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Everything posted by Nike

  1. You don't say how old he is, but if he's on the young side, he could just be less mature than the other boys his age. There was a boy like this with my older son's WEB den and then his NSP. He quit for a year or so because he felt like he just didn't fit in with the rest of the boys interest -wise. He came back when he had matured some and fit in much better with his old patrol, both in Scouts and at school.
  2. The College won't begin meeting until mid-March. Thank goodness another horserace came along to distract the media. And best wishes to Pope Benedict. It's a tough job, and he followed a rock star. Hopefully, he'll spend his retirement in a way he enjoys.
  3. Two questions: 1) On the list of active topics from the last 24 hours (the grid, not the one with the original post), some of the topics are highlighted green? Any idea why? 2) Links aren't coming through as clickable. Is this my settings or the forum software? Thanks for everything you've done. And, I do agree that I miss ads for villas in southern France.
  4. Before you get a trailer figure out how to register and insure it, in case you ever want to tow it. Where do you meet? Can you "rent" space there?
  5. I woul dbe prepared to pull every advancement report, all the registrations, and the charters for the past four or five years and verify that this is the only unregistered Scout in the troop otherwise you will run into this problem again. And, are the adult leaders trained?
  6. If I really liked my DE, and he was given such a bone headed goal that I didn't see how it was possible, I would write a glowing letter to his boss, if he has one, Council Membership Chair and the SE and maybe the Council President about how wonderful it has been to have DE Dan in our district. I would give examples of all the times he has really gone above and beyond, all the times he has clarified and soothed, and just make him out to be a hard working guy who had helped to lead and advise the district from where we were two years ago to today. And then I'd ask who thought this goal was accomplishable and had that person bothered to talk to DE Dan and the Key 3 and maybe some other volunteers with their fingers on the pulse of your area, because as a long standing Scouter and resident of the area, I just didn't see where we were going to get these 500 extra bodies. I could see X number, but not 500. And as much as I would like to see every child experience the great program in our local units, district, and councill I also didn't want the whole thing hollowed out and ruined on the altar of pure membership and/or revenue stream. I'd conclude that I hoped to see a healthy, reasonable rise in our district numbers and continue to have DE Dan serve our area.
  7. Does Mom have a really good explanation as to why she doesn't want paperwork done? Witness Protection? Yeah, I'm reaching. Otherwise, no, just no.
  8. James Dale has chimed in, in case anyone is interested. http://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/why-did-i-challenge-the-boy-scouts-anti-gay-policy-because-i-am-a-loyal-scout/2013/02/08/346ebab2-7159-11e2-a050-b83a7b35c4b5_story.html?hpid=z3
  9. And, here's a photo of kids being shoved out there on the other side. http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/post-partisan/wp/2013/02/08/a-merit-badge-for-bigotry/?hpid=z3
  10. I must have missed my BSA ballot in all the e-mail. But then, BSA isn't a democracy of any stripe, is it? I was commenting due to the fact that the most motivated on both sides are going to flood the comment process, very likely not giving a statistically accurate picture of the general membership's thoughts. But, then there are lies, damned lies, and statistics, aren't there?
  11. There should be a distinct difference between weekend Family Camp, which can be a lot of fun as well as a revenue enhancer, and Resident Camp. I don't think they should be seen as interchangeable programs.
  12. We've brought home "Most Evil Car" and "Meanest" in the past. One of our packs would bring a printer and make a superlative certificate for every car. It was only about 30 boys.
  13. Why would any boy want to go to camp with his sisters and brothers? My sons would have turned this down flat. Resident camp is a few days to stretch the wings and foster some independence.
  14. They don't need to ask every Scouter or parent. They only need to ask about 1500. Do a scientifically valid survey of the local unit volunteers and another of the parents. However, are we all going to be preapred to accept the survey results, whatever kind they might do? PS: If my math is off, Stats was a long time ago.
  15. Given Roberts' stand on Obamacare, he might be willing to declare BSA a public accommodation.
  16. Those of you able to upload a screen icon, please share. (It may be my connection.)
  17. They should have to put down a serious security deposit if so much damage is regularly occurring.
  18. Girl Scouts USA shares Scouting values. They also have a keen interest in making sure that girls are able to fully experience the world they live in safely and with equal oppurtunity. Oh, and they don't care about sexual orientation and figure your religious beliefs are your own business.
  19. So glad it isn't just me! I sent a note to "Contact Us."
  20. Sheldonsmom, while not letting some of the more pointed jibes get to you, do prayerfully consider many of the points Basement and packsaddle have made. Christ preached compassion, and the Scout Law values being friendly, courteous and kind. Can not these things be extended to those you disagree with intellectually and morally? What does kindness and compassion cost you?
  21. There will be troops in many localities that will keep a ban on gay leaders and maybe youth, vigorously proclaim their openness, and others that will just go on as usual. All things change, some at different rates. I would ask many who are not happy with the proposed change if they could talk with their Scout and ask what he honestly thinks. I would be interested if as many of the boys are as concerned about this as Scouters and parents.
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