I understand and agree with all of your comments.
To go into more detail about my 10x harder statement may sound insulting but where I'm from its the truth. Today, about 5% of scouts recieve Eagle, only about 2% earned it. There is a term called "pencil-whipped" and it means that a leader writes off merit badges to advance scouts more quickly. In no way do I feel a 13-year old child is deserving of this rank. My fellow leaders in my troop the higher ups in my district agree with me. For them pencil whipping wasn't a big issue, I'm assuming it was because of the times. I know I'm bias because I'm basing my views off my own observations but they are true enough. The "gold card" was a symbol, nothing more nothing less. But, symbols can mean a lot. Its hard to relate to my views without living here. I do agree with what you have all said and understand your points. Again, this is just a very personal thing. Off-topic but I just hate to see a boy get his eagle then shove it in the rest of his awards like it was nothing. I hate to see a boy get his Eagle then walk away and forget about it all. I should probably leave this place, I'm a strongly opionative person with a great deal of passion for Scouting. Some would say I'm critical, I would just say I'm old-fashioned.