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  1. I thought it was Guten Nacht. Ah well, as I said, I don't know much German. And as for the (unknown word), the more I think about it, the more I think it sounded like Leader: Inkoff spielen. (I know Inkoff is not right, but does that even sound like a German word that a conductor would use to tell his orchestra to play?) Orchestra: (responds) Dumkoff spielen. (And that sounds very much like "dummy" or "idiot" in German, which I can't imagine an orchestra responding to the conductor with that word.) Anyway, it's been fun getting corresponding with other scouters. Thanks.
  2. Eagledad, Yeah, for better or worse I bleed orange. The Alamo Bowl was hard to take, but I'm looking forward to a great basketball and wrestling season. It looks like you graduated a couple of years before I got to OSU though. I started in the fall of 84. But I'm sure you and I know some of the same people. I was very involved in a variety of groups. And OGE, yes, even a few of us Okies know the difference between a viola and a violin. lol But in all honesty, I was just using the terminology Scott Moffett used in the song, hence oompapa instead of tuba.
  3. OGE, Thanks! With your help and BabelFish, I have gotten most of the lyrics down I think. What's making it so difficult is we sang it in German at Camp Fred Darby. Scott Moffett (sp?) was the music leader, and a very good one, and I suspect he also took German in high school. So basically what I'm working with here is a 25 year old memory of a song I didn't know the language it was sung in. For the record, here's what I have so far: Leader: Ich bin ein musicale vom der Vaterland! (unknown word) SPIELEN! Orchestra: (unknown word) SPIELEN! Leader: Spielen der viola! Viola Section: Spielen der viola! Vio- Vio- Vio-la! Vio-la! Vio-la! Vio- Vio- Vio-la! Vio- Vio-la! Hey! Repeat with oompapa, bagpipes, twangers (played like juice-harps), then the whole orchestra. Again, thanks for the help, and if any old eastern Oklahoma scouters remember going to Darby and singing that song and can provide any more insight, I'd appreciate it.
  4. Thanks for all the replies, and yes, the journey, I think, is half of the prize. The goal is the other half. I will not say that everything that ever happened in my scouting experience was positive or that everyone I met was someone I would choose to be friends with, but I would say there was a lot more positive than negative in both of those matters, and even in the negative situations I learned something. Still, it would have been nice, no, very nice to be able to say I am an Eagle scout. But I think my experience has helped more than one young man make the decision to "git 'r done."
  5. I was looking for info on old camp song and found my way here. Some of my fondest memories are of scouting. Especially Charles Sommers Base in Ely, Minnesota. I know probably everyone here is a gung-ho scouter, but just in case, speaking from experience, GET YOUR EAGLE! I made it to Life and lacked one merit badge and my Eagle project making it all the way, and work, sports, and girls got in the way. Or at least that was the way I saw it then. Anyway, if you didn't get it the first time, GET YOUR EAGLE! There are so many resources now to help you get it there is no reason not to. Oh yeah, and one other thing: does anyone know the lyrics to "The German Orchestra?" It starts out something like "Ich bin ein musicale/ blah-blah-blah-blah blah... Spielen der viola (echo)... etc." Any help would be appreciated.
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