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Everything posted by Basementdweller

  1. Dad....wasn't beggin for money or gear.....I do appreciate the offer. Just curious why would you want to hide your identity????? Someone might add you to their christmas card list. I know what I want to do and was searching for that something new or a new idea. I was leaning toward the Tetragon 7 but the fiberglass poles are a deal breaker for me.... I will hold out for something on steepandcheap probably....Getting thru the weekend by Put the older guys under tarps and the new guys in the tents.....
  2. Ya know Jeff.....Life happens. I wonder if Blue actually has permission to have the CO keys..... While I am SM I do not have keys to the CO because I am not a church member. I am good with it...... One of the trustee's lets us in for the meetings and after makes sure all of the lights are off and windows and doors are locked. Ya he isn't going to take any advice because in both years of his adult scouting experience he has learned and seen it all. Blue has it ever occurred to you that the reason no one is stepping up is you???? You were washing the dishes so a pack parent did not, you unlocked the CO so a pack parent didn't...... I made that very mistake, I did jobs and no one stepped up to fill the jobs because I was already doing it.
  3. Funded whats that, oh thats right that is when I open up my wallet to pay for everything. Well the troop is broke.... Hense my most bang for the buck thing.... I like the tarp idea, especially heading into fall when the bugs are not an issue.... I would never buy walmart tents....or off brand names... Scoutdirect is great.....but exceed my budget....I am hoping steepandcheap will offer a vertex 3 or 4 really reasonable in the next day or so.....you can get them for as much as 80% off.
  4. Looking at this......I bet it happens a lot. So dropping all that boy lead crap..... How does a SM keep an eye on his charges to head this nonsense off at the pass????
  5. As a den walker/volunteer you are well within your right to refuse to take responsibility for a boy who isn't acting in a scout like manner.... I refused to take a boy to camp with out mom.... he was an ADD/ADHD young man who was angry at the world.....Mom takes him off his meds during summer and he becomes the tasmanian devil. Well mom refused he didn't go, now back in school back on his meds and he is manageable for someone who can't hit him with a 2x4 to get his attention. There is no reason you need to put up with someone elses poor parenting....
  6. And so it ends...... I wonder if he took the advice offered and backed off and apologized.... Guess we will never know.
  7. I am sorry, wasn't directed at you..... My DE filled our Packs JTE form out for us last year so he would improve his bonus.....Some hard feelings....
  8. how about this. http://pack59longmont.clubspaces.com/object.aspx?id=12&o=118930
  9. Great suggestion... I can get a Teragon 7 which is a three man tent for $70 and free shipping.....So for less than $300 I can tent the new patrol......
  10. Your District Executive thanks you for filling out the paper work and submitting it.... Your Gold effort adds dollars to his bonus check....Make sure you increase your Friends of Scouting contribution to cover it.
  11. The link has an id number imbedded in it... That way the recipient could not forward it and skew the results....
  12. skeptic they don't fit and they look really stupid on the pocket.... See it WAY to often. Lots of mad moms after the hersey kiss thing.. Not all the boys have shirts...... We apply for them year after year and just don't get them from council...... So this year I have purchased a bunch of heavy navy blue shirts for $6 each....we are planning to sew the patches to the tshirt.......We recycle the neckercheifs year to year.....(This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  13. Troop has a problem.....Many new scouts out stripping the new gear.... The troop has a hodge podge of tents... two of this and that....Voyagers, some bad shape, a couple newer timberlines and a few 8 years old...... Well, I am going to buy one patrol worth of tents.... Looking for recommendations.....We have a couple timberline 4's and they are too big for the little guys to put up.....they are too heavy to take backpacking. I bought some sierra designs backpacking tents to take backpacking, they are not durable enough for monthly boy scout style camping.... What do you have???? recommendations????? Looking for something easy for the less than 5 foot crowd to set up. Reasonable durability. Looked at MSR, sierra design, alps on the close out sites......not much luck getting something I can afford....looking for 4 tents....
  14. Instead of pointing out the incorrect things award the correct ones.... One pack meeting have a pocket full of hershey kisses.....every boy who has their bobcat in the right spot gets a kiss, wolf, bear, webelos...... Announce the next months incentive, last summers day camp patch in the right spot or what every you would like to see corrected.... Before long you will see it straighten out.... Why in the world did the BSA design the toten chit and whittlin chip to look like it belongs on the pocket flap???????
  15. well Horizon that is all well and good your son was elected patrol leader when his group crossed over.....Who replaced him at 3, 6 or 9 months.....Or your telling me he remained patrol leader till he earned his start 16 months out????? so what about his patrol mates who need to experience the job???? We hold elections every 6 months.....
  16. My councils registrar requires a paper application if an adult changes position during the recharter process or any time a position is changed........along with the training cards So Eagle.....I would recommend asking your registrar what they want....
  17. Me to short....I would just find another webelos camp before I did that.
  18. Lots of luck and assumptions....While I am not going to hold a boy back.....I wonder if he was elected or appointed patrol leader, was elections held on a regular basis,..... I wonder if his sprint to eagle was at the expense of his patrol mates scouting experience or their need for a POR. Ya know thank god none of my boys are like that....Heck they could careless about advancement. They enjoy being together in the outdoors and smelling the roses or burnt pancakes. I wonder if my 13 year old will make eagle by the time he is 18....he is just having too good a time....
  19. Direct answers to your questions -Courts of Honor Our Troop tradition for us is a spring and fall. I know troops that do them quarterly. -Board of Review (for each Rank) As ASM you won't sit on these. Probably committee members or past SM's. They hopefully review how the SM and PLC are doing program wise thru questions and discussions, should not be a retest of knowledge but I have seen it happen. -Scoutmaster Conference A good one will discuss more with the boy than just scouting, how he is doin in school and such. This is not a pass or fail, just a nice friendly discussion with the SM -Duties of the ASM (me) As requested -Timeline each of the above as required
  20. The 2011-2012 charter should be printed after the local school recruiting nights are over.....
  21. with all the older fellows in that troop looking for POR's, how does a 10 year old get one???? Am I mistaken, but doesn't it take 18 months of POR's to have enough to reach Eagle???? So if he joined at 10+ he would need to be 10.5 for his first POR or sooner..... There are exceptions to every rule and stand outs....Just not sure how it is possible.
  22. I would recommend, backing off and doing absolutely nothing till you are asked by troop leadership. You are new to the troop and Boy Scouting.. I would get fully trained for my position. IOLS, this is scouting and ASM/SM position specific. Watch the culture of the troop. Don't go in all gang busters and expect to change this or that right away.... By your own words this troop is more successful, in your eyes, than the troop you left. Watch and learn what they are doing right.
  23. Beavah beat me too it.... This isn't your issue, it is the SM's..... I don't have an issue with them wanting to look over the chore list before hand....I am going to bet they have had boys try to skate by on requirements. The flowers.....who knows???????? Bottom line is do your job let the SM do his job?
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