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norman1958's Achievements

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Junior Member (1/3)



  1. Hello, I have been in Scouting since 1991, and have never left! I have one son that's an Eagle,and I have been committee chair for about 4 years for our pack and troop. We have about 15 in our troop and 28 in our pack. I have been to Philmont 3 times, once with both of my sons. I like the info I can find on forums,and am looking forwarr for some fresh fun things to do for our pack.
  2. Hello, We have run a similar format for years. We have a fairly small pack, 29 boys this year,but we number each den scout, 1,2,3 etc, 1 stays on lane one, races 2,3,etc on lane two, then 2 goes on lane one, races 1,3,4 etc on lane two. Who ever has the most wins is first, etc. We rarely have a tie, but if we do, they race on both lanes. We have no score board,etc. The adults and boys keep track on there own, and pretty well know who the winners are. This moves along pretty quickly and allows each Cub maximum races for the hard work. We then race each den winner for the leader of the pack.
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