I have been an active BSA member. I am currently a Cub Scout Roundtable Commissioner for my district. I moved my son to a troop that was highly recommended and closer to our home. When I said I would be camping at the next campout I was told that I could not come because I was a woman. When I explained that I had extensive training (Woodbadge training & beads, Scoutmaster indoor & outdoor training, Doctorate of Commissioner Science Knot Award, District Award of Merit and many more.) they told me that it did not matter what training I received. The Charter Organization (First Baptist Church in South Carolina) has a policy that states no women allowed at Troop campsites after dark or if the scouts travel and stay in a hotel that female parents must stay in a different hotel.
I said to the Committee Chair that BSA policy states that parent are allowed to go on Troop campouts no matter what gender. I allow stated the change in policy women can be Scoutmasters or Assistant Scoutmaster. They also told me the Charter Organization prefers that Boy Scouts be led by Men only and this is stated in the Troop By Laws that I have not seen as of yet.
They were even begging infront of me for a man to be Assist. Scoutmaster.
I called the Council and they told me that the Charter Organization can deny women. I thought that the CO has to follow the of BSA By Laws.
Why have BSA National By Laws if they can be rewritten by the Charter Organization? If the BSA National By Laws can be used as more less "Guide Lines" than actual rules, then why have them.
What would you do in my case? Should I look for another Troop, which means my son will be removed from his newly found friends.