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I cannot envision a situation where an active Eagle Scout (youth) would not have a uniform. If he has a uniform he should wear it and wear it correctly, especially if he has a role in the ceremony. I agree that the uniform shows off the accomplishment of being an Eagle. The only reason that I can think of where he might not have a uniform that fits properly would be if he has been inactive (youth) for some time (i.e. he earned the Eagle as a young age and hasn't been active since) in which case I would question whether he should have an active role in the ceremony. When all Eagle Scouts are called to stand with the new Eagle, then ALL Eagles present (youth and adult) can rise and should be grand examples of what it means to be an Eagle.
In spite of what may or may not be worn under the kilt, I believe that I have learned the answer to a question that I have wondered about. It seems that most of you are okay with the kilt, just have questions about the proper way to wear it. Many states have adopted a tartan. So district tartans can always be worn. Few tartans are restricted. But good taste would say that you should a least know something about the tartan you are wearing. BTW, as far as I know I don't have any Scottish ancestry. But I do appreciate the Scottish history associated with Scouting.
gwd, It sounds to me like you have a good foundation. If you continue to get new boys you should be fine. As far as joining with other troops, I wouldn't recommend going as far as we did yet. You might have your SPL get with the SPL of another "small" troop and plan some joint outings. I found lots of benefits from that early on. Our reason for blending the units was to provide an opportunity for our boys to get to know the other troop with the intention of looking for a place for them. I and the other leader (mostly just the two of us) saw the signs that we were struggling and most likely would not survive another year. (When I became a part of this troop three years ago, we only had two boys coming to meetings. We worked that up to six, but only really recruited two boys during that time.) We has done some joint outings with the other troop and so we had history together. We really would like to think that we can keep the troop alive, but in reality that probably wont happen for several reasons. But I think that you will find many benefits from doing some joint activities with another troop. Good luck.
Eagle92, Actually, what you have suggested is very similar to what we have come up with. One half red the other blue. From the front it looks like two different color "tails". The boys from "my" troop are mostly older, more experienced. So they joined in with the older/more experienced patrol from the other troop. On the roll it looks like a large patrol, but many of the boys have caught the "fumes" so participation is about the number of a normal sized patrol. The other patrol is made up of new scouts, most of them crossed over from Webelos last Spring. A good sized active patrol. The older patrol is in the process of deciding on a new name (their request) to reflect that they are really a new patrol. One of the boys had already designed a patch similar to what you suggested, but with Patrol logos rather than symbols representing two troops. (He is waiting for the new patrol name so that he can redesign the patch.) They have grasped the Patrol method quite well and are more focused on their Patrols rather than being two different troops.
wingnut says, "No such thing, it's a large troop with several openings." I like the way you think. packsaddle says, "Went to NC State." "Where the winds of Dixie softly blow..." Spent my freshman year of college at NCSU. Thanks to all for the warm welcome.
NWScouter, Have you been looking over our shoulder at Scout Meetings or PLC? :lol: Those are precisely the different troop necker colors and that has been a suggestion. One of the boys has designed a logo that we are looking into having embroidered. Since the numeral colors have changed, the thought was, since we were looking to order new numeral patches anyway, to see about getting the lightning put on the patch (either logo, lightning bolt, or text) instead of the numbers, if that was kosher.
Please excuse me. Let me be totally clear. Local councils can prohibit fixed blade knives. My council is one of them.(This message has been edited by Packhound)
As I mentioned before, the adult leaders of my troop are meeting with the youth members of my troop to find out THEIR sentiments. If THE BOYS are okay with "merging" the two troops, then we plan to do so WHEN WE RECHARTER (in January). (You should consider that there would be some sentimental reasons for continuing the current charter.) THE BOYS from both units wanted to do something that celebrates the blending of the units. The troop numeral patch just seemed like a logical idea since THE BOYS like to refer to themselves as such rather than by number. The other SM and I discussed this last night and feel that even after "merging" the units that THE BOYS will probably want to continue to refer to themselves by the moniker.
BTW, Accessories can be found relatively inexpensively as well through the above links. A sgean don't (no blade to keep with BSA policy) can be made simply from a leather sheath and a carved wooden, bone, or antler handle attached to a wooden blade (or no sgean dubh at all). A tool belt from Home Depot can be dyed black and a sporran (think of it as a fancy hip pack) can be purchased for as little as $25.00 (or made yourself). My personal kit includes a DIY traditional tartan kilt (about 40 hours and $30.00 worth of materials), a Stillwater sporran ($25.00), and a tool belt for Lowe's Home Improvement dyed black (about $20.00). All of the rest is my uniform parts. You could probably skip the sporran and use a brown leather Scout belt with one of the large buckles (like the oval Philmont or one of the newer Wood Badge buckles.) You don't have to get fancy its just another Masculine garment. For those of you who are truly interested, check out xmarksthescot.com. You can find me there by the same handle.
You can find fabric at a local store in "suit" material that can be used for making your own kilts in tartan. However, a kilt doesn't have to be in tartan and a very functional kilt can be made of canvas (like the utili-kilt) and constructed using instructions for an X-kilt (can be googled and downloaded for FREE). Average time for someone with sewing skills and making enough for an honor guard would probably be about 5 hours each. (I would not suggest using the x-kilt instructions for a tartan/plaid fabric.) I have considered making one or two x-kilts in hunter green fabric (ex. Scout green) for an activity uniform for next summer camp. It will make changing clothes at the waterfront much more convenient. I am one who tends to spend significant time there.
Just so you understand unless you are the institutional head of one of the chartering organizations you have no authority to merge the troops. The Charter that allows the unit to exist is between the BSA and the chartering organization and not between the BSA and the Scoutmaster. "The assets such as money, equipment etc, belong to the chartering organization and not the troop. While you may want to go to another troop that does not mean that you can take the monney and equiupment with you or that the CO must give up their charter. They are free to find new leadership and new scouts and keep the troop going using the money and equipment that belongs to them. By not following the program you are just going to create more problems for yourselves." These issues have all been taken care of before the blending. We can go with the blessings of the CO. AND take the equipment, funds, etc. We are even working in cooperation with the CO to do repairs to our "old" Scout hut. (Soon to become a storage building for the CO.) Therefore, we ARE following the program.
Here is a popular place: www.stillwaterkilts.com/ Another place to learn more about kilts and other sources/vendors is: www.xmarksthescot.com
I think that Calico is right on target. If he has met the Merit Badge requirements. Made it through his Leadership project (I just go home from a Roundtable where the focus was Life to Eagle.) by getting the proper approvals from the benefiting organization, SM, TC, and District and/or Council Advancement or Eagle Committee, BEFORE beginning the actual work on the project and then executing it properly. AND has completed six months of service in an elected or appointed leadership position should ask for a SM Conference and Troop BOR. (And if he has completed the requirements leading to the SM Conference and BOR, he deserves a proper Conference and BOR.) There is no age requirement for Eagle, I for one earned the Eagle shortly after my 13th birthday. I then had almost 5 years to give back to the troop and learn more leadership skills through involvement in the OA, not to mention that I have been in Scouting ever since (except for a period when I was in my 30's and early 40's). In my troop we let boys advance at their own pace. Most boys over the last several years have completed the Eagle between 17-18. However, three of us leaders Eagled before age 16, earned multiple Palms, and are Wood Badgers.(We're just a bunch of underachievers. lol)(This message has been edited by Packhound)
I am a kilt wearer myself and am fully aware of the cost of a "real" kilt. However, there are reasonably priced kilts of decent quality available "off the peg" for about the same price as a pair of Scout pants.
In all honesty, we will probably merge into one unit with charter renewal. Blending these two troops has definitely been the right decision for these boys. The idea of keeping my troop charter active for an extra year is more sentimental than anything else. We are planning to talk with the boys from my troop and if they are willing to go ahead and merge (and I suspect that they are) then we will do so at rechartering time. The Lightning Troop, however, is a celebration of our coming together and the name is symbolic of our coming together. The boys want to make this a permanent part of the uniform, if possible, hence the idea of using the troop numeral patch. I am open to suggestions to carry back to the boys. BYW, this is a neckerchief wearing troop. So, we have considered that the necker may be the unique identifier.