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Everything posted by pack195

  1. I buy the ceremony arrow from the scout shop for $15.00 and i use a router on a 1" X 4" board and attach hooks that the arrow hangs from. I've been doing this for 5 years and the boys love the award.
  2. In my district we have a leader who has stolen and because of her action 3 boys have dropped out of scouting, when i step up to tell the truth everyone turn against me. even the district chairman tried to kick me out of scouting. How do you follow the scout law and oath and expect the other leaders to do the same, and when they dont what do you do ?
  3. In our Pack we have the Fox Patrol (siblings, girls) they help with fundraisers, go camping, help with service projects. So why not make them a part of the pack. we take materials from the Tiger,Wolf & Bear handbook and apply it to them. I look at it as a support group for the Boys - if the whole family is coming to the meeting and having fun then the boy stays in the program. this is our second year of the Fox patrol and its working.
  4. we had a two man saw, water bottle rocket, a mini pinewood derby race, raingutter raggatta. we did this at two different trailer parks to recruit boys and the manager supplied the hotdogs.
  5. Tiger Cub Flag Retirement Ceremony Note: For young scouts take a moment and explain the difference in burning the flag in a retirement ceremony and the burning of a flag in protest. MC : Today we will retire the American Flag in the tradition of Pack #___________. Tiger Cub 1 : Everyone please rise (pause, wait for everyone to rise) Color Guard Attention (color guard prepares to advance) Color Guard Advance (bring flag forward) Salute Those in uniform salute, all others place your hand across your heart. Color Guard Post Colors (put flag in stand / hoist the flag) Please join me in the Pledge of Allegiance: I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic, for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and Justice for all. Color Guard return to post (return to where you started) Please be seated (everyone sits) MC : As you can see, this flag before you is worn, her colors are no longer bright. She has flown proudly and has done her job well. but now she must be replaced with a new flag to properly represent this great Nation of ours. Tiger Cub 2 : Color Guard Attention (prepare to come forward) Audience Attention (everyone rise) Color Guard advance (come forward) Color Guard retrieve colors (lower the flag / pick up flag from stand) Color Guard prepare the colors (fold the flag hold with arms cross) Please be seated (everyone sits / color guard remains standing) MC : Now we have 3 scouts to tell us about the flag and the Tiger Motto Tiger Cub 3 : Search we search out the color Red in our flag and honor those who have served our Country. Tiger Cub 4 : Discover we discover the color White and found it represents innocence and purity. Tiger Cub 5 : Share - we share what we learn and like the color blue of the flag, sharing brings us together as one, United under God. MC : Color Guard, Retire Colors Color guard unfolds the flag. 4 tigers Salute the flag and hold a corner (one at each corner) and place the flag into the fire. Note : Adult parent helps. MC : Do not think of this Flag as being burned, But think of her as her spirit is set free, Think about what she represents, Freedom, Innocence, Sacrifice, Unity and continue to Honor her. This concludes the ceremony. (if the audience has flags to retire please bring them forward)
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