely. There have been other times, besides the 2011 flood, in which the engineers were experiencing 'pucker factor' over this, lol. Me, I'd invest in real estate somewhere else if I was interested in a long-term outlook.
  5. Welcome to the forums Howiezee3! And Happy New Year! I have to admit that this topic has caused a song to stick in my mind, one of those annoying 'ear worm' kinds of songs. It goes: "polly wolly doodle all day....." Sorry, couldn't resist.
  6. I've been reading the posts. I think it is OK to leave it here until it clearly belongs in I&P....IMHO.
  7. It should work fine. I think it must be a nicely-executed application of thermocouple technology. I made a thermocouple array back in the early '60s to power a transistor radio. I got that idea from Popular Electronics magazine and it worked just fine. We use this same principle routinely to measure heat transfer rates for things as diverse as light sources to hibernating rodents. In principle, it should work great.
  8. THIS is interesting! So.....what happens when the river control structure fails?
  9. You just reminded me that my kids used to enjoy their role as shabbat goy while visiting in NY for Christmas. It was a great opportunity to learn about a culture in a way that would be almost impossible by any other means.
  10. Christmas Eve traditional Italian feast with at least 15 types of seafood plus pasta, some ethnic things that taste good but I can't spell, not to mention about a dozen different kinds of Christmas pies, cookies, and cakes. "I can't believe I ate the whole thing" Since then, leftovers. I polished off the strawberry cheesecake for lunch today and followed that with sweet potato bread and some bacon left over from breakfast. Mmmmmmm good!
  11. I probably need to clarify my previous comment, I'll gladly celebrate any holiday that has good food attached. I agree regarding 'politics'. Why would anyone want to spoil a good meal?
  12. I like the idea of spreading lots of good food - pick any good holiday to celebrate, your choice. The good will comes easily on a full stomach.
  13. Where do you live? We also have figs. My wife's grandfather brought cuttings with him from Italy when they immigrated over 100 years ago. We're still propagating that stock and a few other varieties. They are trees now, about 25-30 feet high and they spread in a radius of about 20 ft. This year the heavy rain and fungus wiped out both crops...frown.
  14. Wow, I was ON Flat Top a few years ago during an unseasonably warm November. It was evening the trail was icy and I was alone at dusk. Got some great photos. Can only imagine lugging a car battery up there.
  15. Wow, I was ON Flat Top a few years ago during an unseasonably warm November. It was evening the trail was icy and I was alone at dusk. Got some great photos. Can only imagine lugging a car battery up there.
  16. Thanks to all. Especially that story about Christmas scout. Merry Christmas.
  17. Where were you in Alaska? You should join me sometime in Dominica and give that a try.
  18. And happy solstice to you too. Next year I think I'd like to celebrate it in the tropics.
  19. Thanks Fred, I agree. As for Duck Dynasty, I'm all for allowing the guy to speak all he wants to and let the market take care of it. But for now he'll have to speak all he wants to on his own nickel although I think he's free to buy a network if that's what he wants to do. Until then he can probably still open his heart and show his love of mankind to the public all he wants in more interviews - I'm fairly certain there will be plenty of offers to allow him to expand on his thoughts. As for me, I've never watched the show...guess now I won't ever. But I'd rather let him speak and the market respond than the network to dictate from above.
  20. We always enjoyed making kites, all kinds and sizes. We also took all the old broken crayons they could find, sorted them into colors and made candles. The right time of year and PWD cars is good too. This time of year we made candle holders that were decorated for Christmas. Right time of day...we also made something to eat - preparation for cooking when they become scouts. With some help with a jigsaw, it's easy to make key holders. Just a few things I remember offhand. On a bad-weather day when they had to stay indoors, I'd tire them out by having crab races (in crab soccer position). Makes me tired just thinking about it.
  21. Anyone who names their son 'Beaver Cleaver' is not exactly a perfect scenario. Clueless, maybe....
  22. How about instead of wishing you ill will, I suggest, "Let's go on a hike?" That puts a smile on my face. At last, great hiking weather and with the leaves down, I can see the vistas all the better. Nice.
  23. Thanks, there are a couple there I've never heard of. Time to do some more reading.
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