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    Lancaster, NY

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  1. Our pack is a top selling popcorn unit in our council. We are a show n sell unit. Every year we offer a popcorn kickoff / ice cream social the week before the sale begins to re-hype the boys. For boys who don't sell, we ask the parents to buy a small carmel tin to reach the 75% sales quota for the earning bonus. This year I am co popcorn chair for our troop and council asked us to bring it to our Troop. They had a bad experience in the past and it took a lot of convincing. We asked the boys to pre order what they think they may sell, based on their sales from last year and bumped up a bit, so we could place the troop order.....they pre-ordered more than my pack sold last year!!! We are very excited. We are also going to do an ice cream social for them right before the sale begins.
  2. That is our camp theme this year as well. We also have 4 weeks of camp running. I will be a den leader for one of those weeks but they didn't tell us what we would be doing. I have tons of ideas that we are using for our resident camp week. A couple years back, my boys made awesome wooden lanterns that raised so you could put a candle in and then lower it back down. If you could recruit a wood crafter i'm sure they could come up with something like that. We always offer archery and bb gun at day camp for earning loops. And if not bb gun, then slingshot, which is more medievil.
  3. My prayers are with everyone involved. The 4 boys were so young and that is a terrible loss.
  4. I like the ideas so far. The only thing is, that the totems can't be too large. But maybe a 12x12 scrapbook sheet for each boy would work and it could still be laminated when they are done to stand the weather. Thanks
  5. Hi everyone, I have the idea but am not sure of how to execute it..... Our summer camp theme is knights of the roundtable. Each year the boys make a "totem" to hang from their tent. I am looking for help in making a cub scout "coat of arms" that I can add their picture to and laminate. Something that I could have general cub theme but add our pack number to. The closest idea so far is the state flag, maybe local town flag. We did something similar with wild west theme. I am getting some ideas as I type...lol Thank you in advance, Kim
  6. I also have a large den. I have one asst who is not very active except for dues and when I ask for something to be done. My parents are mostly willing to help but not to be official on paper or get trained. I do not let my parents leave the building and each parent MUST sign up to run 1 den meeting each year, not including our mandatory pack night our den hosts. I have the boys sit at 2 seperate tables to keep the noise level tolerable. I plan one meeting but break it down into 2 dens. Next year I will be having 2 parents sign up for each activity so that 1 parent can be at each table. I also don't let parents help their own boy when doing activities, they must pair with another boy.
  7. For the last year I have been a sales rep for a local security company in Buffalo, Advanced Alarm. Before that I worked in industrial laundry for 10 years and also working in groups homes for people with disabilities. I did that for about 6 years. I liked that but hours are not family friendly.
  8. Hello all. I am a seasoned scouter of 5 years in the Bufflo area. With the pack I am the Wolf den leader, Pack secretary and webmaster. This is our second year with this Pack. We are 1 year into Boy Scouts and I am on committee with the troop. My older son started as a wolf scout and is almost done with his Second Class.
  9. I use a free site just for non for profits. It has scout templates already there and I just make the changes as I need to. http://cspack468.clubspaces.com www.clubspaces.com
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