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Everything posted by Basementdweller

  1. My favorite discussion of this is revolves around... If you were lost, hurt or in an emergency would you want this scout with you..... I know of many scouts eagle or not I could say heck yes. Sadly too many it would be no......Bordering on tragic.....Many Eagles would be no...Adult and youth.
  2. very valid point Q If your going to do the absolute bare minimum then your going to need to know exactly what it is... You need to be able to parse the language to make sure it is exactly the minimum.
  3. A couple of years ago....my state was divided by the bug quarantine. It was a pain in the butt, we had to buy firewood locally. Now the entire state is in the quarantine zone so we can transport firewood. We are forbidden to gather firewood on our boy scout camps and state forests.
  4. Q.....you know my situation.......My old district staff is as ignorant as the previous poster........ The new district staff is really trying......
  5. RISMITH you need to shut your mouth about things which you KNOW NOTHING. Open up that scouting magazine that comes in the mail. I am calling you uneducated about what is currently happening in scouting. YOU are the problem with the BSA quoting rule books and repeating things you think just might be right. Research before you post in the future. The jet skis and ATV's are scout sponsored at resident camps....It was a pilot program that now looks like it might have been successful. http://www.scouting.org/sitecore/content/AlumniAlive/Program/2011_12_options.aspx http://www.psrweb.org/ Offers ATV's http://www.eccbsa.org/Camping/Pamlico%20Sea%20Base.aspx offers Jet skis. Your credibility as a poster has now dropped to zero
  6. I am living life on my terms. I do not hide who I am or where I live. No shame, excuses or regrets.
  7. Removing invasive species is all it takes to earn the horniday award????? "Boy Scouts with El Dorado Hills Troop 465 spent a day pulling invasive weeds on the Yosemite Valley floor. Courtesy photo" A whole day???????? I must investigate further....My guys do that a couple of weekends every spring. I am going to say my son has a couple of hundred hour of invasive species removal since joining scouting.(This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  8. I got a huge laugh.......rismith...... Our district needs trained, they are probably a lot like you quoting crap they don't read or even understand......Did you actually read what you posted from the GTA regarding boards of review????? from your quote "method(s) for conducting Eagle Scout boards of review: whether unit committees or the council or district advancement committees administer them" shakin my head...
  9. depends on your status with the pack... Unit commisioner....creepy and inappropriate. CC the same as UC Cub Master or den leader it would be fine.
  10. This thread ticks me off on a whole bunch of levels. Ya It isn't right for leaders to sign off at tenderfoot, second class, first class if the scout doesn't meet the requirements hoping he will grow out into the rank.... The scouts expecting cub level sign offs.... The parents expecting cub level sign offs The leaders for giving cub level sign offs No spine leaders caving in to pressure from the parents. Parents shopping for troops that are easier to advance. Troops accepting Star or Life Transfers to let the boy get eagle..... I expect mastery nothing more or less.... Pitch a tent....do it.....Plan a menu....do it.....buy the grub....do it......make the menu....do it.....tie the basic scout knots as requested......do it..... I am ticked off at all the scout leaders who pass a scout spirit at the first 3 ranks hoping it will get better.......I won't do that........ I am ticked off at the Leaders, youth and adult who sign off on skills unmastered....one and done???? not in my troop. old rismith is pushing my buttons thinking his way is the only way and completely correct.....NO. Been an Adult scouter for a long time, never seen anything ever done by the book. Irregardless of how many time you cut and paste you have no clue about what your talking about. your local solution is exactly that a local solution. Time and time again we see what a joke Adult scouters let the program become..... Sure it is boy led but the adults shouldn't just turn a blind eye to whats going just because the boys don't want to learn knots or how to use a compass. my intention is bullet proof basic scout skills, but the boys will enjoy ATV's and wave runners, Video game lockins.....Pro sport games..... I want the poor boys from the hood to beat the rich boys from the burbs at the spring camporee. The first for our district in memory.
  11. I have witnessed an EBOR ask a scout....this question......which the scout failed to answer correctly You enter a room your mother is on the floor bleeding from an unknown injury. What do you do???? I appreciate that it is not supposed to be asked....but it was our district advancement chair asking(This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  12. I could careless about your claims to sitting on EBOR'S. Many of them members of this forum have as well. I dont know if your spinning a tall tail or not. You can thump the GTA as much as you want there is no consistant standard. Locally skills knowledge are often asked.....such ask a base first aid question...... You understand a unit or activity that is run exactly like the book is like a unicorn.
  13. rismith. .Eagle Board of Reviews are a district organized thing.....What I mean by that is....what ever the district decides goes......Our district has gone from Unit level EBOR to District Level and there is currently talk of going back to Unit level. There is no standard for this set by national.... You are also assuming the boy has actually earned it????? The unit knows and they should be supported by the district and national. We all know the scout that snookers you with a great first impression and later you learn was an idiot he is..... There is no possible way for a district or national board to know a boy in the same manner as his unit leaders..... Many current Eagles have not earned it..... My favorite recent story is of the small boat sailing merit badge....Had 4 boys from the troop, during the knot tieing portion, all four tied all the required knots immediately but the cleat hitch.....which was simple enough. Had two Eagles, couldn't tie a square knot and to my knowledge never did tie them all... The Program director suggested that they should give their Eagles to the tenderfoot scouts that had the skill. As local gate keepers......Don't let the boy slide on requirements.....All previously learned skills are fair game for questions during BOR's.......
  14. ann that is his right to do so.....As a Troop leader you have absolutely no say in what goes on in the Pack. I would like to think he has the boys best interest in mind. But until you know the person you can't make the call....Especially with one sided information on the internet. So as a Troop leader you get the CM removed???? On what grounds???? As a parent in the Webelos den what am I So far nothing I see is breaking any rules.....Sure it makes ya made, but really nothing you can do about it.
  15. Saw richardb posting... I figured he was letting us know what g2ss rules were violated by the boys in the article.
  16. Maybe my troop is different but being PL is a lot of work. Training the new guys, Attending the PLC, Duty rosters, Program planning...... Rotating the leadership gives the guys a break too, ya remember that going on an outing and just having fun. Of course in an adult lead troop it is probably a pretty easy job.
  17. OGE I like that..... But facebook has a 13 year old minimum...... Would an appropriate follow up to ask a scout younger than 13 if he thought it was ok to violate the terms of service, or lie about his age???
  18. rismith...... There is no rule against it, but is it right????? I encouraged my son to not run as PL again so someone else could have a chance to try it. My son and none of the boys in my troop will advance at the expense of another scout. Just how I roll..
  19. There have been some very undeserving boys earn eagle scout. Some of the Adult Troop leadership have tried to do some quality control others have simply rubber stamped it to get the scout out of the program. Bottom line here is once the scout has the Rank of life and completed his project there is little the Troop can do to prevent him from getting Eagle.... He can appeal it to council then national.....To be honest, I have never heard of an Appeal getting turned down. So all this banter is irrelevant. Guy stand your ground, I applaud you for it, but the scout will appeal and receive his patch.
  20. Ann the journey to excellence nonsense means absolutely nothing when evaluating a Troop or Pack. So they know how to fill out the paper??? They might have kept some stats, they might have actually told the truth on the paper. The only thing it is used for is Professionals Bonuses, it is on component that contributes to how much it is. Qwarses Crew will never make Gold because the youth leaders won't get trained.....But they have a pretty good program from what I read. Far as fixing the problem....The COR, Charter Organization Representative can fire them for any or no reason. ann.....The troop doe not sound like a quality troop to me if they are scheduling merit badges for their eagle scouts. Sounds like an Eagle Mill which is not a good thing. Your in cub scouting, Merit badges are similar to belt loops, They allow the scout to sample subjects that interest them. When run to maximum benefit for the scout the Scout Master, SM, will give the scout a couple of names of merit badge councilors for the Scout to call and arrange a meeting or two. Benefit from doing this.....Association with adults they don't know, phone etiquette, time management, responsibility for making the meetings, presenting a quality product to be evaluated. So while on the surface holding all the required Eagle merit badges during troop meetings looks great, Many folks believe that it short cuts or cheapens the journey to Eagle. I have seen a troop where attendance to the merit badge class is completion. So what did the scout learn, nothing because he was thinking about playing Black Ops, Halo or his girlfriend. (This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  21. Well 2 days and I am SM....Looking for your favorite SMC question. How about your least?? Most reveling question????
  22. There must be a reason..... Before I would bust their chops about it, I would investigate what their issue is with the sister troop. Who knows their reason, they might just be valid and a reason for concern
  23. I got some emails as to why the boys are not making the decisions... I am buying the tents. My money my decision. Just that simple My intention is for our crew and the troop to use them..... The Troop CC has forbid the crew from using troop gear. Hopefully the CC will get off his butt and raise some money... (This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
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