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Everything posted by noname

  1. Not a fan of the bolos, anything else? What kind of bandana? I am in both scouts and cubscouts as cubmaster
  2. I've never had a meeting with anyone frome council. Wait does 1 phone call over 1 year ago count?
  3. Rocketsx sound cool- FUGI film canisters is what you want. Ive seem them for sale by themselves online as well. Thanks for all of the help-
  4. "getting the pack off the ground", I love it! I have 2 tigers(the largest den of 3)and 1 bear of my own. We are simply handing a flyer out at school and having a sign up nite at the pack meeting. I love the - off the grounhd idea- will try and will post results as well. Parents dont want to do anything, last pack master would pick up the kids! Now the kids crosssover to a troop where someone will pick them up as well. 1 dad told me that he cant drive as it is on his golf nite! Hate to bother dad on that nite for the sake of his only son...
  5. I too live within 6 hours and our council is taking deposits but wont set a price! I've seen 1850 from Massachutes and 3000- from California but not a peep from western pa. For me to put into perspective I saw a presentation for a 3 week trip to Scotland 2050 from Newark or 3 weeks at Philmont(due to a cancellation) for 1500. I am all for everyone helping but when councils directly benefit form the kids? Our council charged $2000 for the last one and we live 5 hours from DC, they bought brand new tents for summer camp! My son understands the value of money and may go to scotland or philmont instead!
  6. Thaks for all of the help so far- quite a range as well. School nites- Sorry my family comes 1st. The Senior executive at council told me that he wont come- someone local should do it. I have 5 kids in elemtary school and they come 1st. The Senior exec also snowballed everyone at the valentines day party for YPT so we could recharter. The only leader we got stepped down as mentioned. Please remember we are in a town of 1200 with the total school population of 300. I will do my best as I teach the cubs. So if you were me- what kind of 1 man show can I put on to impress the kids and parents???
  7. Not safe anywhere. Maybe he should've had a pistol- BSA approved of course...
  8. Sorry,Council recharted us as a Pack with a webeloe leader(total control freak and not a team player) and the other leader, tigers had to leave us due to work. I am planning to have the local Scout troop their as well. Leadership is another issue in itself.Recruiting cubs is what I need help with. The DE has told me he wont come,"someone local should do it" and is not a salesmen at all The DC positiion is vacant, COR is football coach- no time.Church- new preacher The community knows we are here, just had a float in the parade and won youth division. I told Council face to face "I need help" and they looked at me with blank faces, the DE, former DC and Recruiting chair then talked about the weather! So with no help from council how can I get more kids, more parents to come to the meeting?
  9. Love the boat idea! Non- family cub is cub not in my family(not related)- thanks for asking! Any ideas on topic?
  10. We are a pack of 1 leader(me) and 8 non family cubs. We have less than 120 boys in our school. Any ideas?
  11. Never have been and wondering if anything I should know in advance. Good, bad and the ugly? Should I bring a cot, tent ect??? This is my 1st week long summer camp in nearly 40 years, thanks for any and all help!
  12. Ive been told that help is hard to get everywhere. Ie- church, pto, soccer on and on. Shame that everyone wants someone else to raise their children. MarkF you gotta live in NW Pa! If not it sure does sound like it. Good luck, help may come from somebody!
  13. I thank every one of you for all of the help. I'll let you know how it all works out. Do your best.
  14. thanks for the help. I have to disagree with those that say a general call for help wont work. All of my helpful answers were from those that answered such a general call. We all are here on our free will just as we are leaders by choice. It all goes back to folks will do what folks want to do. Like the little leaque baseball team that has too many coaches- rather help for few weeks than help for a lifetime as scouting does...
  15. We are only 11 kids with 7 families. No one will help out and the only den leader stepped down. We do have webeloes covered but he does everything on his own and will not work with the others. Any ideas motovating the others? Should I look outside the group and to whom for help? At the pinewood I passed around a signup for help to over 60 adults after the speech of 'it is easier to build a boy than fix a man' Came back empty and 2/3rds of the group left the pack after the B and G. Council is aware and when I told them face to face they couldnt even look me in the eye or give me direction on where to get help. Can you scout on this board help a scout out?
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