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Everything posted by Basementdweller

  1. I do not know the boy scout....... A few questions.... How much older is he than the boys in the den??? Is he functional???? What are his triggers????
  2. Seattle the only people who know that for sure are the boys around him and his SM.
  3. As CC and SM I would refuse to participate..... While he can still claim to be an eagle it is a smack in the face if your SM refuses to sign because in his eyes you have failed to met the requirements.
  4. That is a big fancy name horizon...... I call it pathetic. It is even worse if they compare who has more....of course it is better than them unzipping their flys.
  5. I am interest too....give them a call and ask???????
  6. Since cub aged boys are not supposed to camp on their own.....Yes, Mom or Dad must go to resident camp with them. I have taken webelos to resident camp with just one parent for the entire crew for the last 4 years now.....It has never been an issue the guys were fantastic. Scoutfish and I had a debate about this a couple of years ago......His council puts on a resident camp in the fall that is only two nights......But this is because the council camp is completely over booked all summer....No room for the cubs. Resident camp is more than a Pack campout, it is a council or district hosted multi night event.....Some councils it is as short as 3 nights others it could be 5 nights.
  7. I don't think you will lose the ability to print......From what I read is that it will sync back to your main database.....so you should still be able to print...
  8. Yep missed it You are getting a real emotion investment in this. I gotta ask why?????
  9. hmmmm, sounds like your going to get over ruled because you do not have a written active participation policy.....
  10. Time to throw her out..... Inviting only one group out when that isn't how you operate....
  11. I spent 3 years as a webelos den leader and an ASM with the troop. Our cross over rate was near 100%, we always would lose one or two.....
  12. When cub camping we use 4 tubs.....The cub families just can't get the wipe your plate before you wash it thru their heads.....we have two wash......one rinse and one sanitize..... mom's just can't get that if you trash the wash water with your dirty plate that more hot just isn't a knob twist away. There are lighter options that work, but when parents are involved best to use the 4 tub method.
  13. How sad is that the BOY is going to dispute not getting the SM's signature..... Wouldn't it just be easier to spend the 50 hours on the outings????? There is going to be all sorts of negative energy involved..... So how with this young man remember his scouting career???? what are the chances his son will ever be a scout? Chris I am glad you are standing your ground. The BOY needs to fulfill his end of the agreement. I hope his appeal is denied.
  14. I believe we are talking about t-1 ranks as well. What most of us view as traditional scout skills. Till you remove unit volunteers doing the testing you will always have a problem. Remove mom, dad and well meaning SPL and SM from the equation would be a huge step forward. Pretty simple to do at a district camporee type setting. Stations.....District level staff members running. Completely remove any partiality from the testing. Nothing wrong with the standards, if the standards are consistently met.
  15. I simply can't believe adults would chant for beads....
  16. I have been told my daughter was not a fit for the troop.....And to go look for another. Your with in your right to do that
  17. We have received a couple of scouts like this so far this year. One shook the SM's hand and asked if he would get credit as SPL in his old troop.....I mean immediately.......SM handled it the way I would have....No you need to lead our troop, our SPL election will be in two months, you are welcome to try then..... Never saw him again. Had another whose mom had nothing good to say about the previous troop or SM. The CC handled this one, telling her that she would be saying the same things about us in 6 months and she should go somewhere else....I never did see her or the scout. We have lost a couple to a neighboring troop.... One was because moms new BF, who she cheated with while hubby was out with the troop.....CC said new BF was morally inadequate or something like that and was not adult leader material for our troop.....she took her boy to another troop who has lower adult leader standards. Lost another boy to a non-camping troop....
  18. Tarping is a bad idea especially in bug territory and new scouts, I am amazed how the boys get wigged out by spiders. So for those whose troops do not provide tents a few questions.... Do you have a list of recommended or not recommended tents???? How do you handle shelter that is entirely inadequate??? Very early in my adult scouting career I had a really bad night with walmart tents and a rain storm...and another night with coleman tents and a windy rain storm.... Both sleepless.... I don't want a repeat of it. Never seen a boy bring a cot to a weekend campout.....
  19. Give the boys a chance they will figure it out........ Sometimes we have three in a four man tent....sometimes just one...... There is a point when guys will say they want to tent by themselves....it quickly passes in my experience....It is much more fun to tent with a buddy or two...... 4 guys in a 4 man tent is very tight....again they will learn and self regulate So why do you feel the need to forbid a guy from sleeping by himself????
  20. While there should be different programs to chose from......There should be one standard..... Parlor vs. Outdoor vs. High Adventure troops Swimming in a strong manner is a super easy fix......National takes a group of 100 scouts who can swim decently time them.....Throw out the fastest 10 and slowest 10 and average the rest....That becomes the target time... Let me spin a thread....
  21. MN my point is one day of invasive species removal does not warrant the hornaday award... here is a worthy young man. The time he spent far exceeds most eagle projects I know of... http://www.stlbsa.org/scouts/boy-scouts/Pages/Bronze-Hornaday-Award.aspx(This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  22. The DE has been replaced. DE fired district chair, the training chair, the activities chair before he left. The entire roundtable commisioner staff resigned in protest. The district advancement chair resigned over an eagle scout who the troop committee denied.....appealed to the district denied......council over ruled and awarded the patch.... Only one who survived was the district popcorn guy
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