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Everything posted by Old_Boots

  1. Thanks ONE HOUR and AARDVARK, I thought I had something new to offer. I enjoyed reading the earlier thread on the film. I never found it on VHS, missed it somehow. I have an original poster, (one-sheet) from the movie. I was a theater projectionist in earlier days. I also found the set of SM Handbooks like the ones Lems uses in the film at a flea market years ago. I say "set" because there were two volumes. Oh, to be a TIME-TRAVELER, instead of just ancient!
  2. Fellow "Old-Timers, The film "FOLLOW ME, BOYS" has finally been released on DVD. The disc has interviews with the boys from the film. One actually was a Scout at the time the film was made. Enjoy!
  3. Welcome, BobwhiteSR518 and family. Keep up the good work. Look forward to chatting with you.
  4. Disney has FINALLY released "FOLLOW ME, BOYS!" Sentimental, Idealist, Warm and Entertaining -YEP! The timing is perfect. Here is a DVD for every Scouter's collection. Enjoy, and keep in mind considering "Two-Deep Leadership," the camera crew, director, lighting, sound, grips ect. ect. This is REAL Disney. Have fun!
  5. Welcome Niehbors, gerrys8130 Don't fret, the years will FLY! Because my passions include PHOTOGRAPHY and LIVING HISTORY, some of my Scouts really think I was in the Civil War! Welcome to the forum. There is lots of great information here. I live in Hudson, but live on the border of two councils, and serve in both. The kids are great, some of the adults will dive you crazy! Just remember to keep it fun. BP's take on teens, "FUN, FIGHTING and FEEDING." Enjoy, keep in touch. OLD, OLD, BOOTS.
  6. MatuaWarrior, Did you receive a "direct" message from me? Old_Boots
  7. My adult Scouting "career" began on Anderson AFB, GUAM and Yigo Village Troop 10 back in 1968! I have finally graduated to the Venture Crew Program. I'm not 60 yet but some of my first Scouts are in thier 40s! (Yike!) Anyone out there from "The Rock?"
  8. I have often been referred to as "GEEZER!" I joined Troop 20 on Anderson AFB, Guam as ASM in 1968. (Before Woodstock or Moon Landing!) The near-by village of Yigo needed a SM for thier new Troop 10 in time for the Camporee the following year, I transfered. I was Honorably discharged from the USAF (and my favorite Scout Troop in 1970.) Since I returned to my hometown in upstate NY I have been involved in one capacity or another with the local troops - usually Scoutmaster. This year I am finally moving up and graduating to a Venture Crew! My only complaint - the guy that talked me into the Scouting Program in 1968 never came back to relieve me! I'm STILL WAITING! Anybody from Guam left out there?
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