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pack1003cubs's Achievements

Junior Member

Junior Member (1/3)



  1. Our small little Pack had a wonderful little B&G banquet on Wednesday evening. We had table lanterns, napkin holders, confetti, balloons, lasagna and spaghetti, an Eagle Scout, the District Commisioner, awards and a lot of happy Cub Scouters and their families! I know we all have a lot of troubles that we post about here, but try and focus on the positive as well! You CAN make a positive Scouting experience for the boys if you just keep the hope up that it can work out.
  2. How long is your Blue and Gold Banquet? Between awards, dinner and announcements - there is hardly any time for games or fun for the Cub Scouts. How or where do you fit this in? Our agenda looks like this: 7:30 p.m. Opening Ceremony 7:40 p.m. Invocation 7:45 p.m. Dinner is Served (BUFFET STYLE) 8:00 p.m. Welcome & Introductions (WHILE EVERYONE IS EATING) 8:05 p.m. Review of 2004/Announcements for 2005 8:20 p.m. Entertainment (20 MINUTES??? NOT A LONG TIME, RIGHT?) 8:40 p.m. Awards Ceremony (SHORT CEREMONY, SMALL PACK) 9:00 p.m. Closing Ceremony Can we improve?
  3. Thank you, thank you... I have been trying to access BB for a bit now and now I see why I can't get in. Whew!
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