Thanks! With your help and BabelFish, I have gotten most of the lyrics down I think. What's making it so difficult is we sang it in German at Camp Fred Darby. Scott Moffett (sp?) was the music leader, and a very good one, and I suspect he also took German in high school. So basically what I'm working with here is a 25 year old memory of a song I didn't know the language it was sung in.
For the record, here's what I have so far:
Leader: Ich bin ein musicale vom der Vaterland! (unknown word) SPIELEN!
Orchestra: (unknown word) SPIELEN!
Leader: Spielen der viola!
Viola Section: Spielen der viola! Vio- Vio- Vio-la! Vio-la! Vio-la! Vio- Vio- Vio-la! Vio- Vio-la! Hey!
Repeat with oompapa, bagpipes, twangers (played like juice-harps), then the whole orchestra.
Again, thanks for the help, and if any old eastern Oklahoma scouters remember going to Darby and singing that song and can provide any more insight, I'd appreciate it.