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  1. I understand and agree with all of your comments. To go into more detail about my 10x harder statement may sound insulting but where I'm from its the truth. Today, about 5% of scouts recieve Eagle, only about 2% earned it. There is a term called "pencil-whipped" and it means that a leader writes off merit badges to advance scouts more quickly. In no way do I feel a 13-year old child is deserving of this rank. My fellow leaders in my troop the higher ups in my district agree with me. For them pencil whipping wasn't a big issue, I'm assuming it was because of the times. I know I'm bias because I'm basing my views off my own observations but they are true enough. The "gold card" was a symbol, nothing more nothing less. But, symbols can mean a lot. Its hard to relate to my views without living here. I do agree with what you have all said and understand your points. Again, this is just a very personal thing. Off-topic but I just hate to see a boy get his eagle then shove it in the rest of his awards like it was nothing. I hate to see a boy get his Eagle then walk away and forget about it all. I should probably leave this place, I'm a strongly opionative person with a great deal of passion for Scouting. Some would say I'm critical, I would just say I'm old-fashioned.
  2. ^^ I second that version. It is in-depth enough for a good knowledge of trees and with the pocket size its very portable.
  3. In my district, my troop is the only troop that requires the uniform to be worn at all meetings. Sashes are formal wear ONLY, and OA are for OA events only. As far as socks and pants and hats go, we wear green pants/shorts. Many of the boys from my area can't afford the overpriced official wear. We take the uniforms seriously as it shows dedication and professionlism. So, we do monthly random inspections.
  4. Hello my fellow Scouters. I am Nathan Lorey. I'm from Indiana, Crossroads Council. I'm an Eagle Scout and an Adult Leader with Troop 311. I'm an Arrowmen and Camp K and Camp Grubsnar instructor. I'm very happy that I found this place. I respect it very much that this was created, so thank you.
  5. Hello, I'm new to the forums. I've been searching the internet trying to find a place like this. I have a huge issue with the redesigned eagle cards. If you do not know what they look like then do not continue reading. This post is geared towards Eagles or those who know what it looks like. The old card had so much meaning and symbolized the scouts successes. The gold card was the gold medal of scouting and to me at least was very important. It was the thing I could show everyone. You can tell people that youre an Eagle but with this gold card you can show them and immediately gain their respect. However, the 2009 cards are in no way respectable. It shows a sky BG with a pixilated Eagle award and a badly cut out eagle head. I work with Photoshop everyday for my job and know bad design when I see it. I did the same design in 5 min and it looked better then what it is now. I understand things change but everyone I know, even my older fellow leaders have the gold card. To them, it symbolized the difficulty of achieving the rank. Back then for them it was 10x harder and the gold card was a symbol. When they saw the new card they commented on how it is more deserving at the bottom of a trash can then in an Eagles wallet. I just want you guys to know this isn't hate speech but I can't find any other way of describing this horrible excuse for an award. But, if the BSA didn't have enough fun, they put an advertisement on the back. Granted it is for NESA and I strongly encourage joining, but to put their business card on the back of such an important item is disgraceful to me. Does any other Eagle or Scouter share my views on this? I know its just a card but to me and my fellow Scouters it meant so much more.
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