Just wanting to know how others felt about appearance of a Texas Scoutmaster on Deal or No Deal show. My own opinions are that it was great that a fellow scouter won some big money; however, I am very protective of the BSA uniform. Not that it shouldn't have been worn on a television show, but that if worn, it should have met the uniforming standards. I was speechless when I saw his badge of office sewn on the pocket for temporary patches.
To my knowledge, national has been very protective of when and where the uniform appeared in the entertainment media. There have been a lot of use of "look-alike" uniform types that portray scouting uniforms. I am curious if his council had given their permission to use the uniform. And if so, why they didn't make sure it was accurate. I don't want to sound like I'm locked onto this one gentleman. Improper uniforming is a widespread problem that training doesn't seem to help with much.