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Everything posted by nolesrule

  1. Well, if you want to be astronomically correct, solar noon occurs when the sun is directly overhead, and that time is different everyday (by a few seconds at least) regardless of standard or daylight savings time. but will vary by latitude and longitude (thanks to the axis tilt and earth rotation speed), even in the same time zone. Here are today's solar noon time for 2 cities separated by about 25 miles Clearwater, FL: 1:36:29PM Tampa, FL: 1:35:27PM Sunrise and sunset times are also affected by both longitude and latitude, and this is even more noticeable. Also, during DST, things occur an hour later, not earlier, because you've moved the clock ahead. What used to be 12pm is now 1pm.(This message has been edited by nolesrule)
  2. You know summer camp starts on Sundays. Before you join up, you ask what time you are expected to be on-site. If that time is an issue, ask if there is a way to accommodate. If they can, great. If they really need you there, think long and hard about whether or not the job is right for you. Once you make the commitment to camp staff, you've lost the opportunity to make that choice. And that advice is true in life far beyond summer camp staff. [rant] As a Jew, I have a lot of trouble sympathizing with all these "Conflicts with going to church on Sunday a couple times a year" issues. No one ever seems to think twice about all the choices that Jews, Muslims and members of other non-Christian religious groups make just to be able to participate in Scouting regularly, especially in areas where the population can't support a whole unit based on any of those sets of religious principles. How well would it work if I said that from Friday evening to Saturday night I could not light a fire, extinguish a fire, construct a pioneering project, walk more than a mile from my tent while carrying anything, planting, cooking with heat. Heck, to pitch my own tent I'd need to be on-site Friday with enough time to get it erected before sunset. I won't even get into the food issues. But none of that goes over well in a patrol on a camping trip. [/rant]
  3. Yeah, those guys that wear those ugly plaid skirts in Scotland are very effeminate. I think the Webelos neckerchief is fine. There was nothing wrong with it when I was in Webelos 20-some years ago and it still looks good now.
  4. I personally would wear any regular issue flap (historical or current) or any contingent flap that I was a part of. The rest would go in my collection. For example, our Lodge had a Work Force flap for those that attended any of the prep days for this year's section conference. I have the flap, but I would never wear it because I was unable to attend any of the work days. The uniform is descriptive of a scout's or scouter's experience, so IN MY OPINION (and it's just my opinion), wearing an event flap for an event you did not attend might be considered a bit misleading. Currently, one of my uniforms has my flap from when I went through my ordeal in 1988. At the time it was considered a dull design, and it was just after they ceased the Ordeal/Brotherhood/Vigil flap set, which was more colorful. Now I get plenty of questions about the flap, because it's rarely ever seen on a uniform. My newest uniform shirt has the current flap.
  5. "Eventually he works out that John Smith is the person to talk with." Absolutely. John Smith is a Venturing Crew adviser, unit commissioner, OA Chapter Adviser and most importantly is on the lodge chuckwagon crew. Oh, you didn't mean our John Smith?
  6. evmori, I think he missed the sarcasm. I, for one, thought your post had been dripping with it.
  7. ASM915, it's not Chia, it's Chai. One's a type of sprout. The other means life in Hebrew.
  8. Welcome. Love your screen name.
  9. While I agree and have already mentioned the choice of which church they should attend, as has been pointed out only 2 (and not 4) adults are needed for the scenario you describe under youth protection guidelines.
  10. So long as you have two or more scouts together, you would only need one adult for each sub-group. The purpose is to have no one-on-one contact between adults and scouts. The exceptio being a scout can be one-on-one with their own parent.
  11. If you are going to mandate church services if you can't make it back on time on Sunday, then you need to meet the need for all the scouts in your troop. Again, this goes back to being chartered to a Presbyterian church. I'd say it's reasonable for any parent to assume that would imply that meeting the Sunday requirement would involve attending a Presbyterian church while traveling, and that additional arrangements would need to be made to accomodate the needs of other religions, not vice versa. As for the parents who need to come camping so you have enough adults on Sunday or find another troop, it's the troop's responsibility (or more accurately the committee chair's responsibility) to get the adults they need to run the program. You want the parents to step up? There's an old saying involving flies, vinegar and honey which comes to mind. Actively recruit the parents, don't hand them ultimatums, or you may ulitmately find yourself in a 100% Catholic troop chartered to a Presbyterian church. Or, as I said in my first post and Beavah said later on, you could always form a new unit chartered to a Catholic organization.(This message has been edited by nolesrule)
  12. It's not really relevant to this discussion, other than to point out that it is inappropriate for a Jew to be present at a Catholic mass (from a Jewish religious perspective). It is outright forbidden for Orthodox Judaism, though it's extremely difficult to be an observant Jewish scout unless the troop has a Jewish CO... and that's not easy to pull off successfully except in areas with a large Jewish population.
  13. SMT224, what would you do with a scout that refuses to attend mass? Just curious.
  14. Dressing appropriately says something about your character. That includes the color of your socks. It has nothing to do with fashion trends and styles. That's bellbottoms vs. boot-cut. Narrow vs. wide tie. etc., ad nauseum.
  15. For more formal attire (business, suits, uniforms), socks should be similar in color to the pants. For casual attire, socks should be similar to the shirt. White socks are for athletic clothes with tennis shoes. Therefore, the socks should be a dark shade of green. Anyone who complains about that doesn't know how to dress properly. Whether or not you should absolutely require BSA-issued socks is a different subject.
  16. I wasn't even going to bring up the points Lisabob and Trevorum have made and just stick to the existing situation, but the thought did cross my mind of how you would handle religious diversity beyond Catholic and Presbyterian choices if they were needed. The current solution doesn't seem scalable.(This message has been edited by nolesrule)
  17. You have to complete the requirements to earn the rank. On the Eagle Application, he has to provide what positions of responsibility he held and what dates he held them.
  18. I've done the hat pin thing in the past. It gets too cluttered. Plus all those pin backs'll poke a bunch of holes in your head.
  19. Forget the uniforms. I'd like to take a boat out on that water. Our camp doesn't have a waterfront anymore. It's a mud-pit thanks to our ever dwindling water table.
  20. Okay then. One hour. But hey, my religious services on saturdays when held in a group format are usually about 2.5 hours, so 1 or 2 hours is still shorter to me. Though I can do it in about 30 minutes solo.(This message has been edited by nolesrule)
  21. I like the new socks. Much more comfortable than the old green and red ones. As for shorts, cargo shorts yes, khaki, no. Khaki on khaki is taki. There used to be khaki activity shorts to wear with activity shirts, but they looked terrible with the uniform shirt (not that you were supposed to wear them together).(This message has been edited by nolesrule)
  22. The bottom line is that your troop is chartered to a Presbyterian church. If a parent doesn't want their scout attending a Catholic mass, you need to accomodate this, even if it means twiddling their thumbs in the parking lot for 2 hours under YPT guidelines. Just because the troop is half-Catholic doesn't make it a Catholic troop. The goal of having a religious service every Sunday is a good one in theory, but you need to meet the needs of your troop in accordance with the beliefs of your chartered organization, not your own personal beliefs. Otherwise, you are not running the program on the COs behalf. You can make compromises or switch to a troop chartered to a Catholic organization. Yes, it's a sticky issue. I personally will not enter a church sanctuary other than to attend a wedding or funeral (out of respect for those getting married or who have passed away) or for an activity that is not religious in nature such as our annual Council Program Preview. Ialso don't do the non-denominational services because they are too church-like. I bring a siddur and quietly have a service of on my own on camping trips. Nothing like being out in nature to reconnect with God anyway.(This message has been edited by nolesrule)
  23. "From an earlier post, I got the impression that the Scout did personally appear before the District Advancement Committee and have an opportunity to present his case. I think that mdsummer45 mentioned that they even took time to talk with her after the District EBOR/Appeal meeting." I think you're right. Although I read through the summary before posting, apparently i missed the post where a meeting was held and they denied the scout due to lack of Scout Spirit based on meeting attendance during his junior year of high school. "If it can be proven that the appeals procedure was not followed, Council or National should intervene. Unfortunately, they normally know how to cover their #$$. " ghermanno, thanks for answering my theoretical question. Still, I have a problem with troop leaders springing a "your not good enough" excuse at the last minute when there was ample opportunity to guide the boy to the necessary improvement prior to this whole showdown. Edit: note I was composing this while the reply above me was being written.(This message has been edited by nolesrule)
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