BubbaBear, Great site! I wouldn't exactly claim it for the South, though, especially with the stunning photo of the WTC site.
Rooster7 and littlebillie, I agree with littlebillie. I note that Rooster7 didn't disagree with my previous statement that the current pledge excludes persons who are polytheistic, nor that we are already dominated by the majority religion in this country. I also remember the pledge before it was changed. 'one nation, indivisible' was just fine back then and outside of a few of my neighbors who currently fly the Confederate flag above the American flag (in the South, by-the-way, BubbaBear), I don't remember it bothering anyone. Wearing religion on your sleeve doesn't have to make it a giant chip on your shoulder. But I still think the whole issue is a red herring, detracting from things more important. Packsaddle