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pa eagle scout

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pa eagle scout's Achievements

Junior Member

Junior Member (1/3)



  1. HI, I've got an original red BSA beret. It's one of the top pieces in my small but growing collection. It may be a bit tuff for me to get rid of but you may have something else that sparks my interest. You can post on here or shoot me an email with some ideas. hope to hear from you soon. yours in scouting John Gosciewski Troop 166 nepa council
  2. I have a few older cub scout and boy scout shirts. for example a few collarless and with metal buttons. I'm not sure the age of them but would be more then happy to trade. They are in good shape. shoot me an email at gd419@aol.com if you would like to trade. yours in scouting john gosciewski troop 166
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