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Everything posted by Basementdweller

  1. There is a certain economy in size....... One of our Neighboring Packs and Troops folded a month ago.....I spoke briefly with the SM and the CM about our program and costs and such.....They elected to go to the mega pack and troop down the road.... They provide a free program thanks to a couple of business men who buy $20k worth of popcorn from each of them every year. While I would like to see our troop grow I hope it never gets much above 30.
  2. Out DE said that all District events must net 60% profit.... With a donated campground, no patch, no supplies provided, no group cracker barrel... I want to know where my $15 are going????
  3. So what if the CO only offers one Scout night a week.......So the troop and the Pack meet at the same time and location????? It is impossible for the troop to provide den chiefs and hold a meeting at the same time.
  4. Holy smokes..... What else do the troops have time to do??? That takes care of 7 months of scouting outings if you count summer camp....that only leaves 5 months for individual troop outings..... We have had zero for years..... We are planning on a spring and winter camporee. I gotta ask.....with that many events how well attended are they????
  5. how in the world do you pay for a campsite and buy food for a weekend for $10 per family???? Our last campout at the council camp that wouldn't have paid for the campsite.
  6. Irregardless of your hours of service to scouting...... An RSVP event that runs out food is inexcusable. Either there was portion control issues or some folks showed up who didn't RSVP.... The fix is pretty simple don't attend the next one.
  7. Dreaded double post(This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  8. Ya know scout nut....... There is nothing free in our Pack..... We camp as a Pack it cost $10-$20 per person..... Our program is active if your not earning belt loops and such it is because your not attending the meetings. Webelos pay for their own awards thru the Packs Program fees..... Those I serve, parent wise, are poor for a reason.....They are lazy and entitlement oriented..... So unless we put demands on them or a cost they do not participate. Just that simple. A scout pays his own way......
  9. Ya gotta love when a person who has never attended woodbadge is giving advice on woodbadge. I am going to bet he has all of the team building games figured out on how to win them or at least what the expected out come is about... I think the internet has hurt woodbadge....too much information has leaked out. You have people arriving with their tickets completely worked out.....People with the Woodbadge CD's handbook in a binder with them....Takes any mystery out of the course.
  10. Most of the boys are pretty nervous about it..... I generally discuss what to expect to speaking with the SM. I ask them what they thought of their webelos experience, what they would change....how they are doing in school, about their friends and activities.. Are they planning to continue in scouting, any concerns????
  11. As 732 pointed out....the "Perfect" troop is 32.... Does any one know of a troop that hits that and stops taking members???? Or do you know of a troop that limits their size and has membership requirements such as attendance??? Attend 3/4 of the outings and meetings a year or your out????????
  12. I would call the SM of your big brother troop if you have one and ask if they have anyone interested. It is a slippery slope if you have a relationship with a troop and you go to another troop looking for den chiefs..... The Pack borrows gear from the troop all the time....if the troop started losing boys to another Troop that would end.....
  13. Ya know eagle.....I say good for them, shows they have the right perspective in my book. Jerry
  14. Spent the weekend camping with the troop..... Got my sleeping situation setup......and parked myself on a picnic table to watch the goings on.... Watched the boys help each other getting their tents up....they got their kitchen situated...... Got the cracker barrel stuff going. Answered a few questions with questions. Took way to long..... Ya know what I wouldn't have traded if for anything in the world.
  15. hmmm, so brew this wasnt you then?????? "Chapter XXI. "How to criticize every other unit in your area as a parlor troop that produces paper Eagles while thumping your chest about how your unit is the only one with the rigor to produce true scouts worthy to be sons of Baden Powell." (This message has been edited by brewmeister)"
  16. Since old Tim and Brew think I am being unreasonable in my questioning a ScoutMaster whose troop camps quarterly to getting new webelos to first class in 5 months.... Is it Possible or is it BS(This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  17. It was the oddest thing to......i don't know him other than in passing...... Just not sure why he felt the need to try to impress me other than I was introduced as the new scoutmaster.....but this happened prior to that..... Just odd.....
  18. sb welcome to the antiparty It ain't all gilwell and bug juice....
  19. guy....I have a really stupid question..... if he was gone for 3 years, who kept him on the charter?????
  20. Interesting that Trailwalker has only posted in topics related to gays in the bsa. I am going to say he or she is trolling... 8% of the boys who haven't returned so does that mean....1 of the 8 boys who quit??? Familys quit for a variety of reasons.... Some just need an excuse...
  21. JM Told my boys about The National Outdoor badges last meeting....showed them the requirements.... http://www.scouting.org/scoutsource/BoyScouts/Youth/Awards/NOA.aspx I told them that it was a more significant accomplishment in my book than Eagle..... I don't think they understood what I was saying........It is kind of irrelevant, I have 4 boys who are a merit badge away from the camping segment and the hiking merit badge away from the hiking segment. I would like for them to earn all the segments in the coming years......but that is what I would like.....not their choice.
  22. Beavah and Pack....this is one of the districts parlor troops....It is adult led....they camp quarterly.....and two of those times are in cabins.. He was bragging about the number of eagle required merit badges earned as well....Everybody earned citizenship in the nation.......All I can think is really???? At summer camp????? I shouldn't care.....Probably an ego thing on my part.....
  23. Did I miss something???? These are 17 year old Eagle scouts, now granted all eagles are not equal, they should be able to follow the Den Leaders meeting plan and execute it. While part of being a den chief is to impress the Cubs enough to join boy scouting it isn't their primary job..... The best Den Chief I ever saw was a young man 15, came in like a rock star, sun glasses and bsa hat, the boys loved him like an older brother.....They hung on his every word.....He was kind and took an interest in each and every one. He didn't run my den meetings, but was a huge help with projects and outings or any old thing I asked.... I lost him to a divorce, mom moved away taking him to West virginia to live with facebook boy friend......I think of him from time to time....I hope he Eagled and will stop by someday to let me know how he is doing.
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