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Everything posted by Onora

  1. OK, I undertsand I'm responsible for going through the handbooks, but we have 11 wolves. Many times the parents do not bring the handbooks. Some have told me right out that they do not work out of the handbook. See, their Tiger Leader last year kept track of everything for them, and I think they got used to not having to keep records at all. Well, I am not willing to do this. I have other obligations outside of scouting. My main concern is that even though I keep the parents up to date as far as what we're working on, that they don't work in the handbook and complete the items we DON'T cover at den meetings - so when we get to Blue & Gold, they're not going to have their requirements met. I don't see our pack paying for ScoutTrack anytime soon. I plan to use that wall chart. Does anyone use the individual scout record form that's in the leader's handbook? Thanks, Amy Culbertson Den Leader Pack 251 Shippensburg, PA
  2. Hi. I have a few specific questions relating to den recordkeeping. I'd like to learn what others do and find helpful. - Do you use the individual scout records? - Do you take attendance? - How do you record what the boys work on in their handbooks? After 3 months of meetings under my belt, I'm finding that I need to do some things differently. For example, only 3 of the 11 parents have told me what their scouts have completed in the handbooks. It was suggested at the leadership meeting that my assistant and I take the books home, sign off on them, and record each scout's progress. I'd like to do things in the most efficient way possible, so any suggestions would be welcome! Thank you!
  3. Onora

    New Den Leader

    Hi, I had no scouting background, but I've taught kids at church for years at Good News Club, VBS, etc. so I do have experience working with children. I've done all the available online training, and attended Cub Scout Specific last month. I'll attend Health & Safety next month. Our den has 12 wolves - we recently acquired 3 new boys because another local pack folded. We decided not to split the den at this time for various reasons. I have an excellent Assistant Den Leader who works closely with me to plan, and I have a den chief, too. My son is in the den. I basically knew nothing about scouting when I was the parent of a Tiger. I felt like I had no idea what was going on and like we were just thrown into it. So, when the need arose for a den leader for the wolves, I stepped up and said I'd do it, as long as someone would be a reliable assistant. Our pack has about 30 boys. We're in a small town outside Harrisburg, PA. I think we've done well so far with the program and with communicating to the parents. Since I felt clueless last year and I didn't like that feeling, I try hard to let parents know what's going on. That's about it for now....
  4. Hello, I am a new Wolf den leader and just found this forum. I look forward to participating. Amy in PA
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