All of our Merit badge counselors are registered through the district. If our troop does not have one listed, scouts go outside of the troop, usually to a near by troop.
we have never used the district list but will get it right away. We have a large troop with past leaders still willing to counsel as well as many parents.
Our SM does sign the card but has allowed the scouts to pick there own counselors. This situations shows that this needs to change. For the younger scouts, sometimes parents are the one's picking the counselors and making sure the cards get back to the SM to be signed. Parents are picking counselors that are easier to work with, which is fine as long as it isn't for every badge. I think a wide assortment of counselors benefits the scout the most.
Even though the scout has completed the blue card, isn't it his obligation to make sure he has registered counselor (our troop uses the website to do this)? Because their parents just thought this person was approved would make the badge void, in my opinion. Ultimately, I will give all of this info to the SM and let him decide!