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Everything posted by bb6691

  1. I believe it was near Lakewood, Wisconsin. I only went to Chief Shabbonna a few times, as I was one of those rare Eagle Scouts who took advantage of the brief period of time when the Swimming Merit Badge could be substituted with the Physical Fitness Merit Badge. If anyone still knows Sam Berkes please tell him at age 38 Bob Bales finally learned how to swim, I know that was definitely a source of contention with him about me, among other things! Bob
  2. I believe it was near Lakewood, Wisconsin. I only went to Chief Shabbonna a few times, as I was one of those rare Eagle Scouts who took advantage of the brief period of time when the Swimming Merit Badge could be substituted with the Physical Fitness Merit Badge. If anyone still knows Sam Berkes please tell him at age 38 Bob Bales finally learned how to swim, I know that was definitely a source of contention with him about me, among other things! Bob
  3. I believe it was near Lakewood, Wisconsin. I only went to Chief Shabbonna a few times, as I was one of those rare Eagle Scouts who took advantage of the brief period of time when the Swimming Merit Badge could be substitute with the Physical Fitness Merit Badge. If anyone still knows Sam Berkes please tell him at age 38 Bob Bales finally learned how to swim, I know that was definitely a source of contention with him about me, among other things! Bob
  4. Cliff, I think for the most part the last time any of us newer staffers saw each other was at the Great Grizs funeral, at least that was the last time for me. I remember Cooter and I (Grumpy were you with us??) were riding to the cemetery in Jim Furmans truck, and Coot mentioned that the police were stopping traffic for the funeral procession, I looked out the window and sure enough there was a police officer blocking traffic and saluting Griz. Jim mentioned the officers name and said that he was an Eagle Scout from Grizs early years as a Scouter. To this day, that moment still chokes me up. Bob Bales CBG 83,85, & 86
  5. Rich, your stories of what has become of Chin-Be-Gota Scout Reservation has stuck in my heart for many months now, and after reading of John Blands death I knew I would have to respond to this forum. A few years ago I found Johns E-Mail address on Classmates.com and I sent him a long e-mail thanking he and all the other older Scouters for helping a sullen, angry kid like me through some of the roughest patches of his life. His response was in true John Bland fashion, he asked what he could have done to warrant such praise? I unfortunately was always too busy to put down onto paper the words that would be able to convey just what men like John Bland, Griz Adams, Jeff Merkling, my former Scoutmaster Tom Hawksworth, & all the others too numerous to mention did to help me through my bitterness. I can only hope that John was pleased by my e-mail even if I never found the time to respond with the words for the praise. It is hard to describe what was so special about CBG, but yet even though it has been closed for 20 years now, it is obviously still in our hearts. I have my 1985 staff picture hanging on a wall in my house, along with the map of Chin-Be-Gota given out to all campers their first day of camp. It took me awhile to find it, but right in front of me is a little black container that film comes in, it contains ashes from the final campfire typed on a label is Chin-Be-Gota The Final Campfire August 8, 1986 I live outside of Albuquerque, New Mexico but get back home from time to time, Dan (Cooter) if youre still in Plano Id love to meet up with you on one of my excursions home. If anyone knows about a possible reunion of staffers I would definitely make it home for that. Robert Bob Bales Rio Rancho, NM
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