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    Brookfield, IL

NobleUncas246's Achievements

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  1. My council originally had a Venturing / Exploring/LFL executive that did all of the older teen programs. We had a council wide district for it, and had a monthly Teen Leaders' Council meeting. When the program was new, we had a lot of youth involved, and adult support - we ran it all months except for July and August - had a district kick-off and everything. It was very youth run. Now since we absorbed the Crews into the traditional districts. We don't know what to do with them. We still have the monthly TLC meeting, but district to district, the program is suffering. In my district we are putting together an adult only roundtable component to exist at our current Roundtable that addresses key needs of the program and to offer support. We still don't have a council-wide Venturing committee, and I think we are suffering because of that. So a core five adults are going to take turns running and staffing the Roundtable and use themes and everything. We are losing the units that we do have, so maybe the support will help. Message me if you want to talk more. I'd be happy to help, I'm a former council Venturing President.
  2. I think he should wear the tan uniform to the meeting out of the visibility of that uniform being the "public" uniform, and have an Eagle patch of some sort. I would do the knot with the medal, and just leave the knot on till the ceremony. For the Venturing uniform, I would actually skip the badge... At least in my experience, I wore knots out of respect because the youth females (well all females) can't earn a RANK badge of any kind and wear it on that pocket. If you want green knots, visit - http://www.sageventure.com/store/knots.html for proper matching green themed knots. If you become a Life Member of the National Eagle Scout Association, remember to get the new knot with the Silver Border, and wear the blue rope tips of the knot pointing towards the OA flap pocket (either NESA or regular version). "The new square knot may be purchased by NESA Life Members who show their NESA Life Member card at their local Scout shop. If they dont have them in stock, they can order one for you. The item number is 18092. You may buy one for each uniform you have." Just my thoughts, I was in a similar predicament when I was the OA lodge chief and I wore the knot with medal in a tan uniform. Get it pressed for the big day!
  3. I normally don't weigh in on uniform stuff, but the class A uniform should be tucked in. If it's an outside activity, that's what troop polo's and t-shirts are for. I think in time kids just grow accustomed to tucking in even those shirts. If it's a troop meeting and it's a game, then if it untucks - no big deal, but when the game is over and the closing ceremony is coming up, then tuck them back in. My troop wore class Bs under our As all the time. It made it more uniform all the time - also helped keep everyone equal and not only one kid looking dorky... Plus belts are apart of the uniform, so tucking in isn't that much of a problem either... I'm a little nervous about the new uniforms personally. That's a whole other topic. I wonder if they'll update the cub and venturing uniforms to go along with it.
  4. It's very common in Venturing for youth members to date... in fact 6 out of the 7 Venturing Silver Award recipients in my council were coupled off at one time. I dated a girl for 6 years that was a venturing Silver Award recipient and GSA Gold Award member... It was a great common ground for getting started dating. (we were 2 of the 7 Silver Awards) It didn't last, but it was a good basis for dating in those late high school years. The brother / sister thing happens all of the time that you stated happens quite a bit.
  5. I was just brought in as a committee member who focuses on Communications. Background wise, younger guy (26) who is very comfortable with technology and finishing a degree in electronic marketing. I coordinate all of our different communication methods and try to encourage communications between the units and the district in an attractive way - that supplements program or commissioner support. Responsibilities: -Web page -E-Mail Newsletter -General Corresponance -Recording Secretary at the Committee Meetings... -District Glue - assist whenever and wherever I can. It's a new position at this point, but it's a logical position in my opinion. Our website is a mess, and we don't have any firm promotional plans for anything. Contact me if you have any questions. Good luck in the new job!
  6. Well, I didn't mean to bring up a world of controversy - I just thought I could get some opinions and check with my council...
  7. Bob - I know about the proper committees for the nominations, our District Commissioner was the last council training chair... He stays current on all that stuff.
  8. OldGreyEagle - Noble Uncas is actually based out of the OA for me, whose store is the same as the novel I believe. If I ever get around to it, I have NobleUncas.org which is meant to be an OA resources site if I ever get it up and running. If you look now, you can see various web projects I'm working on. I write a book every time with the nomination of stats and thoughts and try and get others to join in. Usually about 5 or 6 different letters of rec to go with it... I'm not sure about the selection process, but I don't think you can pass someone for a decade when their nomination has only grown stronger... I'm about 1.5 miles from the zoo, I'm on the West side of town, and despite living near it, I went to it for the first time in 8 years about 2 weeks ago.
  9. I know it's not advancement- that's what the kids called it, so I used it here. Thanks for the information, I may ask our District Commissinoer. I've nominated this guy umpteen times with members from our troop, I'm not exactly sure why he hasn't been picked for any of the big awards. There is some cryptic wording in all scouting advancement/training literature, and that word tenure is the one for the adults. If anyone else has an opinion, please share, but I'll go to the district commissioner now. Thanks for weighing in. Kevin
  10. So I'm newish to the adult side of scouting, and I wanted to make sure that some fellow troop leaders were working on their training awards... Our boys wanted to know what we adults do to advance and the awards came up in a discussion with them. Very few if any leaders in our troop do them, so now we are pushing to work on some of them because the boys expect in return to their efforts towards Eagle. They even asked our commissioner if they need to earn an award - kind of funny... So we have a leader who is involved on many levels - district, venturing, and the troop - can they earn multiple awards at one time as long as their is a different registration for that award and no crossing? Scouter's Training, Venturing Training, and District Committee Scouter's Key? We are going to trick him into doing the awards since he doesn't really care all that much. In any other council - he would be a District Award of Merit/Silver Beaver scouter - but he doesn't do the conventional training path, and he doesn't take credit for the good he does do. So can he work on multiple of the training awards at the same time? Or no. Just wondering, he's done all of the different trainings except woodbadge...
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