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Everything posted by Basementdweller

  1. So who is going to be more messed up as an adult??? The kid who is completely protected from women or men who are in shorts and ripped up tshirts??? or the kid who goes their and eats with the family??? The horn ball scout dad is a bible thumper, He attends the CO as a member....He is a complete dirt bag, The absolute best example of the worst of being an American citizen.....
  2. For those who simply use popcorn or fundraising to pay for them some food for thought.... What do you do with those who don't/won't/refuse to participate??? Is it fair to the boys that do???
  3. Oh I know what happened..... His scouts got dumped into the t-1 course....the camp provided him a list of things they were supposed to have done and he simply just checked them off. No verification that the boy actually has the knowledge. I was wondering about the merit badges as well.....Unless he was just running his mouth. So how do 8 boys in a first year program earn an average of 7 a piece???? With being in the first year program and all????
  4. CC Have you ever heard the phrase "Once an Eagle always an Eagle".
  5. JM...had a discussion with a SM who was very proud his crossover scout earned first class in 5 months....keep in mind these are parlor scouts....Their outdoor program stinks.... Initially I was furious, I am better now.....My thought was HOW dare he short cut the requirements..... Bottom line is so what......his boys will get Eagle at 13 with no effort and leave the troop because the entire point of his program is advancement.... With a program like that, your done when you get to Eagle.... I hope that my scouts will hang around till they are 17 or 18 and be excited and challenged by the program..... JM....I am in your camp that advancement beyond first class is kinda irrelevant....
  6. 17 year old should run either the entire den meeting or a large portion of it.
  7. Since joining, have participated in 10 separate troop/patrol activities No way......
  8. Sentinal your assuming they even met the minimum standards... Had an SM award newly crossed over webelos first class after 5 months with the troop....... What is your opinion of this situation??????
  9. I have met a large number of Adult men in scouting who claim to be eagles..... Not sure how ya check up on them, I did look up one fellow in the NESA book, he wasn't listed, but I am not sure if that proves anything. I call them counterfeit...
  10. scoutingagain.....that is a shame......We have one right next door to the Hooters. So what none of the men in your community drink beer and enjoy a pretty women.....Oh thats right you guys drive to the neighboring town, who has lower moral standards than your, to do it. They run drug stings in my neighborhood quarterly. They put a cop on the corner to act like a dealer and they then bust all of the folks coming in to buy......Ya know what......more than half of them are from very morally up standing communities that don't tolerate such things..... Same goes for the prostitution stings.....most of the johns busted are not from our neighborhood. So you can wave your moral high standard all ya want.....I know better. The guys that live in those communities just go elsewhere for their unsavory lusts and wants.....
  11. Sitting with an SM at roundtable this evening.... Discussion turns to summer camp...... I asked where they went, Camp Granada, My boys earned 65 merit badges, how many guys again??? 9 Wow that's a lot of merit badges.... I had 8 of them earn first class at summer camp. That's great, we struggle with the guys getting it done by their second summer camp... No, these are our webelos that crossed over in April...... Really, you guys only camp quarterly right??? Long pause ensues..... his response was... So? Just askin......... I didn't say anything....... So would you have said something???? If so what???? I am not sure of my feelings, somewhere between mad and disappointed....
  12. Thanks for the link.... It looks to have absolutely everything I want in a troop management program......I need to play with it a bit more...... I hope the advancment module is as good as the way the rest of it looks.... It is a little expensive. But it is so much more than troopmaster. Website, email host, accounting for individual accounts, are bonus features for me.
  13. Is it a new product???? I don't see it listed on their list of offerings
  14. Pack purchase them all.....We charge a program fee and a portion of it is designated for patches and such....
  15. Comfortable in the outdoors I expect him to be able to start a fire with out petroleum or alcohol.... I expect him to be able to use wood tools in a safe and effective manner.... Too be able swim and have the ability to perform water rescues Too be able to find his way in the woods when lost. Too be able to manage most injuries to self and others while in the field or at home. Too be able to plan an outing or event including budget. Too be able to work with guidelines and complete tasks as requested. Too enjoy his fellow scouts... Too have the spirit of service to others. Too be able to look you in the eye when speaking to you. Too be able to communicate effectively, whether with fellow scouts or adults. Too understand community and who and what it actually involves.. Too be respectful (This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  16. Sentiel.....Beavah's is hysterical.....well no it is sad...... Most of what he has in his post are what has been posted here over the years.... I am always cynical of a new poster, with questions about rank requirements.... I forgot the kid that got the merit badges at the merit badge college and didn't actually attend the session.... thanks beavah for a stroll down memory lane..... The kids who won't learn to swim.....and then claim fear of the water.... Makes me shake my head.....
  17. In a nutshell what you are saying is.... for 6 month of being active you are simply making sure he attends 24 meetings irregardless of the duration of passing time????
  18. Tilted Kilts are better than Hooters by far....
  19. We charge a program fee..... Sell popcorn or not we don't care. 100% of the money goes into a Scout account.....
  20. Well let me see.... My son's best friends mom who happens to be the CC sending my son a birthday wish no problem.... An older fellow who has no boys active in the program and is CC who I may or may not know sending my son a birthday greeting. See the difference... We have the boys who have a birthday during the month stand and be recognized at the pack meeting and then have cookies.... I am not so sure that Seattle is even talking about boys that he is even directly involved with.
  21. Having had a number of mom's who work in the adult entertainment industry I think I can offer some thoughts. While just going and dancing at such an establishment isn't all that bad......It is all the other activities that goes on there. Prostitution, drugs and such. I will say that there were a couple awkward situations with some of the dads....resulting in the mom pulling the scout, dad involved was a complete horn dog and wouldn't leave her alone.....Sad situation, the boy was a super kid. the dad was the biggest idiot on the planet, and just couldn't get past the fact that she was a stripper and he had seen her work.... I kept suggesting that it was just John's mom and far as he knew she was a nurse or counter help at mcdonald's because his wife certainly wouldn't appreciate him going to such an establishment. of course that didn't stop his mouth..... I freely admit prior to my kids coming along, I would meet the Ducati guys and would partake a couple times a year.... As they would chuckle "Supporting Single mom's one dollar at a time"...
  22. Call me an environmentalist then.. Let see....reading from the website.... Two hundred backcountry Campsites......Holy smokes.... they run out of backcountry permits on most summer weekends.....The park service suggests midweek trips. In my trips into heavily used areas such as the above....if you permit fires then everything gets burned around the campsites, It was the oddest thing on the AT around the shelters there wasn't any downed trees, logs or branches. then you have people burning their trash which attracts bears...... then the entire LNT thing.....you have people going out looking for firewood in an ever increasing radius around the campsite....... I don't have a problem with no fires in a wilderness area..... especially one as heavily used as this one.... We had a burn ban most of the summer in our area, we sat around citronella candles and BS'd......
  23. You don't need a book seattle... Just go find your local eagle mill and show up on a semi regular basis and your good. Attend my troop and you will actually have to meet the requirements. but as someone pointed out....they are still both eagles.
  24. Pack hike Our park system has owl hikes, bat hikes, coyote hikes.....the boys really love it.... Water Quality monitoring work shop by the soil and water conservation district....the wade kick up bottom sediment and catch bugs and crayfish, minnow and other creek critters.... Earth Day outdoor conservation project or clean up District halloween or christmas events Blue and gold
  25. How about SE with exaggerated membership numbers adjusting them to actually as a result of some court cases??????
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