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Everything posted by Oldscout448

  1. thanks for the responses guys, I need some help to stay balanced here. One of the scouts who would be up for election is my son #4. Sons #1 and 2 spent some time on the ceremonies tram, as I was the coach all the bonnets, pipes, bows etc were stored at my house for years. so he has wanted to be a member since he was 5 or so. and it really burns me to have some one who has never been in the OA deny him this. based on what some SMs at summer camp told him (his words) The camp was in a different council by the way. BD, I sadly agree that for most the Order is only a flap and sash. But some of us foolish idealists took/ take the obligation seriously. Perhaps because I had to recite it over 100 times a year at rehearsals all through my teenage years. I want to let the new 10% get their shot at it. The lodge is just huge has about 22 chapters. Most of 'em are in VA, as are the summer camps. So very few of us MD chapters send many scouts to pack tents for free. Mostly the OA serves as camporee staff, helps new troops out, local stuff. I once saw them serve as parking crew at a scout's funeral, a lighting strike at Philmont and yeah I talked with him, I talked (and listened) for an hour he gave the reasons listed in the op and finished up with these words to my son " If you want to be in the OA, you will have to join another troop" D-Tape I offered to set up a meeting such as you suggested, SM indicated he had zero interest and would not attend. Rarely have I met such a closed mind. Funny thing is I like the guy, I think he is doing what he thinks is best for his troop. but there's the rub between us, he thinks its HIS troop, I insist its the scouts troop, and if they want it let them have at it Oldscout
  2. thanks for the responses guys, I need some help to stay balanced here. One of the scouts who would be up for election is my son #4. Sons #1 and 2 spent some time on the ceremonies tram, as I was the coach all the bonnets, pipes, bows etc were stored at my house for years. so he has wanted to be a member since he was 5 or so. and it really burns me to have some one who has never been in the OA deny him this. based on what some SMs at summer camp told him (his words) The camp was in a different council by the way. BD, I sadly agree that for most the Order is only a flap and sash. But some of us foolish idealists took/ take the obligation seriously. Perhaps because I had to recite it over 100 times a year at rehearsals all through my teenage years. I want to let the new 10% get their shot at it. The lodge is just huge has about 22 chapters. Most of 'em are in VA, as are the summer camps. So very few of us MD chapters send many scouts to pack tents for free. Mostly the OA serves as camporee staff, helps new troops out, local stuff. I once saw them serve as parking crew at a scout's funeral, a lighting strike at Philmont and yeah I talked with him, I talked (and listened) for an hour he gave the reasons listed in the op and finished up with these words to my son " If you want to be in the OA, you will have to join another troop" D-Tape I offered to set up a meeting such as you suggested, SM indicated he had zero interest and would not attend. Rarely have I met such a closed mind. Funny thing is I like the guy, I think he is doing what he thinks is best for his troop. but there's the rub between us, he thinks its HIS troop, I insist its the scouts troop, and if they want it let them have at it Oldscout
  3. PS. I think a rebellion would be somewhat justified in this case,not wise but justified. On one hand some of the best PLs we have would get fired, ( I guess the SM can do that?) on the other hand I believe the scouts to be in the right. and do we not want them to stand up for what they believe in?
  4. Without going into a blow by blow history of the last three years, where OA elections were "next year, then if the PLC votes for them, then next year again, now the SM has decided no elections this year or ever on his watch. seems the Order is "a popularity contest, something that will take the older scouts away from the troop, a clique, all the old excuses ( sigh) I have tried to convince him there fears are unfounded, asked him to talk with the chapter adviser ( who is more than happy to meet with him ) offered to work with the elected scouts to insure they place the troop first. to no avail. Some of the older scouts don't care, some are downright irked, and some are so angry I'm afraid they will just quit or start some sort of low level rebellion. I just don't understand how a SM who refuses to do his job (deliver the scouting program to the scouts) can expect any junior leader to do his. The CC is new and thinks the SM is his "boss" and has no intention of rocking the boat. I really feel for some of the oldest scouts, 16 or 17 years old, if they change troops now they won't be in a POR long enough to advance, for them is now a case of OA or Eagle. Dammed hard call to make. any advice?
  5. Just spent half an hour pecking and it wouldnt post
  6. If your nose is broken and the back of your head is bleeding from apparent slamming on a sidewalk ( or a rock ) then yes I will give your claim of self defense the fairest hearing I can muster.
  7. Mozartbrau- I also did Tap-outs for 5 years as a youth, then served as the ceremony team advisor for the next 2 years, then got back into it again when my son was elected. I have been out for a few years now, but I cannot think of anything I ever read or was told that would forbid a unit level tap/call out. As a youth I must have done over a hundred tapouts at troop COHs,at troop campouts as well as the district camporees. MHO is that the smaller troop level ones were much more meaningful to the scouts,and that's what it's really all about. Oldscout
  8. When I read the first couple of posts I figured that this HAD to be a case of the scout is still wearing his second class rank and the SM is at his wits end trying to get said scout to take some pride in his First Class rank. After all you shouldn't show up for a star BOR wearing only Second Class But a unit patch? a stinking unit patch?? Words fail me. Scoutlike ones a least. As Scouters we give of our time, money (and sometimes sanity) to HELP the Scouts. Not repeat not to throw roadblocks in their way Petty, stupid ones at that The SM sounds like a wannabe DI. Some one needs to inform him that scoutmaster does not mean master of scouts. but is nearer to the english word schoolmaster meaning teacher I guess he has taught your son one valuable lesson however, that there are indeed people who love to throw the power of their position in your face. Most of us have worked for one of them at one time or another eh? That said listen to da Beavah here, he gives good advice, as do the Eagles and Rat77 If this were my son I would encourage him to try to live up to the law and oath even if the SM is most decidedly not I also hope you have gleaned from the replies here that not all SM are like the one you seem to be burdened with. If you both decide it is in your sons best interest to join another troop, I wish you all the best. Sew on the blasted patch,get star, and go. He can still be Den chief
  9. So do the eagles who sent their medals back, get them returned?
  10. So do the eagles who sent their medals back, get them returned?
  11. Moose, thanks for the reply, gave me a bit more clarity. I don't know however how I gave the impression you (or anyone else) had to live up to my expectations. and if someone offered me the job of king, I'd turn it down in a heartbeat!
  12. If "morally straight is ones own viewpoint..." and nothing more than why bother to have it in the Oath at all? If you or I can decide what is right or wrong whenever and wherever we wish... and what is a "personal religion?" one I get to make up? I mean no insult here,just don't understand. Oldscout
  13. Gunpowder and booze should never be mixed. Doesn't shoot and tastes just awful!
  14. Ya know the bayonet mount just puzzles me no end Just how the heck does a small blunt piece of metal near the muzzle make a rifle more dangerous? Anyone? Even assuming the bad guys have a bayonet to mount on it, has anyone ever heard of one being used in a robbery? gang drive by shooting/stabbing? sounds like a solution in search of a problem Oldscout
  15. I attend a big church (2500 or so)according to the people that study such things, that alone makes us a target for the loonies. Here in Maryland CCWs are nearly impossible to get unless your the DAs golfing buddy. So we pay for three or four county police to stand at the doors every Sunday morning. Some in uniform, some not. Nice guys. Some of them have been members of the church for years. And yes they have guns. I wouldn't consider any of them to be morons.
  16. 1) the safety of the scouts is paramount! ANY deadly threat (and yes a knife is one) MUST be dealt with not shrugged off or glossed over 2) The zero tolerance policy is sometimes just plain stupid. If I could give you two cases, both real, both witnessed by me,A scout who had lost his totin-chip for previous screw ups, had been faking swallowing his meds. while on a campout. I don't know what set him off but he began screaming and cursing at everyone. Then ran into his tent produced a knife (we had searched his pockets and pack but not his boots),and threatened to stab anyone who came near him. Then started the threatening to kill himself. Second case- a young scout was cornered in a shower house by three older "scouts" who stated it was" his turn for the pounding" (the old pink belly)very scared young scout pulls knife So... should we throw both scouts out of the troop? I respectfully submit that one size does not fit all As scouters we must do what ever is needed to protect our charges just my 0.02 Oldscout
  17. Welcome, Welcome, Welcome!!! Scouts NEED people like you, the number one reason kids join scouting is to "go out in da woods,hike, swim,light fires, track animals,climb mountains,paddle down rivers, and do cool stuff". We have a lot of scouters nowdays who love their boys,like the program, and put in countless hours to make it click. BUT they were raised in the big city, or the suburbs,and you simply can not learn all of that in a weekend training event My brother and I love to hike. I went the scouting route (Philmont etc.) he went the Outward Bound way. On the rare occasions we hike together he is always showing me new and improved ways to do things, that aren't in the handbooks. Scouts have no monopoly on good ideas! Most I pass on to the scouts,some I think "Umm... a little too dangerous for 11 year old scouts" So jump in! the waters fine! Oldscout
  18. I guess I should also make clear that I have no hard data on the percentage of AT hikers, thru or section, that carry. Hikers on the trail have got to be some of the nicest,most helpful people I've ever met. I have never asked any one male or female if they were armed. You just get to talking at the shelters. The ones that did carry seemed just as nice as everyone else. One thru hiked told me he carried a small 22 from Springer to the south end of the blue ridge then decided he didn't need it and shipped it home. He was thinking about getting it again when he started the hundred mile wilderness. I have no idea if he did. At a guess I'd say only 5-10 percent go armed, and that's a guess I may be way off the mark. Pack, Just to reassure you, I do NOT have a gun when am with scouts on the AT or anywhere else. If I'm solo hiking way out in the sticks... Oldscout
  19. Beavah, thank you for making your position a bit more clear. It just seemed to me that you were lumping me (us) in with the "world gonna end hoarders" Then as I reread my post it seemed I did the same disservice to you Sorry Oldscout
  20. Also knew a scouter who was stationed way up in Alaska years ago. he told me due the the polar bears every time the troop went camping there was always a dad who just "happened" to be hiking and camping nearby at the same site. With a big rifle. Not that he was listed as an ASM for that outing you understand. That would be against scouting policy. Next month some other dad would have the duty.
  21. seems to me that the pro gun side is (mostly) using logic and common sense, and the other side is using emotion. " OMG! someone has a 22? now I'm scared to go camping within a mile of them." OK so that's a little extreme, sorry but come on people, 99.99% of us gun folks are not unstable, zombie fearing, nutjobs. MSNBC and da Beavah to the contrary. a lot of hikers on the AT carry, they do not go waving them about, nor do they fire at noises in the night. In Vermont back in the 80's there were enough roving feral dog packs that hikers of the green mountain state were ENCOURGED to carry a firearm, I dont know how many did. I've been hiking and camping every chance I get, for 43 years now,in scouting and out, some places I take a gun, some places not. Frankly some of the two legged critters I've met have scared me more than the bears and big kittycats. If you chose not to have a gun, fine by me. but there are dangers in the wilderness, as well as the inner city, and if you have trained, if you have practiced,if its legal, taking a firearm is to many of us simply a prudent thing to do. Stay safe-Old scout
  22. This isn't strictly scouting, but when I was coaching a OA ceremonies team, I gave each scout who had a major part a 1940's quarter. The scouts loved the flying eagle on the reverse side,and were amazed that it was 90% silver. Some of them kept them in a little leather "medicine bag" for years. The 12 quarters cost me about 30 bucks each Ordeal. The look on the scouts faces was as they say- priceless. Oldscout
  23. This isn't strictly scouting, but when I was coaching a OA ceremonies team, I gave each scout who had a major part a 1940's quarter. The scouts loved the flying eagle on the reverse side,and were amazed that it was 90% silver. Some of them kept them in a little leather "medicine bag" for years. The 12 quarters cost me about 30 bucks each Ordeal. The look on the scouts faces was as they say- priceless. Oldscout
  24. I was hiking a 50 miler on the A trail when I saw my first backpacking stove, in '72 or '73. Went out and bought one as soon as I got home, been using them ever since. That said I am saddened (used to be shocked) by how many scouts I meet nowdays who simply can not light a fire. Even in hot dry weather and a big box of kitchen matches. I suspect some of them couldn't do it with a quart of lighter fluid! The ability to make a fire any where,any time used to be one of the hallmarks of a woodsman, and there are cases where it has been the difference between life and death. Even if we don't need a fire for every meal, can we not at the least TEACH our scouts how and insist upon some level of skill? Oldscout
  25. all this talk of fires, or lack thereof, sparked yet another thing changed. No more hot rocks. When the thermometer got down around the zero mark,we would place football sized rocks all around the fire, at bedtime they were so hot you could barely hold em, a dozen or so in your tent kept you warm (well warmer) all night. Now that tents have floors, I suspect this thick would result in a melted, smoky mess. Old scout
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