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Everything posted by bbng

  1. I would hope that a boy who wants to join a troop and wants to earn Eagle would have that opportunity. It doesn't sound as though there is any reason in this thread for denying a boy what he wants--the chance to go for it.
  2. Its Me, Very well said. It's easy to say not to take it personally, but though I don't believe you should, there's always just a bit of sadness that goes along with a boy leaving. You've done your best for him and have kept the door open to Scouting for him; there is truly nothing more you can do. And for the record, it's nice that the family let you know the boy wasn't coming back; that doesn't happen often. I'd take it at face value. Keep on serving those boys that you clearly love to serve
  3. I'm not sure what Girl Scout policy is in respect to uniforming, but Daisy uniform shirts and pants are currently marked down in Scout shops and on their online store.
  4. Emily, welcome! Why do you believe you don't have the authority to split a den? I'd ask you this: what commitment did you make in becoming a den leader? 20 is too many boys. It is not safe (not with one adult), will not be fun, will tire you out, and I see nothing good coming of it. Where is your committee on this issue? Quite frankly, if the parents don't like that the den needs to split BUT are unwilling to help, then their opinions don't matter (yeah, I know, waaayy easier said than done). What does matter is providing a program, and you need support in this. AND, it is not your role to get new leaders, so support is particularly important. Please keep us posted. Big dens are sometimes a problem, but this is the biggest I've heard of. As for patrols, they don't exist in Cubs, so the parents wanting patrols is out of line with Cub Scouting. No, there won't be patrols. There could be 3 dens that meet together for Go See Its or some types of activities, but again, that's a lot of kids at one time. That would be, IMO, an occassional thing rather than regular, particularly since the pack meeting is the big meeting time. EDIT: another thought occurred to me. What would the response be if you remained leader to the Tigers who returned to Wolf, and the new boys were put into dens along with parent leaders from that group? It seems a natural break to make.(This message has been edited by bbng)
  5. What is your position in the pack? I ask only because I wonder if you are able to provide support. Considering the reasons given, this boy should does not have to be allowed to participate. As sad and hard as this is, the pack does indeed have the right to refuse the family.
  6. jmstock, It is very important that you make the call, and that the call is made to the Scout Executive of your council. You may, and should, make the report directly to the SE, and there is no reason for anyone elso to know you have done this. It is also possible that the state you are in had additional requirements for reporting. To put off this call, or to call the wrong person (which would be any person other than the SE) puts you and the unit at risk. This is important, and you have the ability as well as the responsibility to begin the corrective process. You may not ever know the outcome; don't worry about that. You will know you have done right in this case. EagleinKY, we posted at the same time. Does your council prefer reporting through the CM or CC? This is not what I have been taught in training, and in this state all leaders, regardless of position held, are considered mandated reporters. Even suspicions are to be reported, but always to the SE.(This message has been edited by bbng)
  7. "I'm on the Committee and a registered leader myself. I feel like I'm not only liable for what any of the leaders may do, but I also have a reason to speak up." Call your SE immediately and report this.
  8. Thank you both. Now, another question: do iron-on patches stay on if ironed on, or is it better to sew them on? TIA!
  9. May I interrrupt this to ask: What is meant by support the council? Is this support financial, or in terms of promoting events/activities, or some other type of support?
  10. scotiacat, those are not my words. That is a quote from the G2SS, so if you take issue with it, your issue is with BSA policy. Here is the link to the online version of the G2SS: http://www.scouting.org/pubs/gss/index.html mdecderz, welcome to the forums.
  11. The problem I have with this is that the youth are involved. Here is where I see an issue, and it doesn't matter that the youth are working the soda booths, for they are at the event that includes alcohol: "The Boy Scouts of America prohibits the use of alcoholic beverages and controlled substances at encampments or activities on property owned and/or operated by the Boy Scouts of America, or at any activity involving participation of youth members." It's those last words, "any activity involving participation of youth members", that seem to disqualify this type of fundraising.
  12. For the historic trails, check with your council. I learned that Boy Scouts can mean Cubs too, but it depends on the trail. Just an FYI if you really want to do that. Good Turn For America has a round emblem that is earned just be participating. There are rockers, one for each year, beginning with 2004. This may be worn on the uniform. When I was a CM, the boys loved getting this, and they found the little rocker kind of cool--though Moms didn't want to have to sew them on Another thing to take notice of: some of these awards are for families, most for Cubs only, and some for leaders. You're very welcome.(This message has been edited by bbng)
  13. The BSA Cub Scout Family Award is in book form and costs just under $4. There is a patch and/or pin that may be earned by each member of the family once the award requirements are met, and there is a year to earn this. The Crime Prevention Award & Donor Awareness Awards: Check with your council to see if these are offered. Ours did not have the requirements available, but the scout shop had the patches and the DE said go for it if you know the reqts. More... Jamboree On The Air (JOTA) http://www.scouting.org/international/jota.html Leave No Trace Front Country http://www.scouting.org/cubscouts/resources/13-032/index.html Historic Trails http://www.scouting.org/boyscouts/trails/index.html Good Turn For America http://www.goodturnforamerica.org/
  14. What I have done in this situation, as CM to help DLs, was to have the award for the very next den meeting. The parents would be told that the award was available for presentation at the den meeting or the pack meeting. They usually opted for the pack meeting, but the boy's accomplishment was noted at that den meeting. (Or, the totem could be given now and announced at the next pack meeting.) You've identified a problem though, and hopefully someone will have advice on it: the mom saying one thing, the dad something else. Welcome to the forums and to Cubs! It's good to hear that you're off to a good start. That communications thing is tough, but hopefully will get better. Parents need to be reminded how important it is that they communicate with DLs...clear through bridging to Boy Scouts!
  15. I didn't know there was a link, but I had made a puzzle from the First Class badge when I worked with Webelos. I enlarged the image in full color, printed it out, then laminated it and cut it into pieces. This way the boys could assemble it more than once. I learned during this time that they had no idea what the Webelos badge meant (not sure how they earned it without knowing, so we recapped), and I made a puzzle of that as well. They didn't seem to mind reviewing the badges this way, and they worked together. Just another idea in case you need it.
  16. I have a daughter who is entering a Daisy troop, and I'm not familiar with this at all. The troop she is entering has meetings twice a month, some activities with a service unit (I think I have that right) throughout the year, and all petals are earned during meetings rather than on her own or as a mix of meetings & at home. Also, it seems that parents must register to take part in activities, so we are doing that as well. This is a big step for a little girl, and I wonder if you could tell me a little more about Daisy Girl Scouts so we are better prepared as a family. Thanks.
  17. http://www.scouting.org/forms/34283.pdf The above link is the Boy Scout uniform inspection sheet on BSA National Council's site. Also, his handbook spells it all out. See pages 12 & 13 of the Boy Scout Handbook.(This message has been edited by bbng)
  18. Elizabeth, I hate to sound negative, for I love Cubs, but your situation sounds very familiar. If you have already been brushed off over the G2SS, and if someone is willing to do so much (that little lady), you may meet with more resistance. The CM has to want to put on a program or it won't happen, not even with a good assistant. The committee has to want to the right thing by following the G2SS or it won't happen, no matter how much it is encouraged. However, if the other leaders would actually LIKE to have a Cub Scouting program, then the outcome is more promising. I'd caution against just jumping into this, but instead think long and hard about who the leaders are and how willing to follow the program they are. It can be a lonely place to be, as well as very frustrating, when you are committed to the program but others are not--and sometimes even scoff at it. If you've heard, "but this works for us", "the program isn't that important, after all the boys are having fun", or comments like this, they should send up red flags. Your son should be happy in Cubs; so should his family. Good luck!
  19. zippie, I'm glad your family did well through this terrible time.
  20. I'm so sorry you had to leave your home for now, but I'll keep you in prayer as well as all those along the coast. Please drop by when you can and let us know how you are.(This message has been edited by bbng)
  21. Carole, good for you for getting clarification. That will be helpful to you, and you should be up front about how this past month went and ask that everyone now begin to work within time frames. I assume you are not working out of the home, but that doesn't mean that you are ready to head out and take care of purchases at any time. There are times the Scout shop is out of items, so timing is important for that reason as well. Here are some things to find out: (1) Does your council accept a pack check, and if so, can you get one from the treasurer before going to the shop? Be sure to know what ID you'll need. (2) Does your council set up unit accounts? If so, you might want to learn how they work and then ask the treasurer and CC to set one up. (3) If you're not sure of a budget, be sure to learn the policies the unit has in place (limit on awards such as LNT is a good place to start). A belated welcome to Cub Scouting and these forums! It can be a lot of fun or it can be hard, and the things you describe sound like a set up for a harder time. However, it also seems you're in a transition time, so I caution you to find out what's what now and be willing to set limits on what you can do. Also, let the CC know what you were given; chances are good that he/she had no idea that this role had grown to such a big one. That's a hazard in Cub Scouting
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