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  1. Thanks you all for confirming what I already knew. I talked with the parent more tonight, as we really did not have the time yesterday. She is going to try and find his book, but if she can not find it. The old DL has said if anyone has any questions about it all they need to do is ask and she will confirm everything has been completed. I am going to call the old DL tomorrow. The main reason the parent feels this happened, is due to serious conflicts between the CC and the boy's parent. Apparently there has been a long, nasty feud. She had her son start Boy Scouts in another Troop this year because the old CC is now the CC of the local Troop. All she wants for her son is the award. I think he deserves an apology too, but thats my opinion. So, I am thinking of suggesting to her (if it is possible) for her son to get the recognition he should have gotten then, by doing his cross-over ceremony with my Den in September. Is this possible?? I have another question too. Why do people treat the kids like this? and how do they live with themselves? I get so angry and frustrated seeing what is a wonderful program twisted, warped and manipulated by power hunger fools. Thank you very much
  2. At a school concert tonight I ran into a Webelos parent whose son dropped out last year. We got to talking and I asked her why he dropped. She told me this is why: Last year he was a 2nd year Webelos. When he was supposed to cross-over the committee chair decide he was not ready to cross. He had completed all of the requirements to the best of his ability (he has Aspberger's Syndrome) and did his camp at Butte Creek. The CC told her that she was not going to let him cross because he did not complete everything to "her" liking. The DL says he did everything and even fought to have him cross. She even lost her position for it. Can the CC really do this? What can I do to get this young man his Arrow of Light Award?
  3. We are Contemplating starting a new unit. But that will kill the old one. We are trying to avoid that option for now, but one of the leaders has already picked up the paperwork. I am just worried about how the CO is going to react. Also, it will be hard to find another local CO. We are in a very small town. Can a CO have more then one Pack?
  4. Sorry. The position is Pack Committee Chair.
  5. Is there anyone who can tell me what training is absolutely "REQUIRED"?
  6. We have an extremely controlling den leader. Our membership has dropped from about 50 youths to 17 in a two(2) year period. I do understand losing youth to attrition from Webelos crossing over to Boy Scouts. This only accounts for about 1/2 of the drops. But new youth are not coming in either. I spoke with a couple of other leaders and parents, and parents of youth that dropped out. The reponse from most of them seems to be that as long as this leader in controlling the Pack they want nothing to do with the pack. The DL has stacked the committee with close friends, the CC, the CM is her husband, and the Treasurer is a close family friend. So she always gets her way in committee. She has even made last minute changes to events without telling anyone with the approval of the CC. Working with another leader we have kept several youth from dropping. We need help. What can we do? Suggestions?
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