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    Leander, Texas

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  1. Thank you all for your great information and your time in Scouting. It is truly the good fight. We currently have a quasi boy led troop, there is some adult hands on. The intent of the adult is good, but I would like to see it all, but coaching go away. Our boy leaders need training in how to lead and a lot more responsibility put on them as well. I think this will help them grow considerably. As for the "New Patrol" I like the idea of bringing the new young men in together and then rolling them into one of the core patrols after a few months. I know that the this subject is a passionate one for both camps. I will give it a try and see how it works for us before I choose not to use it. I have bee reading a lot of the information and experiences listed here and I find it great stuff. I know that my first hurtle will be reeducating the adults in my troop as to the patrol method. I found a lot of good info at the Green Bar web site as well as KUDU's site. Our schools summer break will be ending soon and all the young men will be gathering around and I want to make sure we start off on the same page. I can't wait to use the The 100yd rule and see what it brings. WhoAhh to you all. (This message has been edited by OldTxScout)
  2. My troop is getting back to the Patrol method and New patrols. Is the Patrol leader of a "New Patrol" part of the Green Bar Patrol, or is the troop guide the representative for that patrol?
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