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  1. Calico, there were a lot of unscoutlike assumptions and comments made by folks who didn't know the whole story....such as statements like toxic troop, etc! There are many details that those that knew the whole story chose not to share because of there sensitive nature. I too congratulate mdsummer on her Eagle Award! I just hope that life is kind to Justin because she won't always be there to manipulate situations for him. To have won an appeal, on a technicality, after National struggled for months seems like a shallow victory. Let's not forget that dozens of solid dedicated Scouters, with decades of experience, reviewed this information and found him unworthy of the award. (Committee, District and Council level) Contrary to what you were told the Scout Master bent over backwards trying not to have this happen; much to his own detriment. No one dedicates this much time, effort, training and emotional stress unless they want to see the youth have fun and succeed. Is the troop perfect,no...I've never seen a perfect troop and I joined Scouting in 1963. Scouts are not leaving this troop in droves. This troop is healthy and has been for over forty years. It will continue to follow Scouting Methods, be boy lead and continue to create a nurturing environment for Scouts to succeed in the program.
  2. When I was a SM we used the book that the Scout was working in to complete the rank he was working on....then switched to the next handbook for the following rank.
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