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Everything posted by Oldscout448

  1. Lol, pretty much the same thing happened to me !
  2. Shift, I'm sorry but I'm just not getting a clear picture of the situation here. Does the troop owe money to a vendor? That some leaders made off with? The charter was allowed to expire? Is the CO now left holding the bag? Or is this just a troll?
  3. Yeah, it's hard sometimes to not grab certain people and yell " What is so hard to understand about this? We help the scouts yes, we don't do it for them!" Sigh
  4. I have a troop nearby who still wears the red berets from the '70s. . The scouts refused to give them up.
  5. Still no word. looks like I better plan a hike on the A trail instead.
  6. Ah yes, the big bucks for those of us who are lucky enough to be advisors. We did an AoL ceremony last year in the woods for several different packs at once, so we pulled out all the stops. When the Chief shot the burning arrow I heard one cub exclaim "Cooool !" Paid in full
  7. Stosh, please convey to that Eagle of yours my respect and admiration. I have had the privilege of having a very few scouts like that in the last 35 years and it's a rare treat indeed.
  8. We still have district wide timed contests and if you light your fire without matches or lighter we take one minute off the patrols time. Of course the true pyros complain because we banned the use of liquid oxygen !
  9. methinks you suffer for a very common misconception. Very few COs demand that all scouts in their troops be of their religion or even attend their services. Scout Sunday being the exception.
  10. Maric, there is some good advice here, given by guys with decades of experience who truly care about scouts and scouting. In the end though you will have to make the call. I have only two things to add. You don't need an eagle badge to be a good even great scout, but I've seen a awful lot of 30,40,50 year old men still kicking themselves for almost getting eagle and then for whatever reason stopping just a bit short. You are not the first to switch troops at 16 (?) years old, nor will you be the last. There is still time to make new friends, learn a little,teach a little, experience the different "flavor" that is unique to each troop . I have seen it work well a number of times. But if you do transfer go in with an open mind and heart. See ya on the trail. Oldscout
  11. You are awake at 6:30am on January first? "Thou art a better man than I am Gunga Din." I feel for the scouts they were quite exited at the prospect of helping at a national event. Of course the fancy patches that the older scouts proudly wear from the '09 election may have something to do wirh it.
  12. The OA lodge for Washington DC has traditionally helped out with inaugurations. But as far as I know we have not yet been asked. A number of scouts and scouters have planned to take time off to be there. But right now we are in a holding pattern.
  13. I knew this was just a matter of time, but I had hoped it would take a few more years. More media pundits shouting about the evil BSA. More money spent on legal fees less on the scouts.
  14. Remembered another odd one from long ago The Screaming Yellow Zonkers! Their patrol patch was the Rolling Stones Logo but they never would explain why to anyone who was not in the patrol
  15. some of the scouts asked me what the oddest patrol name I had encountered was. I thought for a minute and said it was a tie between " The Flying Purple Feathered Bananas" and the " Vermicious Knids" So what's the weirdest / most creative patrol name you have run into? Oldscout
  16. I am forced to differ with you sir, " COMPLY and then complain" seldom produces any positive result. At least with police. Once you have knuckled under to their " authority" they have little or no interest in anything else you say or do. A complaint to their commanders simply puts you on their troublemakers list and your life can and often does become very carefully watched by a number of officers all hunting for any infraction no matter how minor. Mind you I am not saying the BoR would act in such a fashion, but the " you will never make Eagle" guy doesn't strike me as a humble or teachable fellow. Again I wasn't there. Hopefully this is a case of a young man reacting in a somewhat childish manner to a demand he sees (rightly) as over the line. Followed by a adult bristling at a challenge from a young pup, and once a few deep breaths are taken by all, this can still have a happy ending
  17. " A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently,die gallantly. Specialization is for insects!" Lazarus Long
  18. We elect the ASPL every six months, then at the end of his term he becomes the SPL. Then we elect the next ASPL. (sometimes it's the old SPL / sometimes not) This way he gets half a year of training by both the current SPL and SM. before he has to run the whole ballgame. I know it's odd but it makes the transition much smoother. If the SPL and ASPL wanted to stay in their respective positions at the end of their terms I guess we would put it to a troop wide vote. If the scouts want it its fine with me. Hasn't happened yet though. In the OP there was a line about the SPL appointing the OA?! Big no no! Details Mr. Thrifty?
  19. Needing to wear really thick glasses, left eye was 20/200 , which meant I was Awful at any sport that required depth perception Being the new kid in the school in fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh grades Irish temper
  20. I confess I've never heard of this question being asked at any board of review eagle or otherwise. Nor do I see why it should be. When I earned eagle, some forty years ago ,I stood six feet talk and weighed 175 but to wear a scout uniform to my high school would have been asking for a beating from multiple people at the same time. I think I knew every scout in that high school and none of us ever wore our uniform in those halls. Was I proud of being a scout? Absolutely. Was I stupid? No.
  21. When scoutson #4 joined troop 1191 his older brothers and I had been gone for 10 years. I resolved not to bore the "new" scouts or scouters with tales of " back in the days when we were real scouts" I was quite surprised therefore when the scouts while we were sitting round a campfire asked for a story from the dim ages. which to them is anything before 2000. So I told of the time we pulled out of Tumbling Run Shelter on the A trail and the scout in charge headed north instead of south, with all the other scouts following him like little ducklings. The scouters just followed along in back making bets as to how long it would take for some scout to note that the rising sun was on our right and speak up. It took about three miles. Then the adults had to prevent a beating. Then they wanted another story,and then another... until I was running out It struck me that the reason they were so eager for my tales was not my storytelling skills. It was because it was their history, of their troop not a bunch of dry disconnected dates and facts
  22. Yup, an Indian Guides Pin. Darn, I was hoping it was a vintage Vigil lapel pin for non uniform wear. I guess I could still wear it, I was in Guides for a year or so. Unlikely though. Thanks anyway Tahawk Oldscout
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