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Everything posted by Novice_Cubmaster

  1. "I feel pretty. I feel pretty. I feel pretty and witty and morally straight." NC
  2. I'd keep using the tickets, but rather than give out prizes, let the lucky scout be a "team captain" for a game, pick a song from the pack songbook, or pick a cheer from the cheer box. NC
  3. Went to the link in Sarge's post. Looks like they only changed the Christian medals & left the rest of us alone. NC
  4. What's the situation in your pack as far as a Committee & Committee Chair? The CM and the Den Leaders primary focus should be toward the scouts. The CC and Committee (if there is one) should be handling infrastructure like communications and webpages, scheduling a place for pack meetings, & planning events. In a small pack, the CC and CM will probably decide most of the pack's operations - including everything on the schedule for the year - monthly pack meetings, campouts, the PWD, etc. THey'll also define expectations - like uniforms for leaders, training, pack dues, popcorn sale participation & incentives, etc.. Not exactly the way it should be, but these are the two people that should be able to figure out a plan. But they will need bodies to make it work. NC
  5. 8 hour course??? Ours was about 6 hours, including an hour making & eating hobo meals, plus a guest scoutmaster telling us about leave no trace. Consider yourself lucky to have a class that might deliver some actual training of value. NC
  6. A scout is thrifty. So are his parents. Find something that looks close and go with it. Don't know about the zipoffs, but Walmart blue twill pants (and green for the Web's) matched the official overpriced BSA pants really well. And cost less than half as much. And lasted at least as long. PS - stop comparing Scouting to Sports - two different types of programs with two different goals. NC
  7. And mom's found a new way to make 2 trays of brownies with 1 box of mix. Mmm. NC
  8. Mandatory attendance would just be one more factor for boys dropping out. I know how my 16 yr old would react if he missed a "mandatory" event - he'd figure that since his scouting career was already in the toilet, there's no sense in going back. His logic is very black & white - which isn't uncommon in teens. (Adult logic is also often black & white - just on different issues) NC
  9. Unfortunately, "that each potential den of 8 boys has 16 potential den leaders..." is wishful thinking. First, not every scout has two parents. Second, not every parent can fit being a leader into their schedule, due to travel or job reasons (one of our parents would love to be a den leader, but he's a fireman and his schedule is erratic to say the least). Third - and most importantly, not every parent should be den leader. Den Leaders really are the backbone of Cub Scouting, and it does take the right kind of person to handle the job. We've lost a number of boys over the years because the parents who were dragooned into the job didn't create the right chemistry. Tempering my earlier post a bit, yes - a den leader should have some say in how many boys are in their den - but sometimes you have to have a few more than you'd optimally want. Its really not fair to a boy to put him in the middle if his parent (or others) won't, can't or shouldn't step up. NC
  10. Sorry to say it, but "suck it up". Since there are only 4 (maybe 2) scouts from the den that's folding - that's pretty small for a den. Would you rather transfer a couple of "your" scouts over so their head count would be a more likely to prosper 6 (or maybe 4)? As for it costing you, yes - as a former Web Den Leader and as a Cubmaster, I sucked up a few buck here & there - it wasn't worth turning in reciepts, etc.. However, if it's getting that high for you, work with your committed/CM/Treasurer - if what you're purchasing is within reason, you should be reimbursed. NC(This message has been edited by novice_cubmaster)
  11. Congratulations on taking on an enjoyable and challenging position. Take the training - if nothing else, you'll meet other new Wolf Leaders you can network with. Go to any roundtables meeting over the summer & see if you can't hook up with some Scouters that have been Wolf Leaders. Pick there brains & get their email addresses. Have Fun, NC
  12. I do wish we'd stop comparing the price of scouting against the price of organized sports. It's comparing apples vs oranges. The cost of sporting uniforms, etc. has no bearing on price changes at the scout store. Scouting is a completely different type of program than Little League or Pop Warner - with completely different goals. And to be honest, many parents sign their kids up for scouts for fun/adventure/camping, not for the "lofty ideals" that define scouting for some of us (and allow us to justify whatever price the BSA charges). NC(This message has been edited by novice_cubmaster)
  13. Well, if you're the new CC - you need to introduce yourself to the Pack. (there's a new sheriff in town...) At the next pack meeting (or next den meeting, if you do all the den meetings at the same day/time) introduce yourself to the parents and scouts and let them know what a CC does, AND WHAT A CUBMASTER DOES. You can explain that your job is to make the pack run (calendar, budget, fundraising plans, events, etc.), and how this is different than the Cubmaster's responsibilities (X,Y & Z) - and how you support each other without doing each other's job. Bring printouts of official CC & CM position definitions with you & hold them up in plain view as you explain the two roles - then leave them out where anyone can read them. Also - let the parents know that implementing all the things you're responsible for goes beyond what any one person is capable of - and that you'll be asking them to help in various ways. NC
  14. "Although there are more injuries in Soccer, Hockey, Gymnastics and many other sports, at least the goal of those sports is not to cause injury." Although my son's hockey team plays a pretty clean game, we've sure played some teams where the plan is to win by attrition. In contrast, the adult league is very careful about rough play (but then, we've all got to go to work the next day). NC
  15. Wow, from what y'all are describing, I'd almost take BALOO over again. All we did in a bit more than 4 hrs was: 1. How to fill out a tour permit 2. Some basic camping safety (like no accellents and no combustion of any source inside a tent). 3. How to make a hobo meal (foil cooking) No practical camping skills. No Pack Camping tips. Anybody else have a less than expected BALOO experience? NC
  16. No to Karate - but Ice Hockey is OK??? Oldest son just had to sit out for nearly 4 weeks due to a concussion from hockey. Other son does a "hard" martial art - the only owwie was from breaking a board at a belt test. Go figure. NC
  17. Can you use Pit Privy and sanitary in the same sentence? At a nearby BSA camp in the summer, the pits could gag a dog off a gut wagon. BALOO training should - if nothing else, go over "moron level" camping do's & don'ts, Tour Permits and what's expected in your council. If it actually covers anything about how to put on a good, fun pack campout - you've lucked out. Over the years, we've developed a list of what works & what doesn't; the official training doesn't go into any of that stuff. For example, always use sausage patties for breakfast - not links (the links roll off the griddle unless the stove is very level, and I have yet to find a level campsite). NC
  18. Within the Judeo-Christian ethic, homosexuality is against God's will. Period. Just like eating pork & shrimp... Oh, yeah. That got dropped to make Christianity (Judaism Part Deux) palatable to Greeks & Romans - ie: pandering to the masses for higher membership. Not every religion has a problem with homosexuality, or sees it as an impediment to being morally straight. But the BSA will also pander to the larger religions for higher membership. NC
  19. A Jewish response PACK15NISSAN's comment: "so yes Jewish parents that don't teach there children about Jesus are bad parents. As are any other parents that mislead their children with false hopes of what will get them to heaven" From PACK15NISSAN's point of view, he's absolutely right. From my point of view, PACK15NISSAN believes in a false messiah and is a heretic. Quick, somebody hand me a stone! Religious tolerance is what lets us co-exist peacefully and civilly, without conceding that the other guy is right/I might be wrong/let's all sing Kum-bay-yah. So, I'm ok with PACK15NISSAN's stance. I'm a whole lot more comfortable with somebody who sticks by what they believe than someone who's so mushy that they may as well not believe in anything. Personal anecdote - raised RC from birth to mid-teens, it didn't take (not that the nuns didn't try); now a happy & committed Conservative Jew. So, I'm not so hung up on an "atheist" Cubscout at age 7-11 - he might end up being the Pope, the Archbishop of Canterbury or the Messiah. Let's give the little fella a chance. NC
  20. How many of you wanted to be a fireman (or policeman, whatever) when you were 10? How many of you, now that you're adults, are fireman (whatever) like you wanted to be at 10? Same goes for a 10 year old atheist. Life hasn't dealt them enough cards to tell'em how to play their hand. NC
  21. "One would think even the smallest of children would be able to tell who created him/her." - they can! Mom & Dad. Children don't inherently give a hoot about religion & God. The best most can do is parrot back whatever they hear or are taught that gets a positive response from Mom & Dad. Is this kid really an atheist - probably not. Any more than the Catholic kids are really Catholic, Jewish kids are really Jewish, Baptist kids are really Baptists, or Muslim kids are really Muslims. It's deluded adults that make the religious molehill into a Scouting Mountain. And its a shame that it might be the hill the BSA chooses to die on. NC
  22. Our pack does about the same things as Eamonn's except Day Camp. Day Camp quality / experiences varied too much, plus our families' summertime plans & expenses are all over the place. NC
  23. Suggest they go Buddhist! It'll satisfy the BSA without actually requiring a belief in God. And just about everybody would agree that leading a Buddhist life would make you a pretty good person. NC
  24. The Duggar's CREEP ME OUT!!! I have 2 kids & spend a ton of time with them (and still wish I had more). But how do you manage to do that with 18 kids? Seems that the older ones do a fair amount of surrogate parenting. Glad it works for them. But at least the Duggar's are responsible and have sufficient income to pull it off. The "octomom" CREEPS ME OUT even more. NC
  25. Check the almanac - predict what the hottest day of summer will be & plan a trip to the ice rink. Don't know how far Pelham is from you, but it's got a nice facility w/two rinks. See if they'll rent you the rink for an hour some evening & play broom hockey. NC
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