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Everything posted by Basementdweller

  1. Unselfish giving....... Our CO is a food bank and houses a free store.....standing on the porch chatting after a meeting.....Had a lady pull up and said she needed gas money to get home. SM, DL and I said we didn't have any to give......She demanded we give her money and that every time she has come to the church someone has given her money.... Her parting comment was she thought scouts would help her out and instead they are just a bunch of f'in a'holes..... I don't take my wallet to the meetings because of the location....
  2. Suburban Family structure...... More two parent house holds....much higher potential for one stay at home parent. Scout may or may not have siblings. Urban Poor Family Structure Most likely Single Parent, be it mom, dad, grandparent, aunt or uncle. Bio Dad is generally a non-participant in scouts life. Families are generally high in number, 3 or 4 children.
  3. I am starting to receive the recognition I most desire.... From the youth I serve. At the grocery store boy see me and come running up to chat.....At school the come to say hi and chat....They introduce me to their non scouting friends....The boys teachers are beginning to know who I am....Oh your the scout guy.... The best final recognition will be when one of my scouts introduces me to his son who is also a scout..... That is the only recognition I will ever need.....Just one. If you all need little strips of cloth.....chase them.....I need more than that.....
  4. Tim your new to the forum and scouting.....Your wealthy and live in a very nice suburb. Not all of us have it that easy. Count your blessings.
  5. You will need at least $2k to do it. You need two sets of legos, one primary and the second to troubleshot with. you need two laptops, don't use your personal one because they will drop it or lean on it and break the screen. You need to mark absolutely everything because other teams will help themselves. It was fun, son did it, but it was the biggest hassle.. One person needs to own the kits and no one takes them home other than the owner.... I would not attempt it in a cub scout Pack. the modules are fragile and one twist will destroy some of the motors and sensors.....
  6. OH NO I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU SAID TRAILER. Before you paint it you need to add Solar Panels Batterys LED Exterior lighting system metal racks roll out canopy on both sides. Fold out stoves Water tank Wait for it.........Wait for it........... A hot water shower. Then you can paint your trailer. Matter of act I would let the boys paint it....Give each den a section.
  7. Dennis....I think the key is in a less Urban setting. Knowing nothing about the location....how urban is it????? My old council sold my boyhood camp a few years ago....Camp Avery Hand in Lexington Ohio, I took my son up one weekend when we were home visiting my parents to look around and show him my camp I was heart broken.... That same SE went to Cleveland and sold Tinnerman Canoe base last year, not sure if it sold yet, but he closed it. What worries me is they said a 21st century camp, What the heck does that mean???? I feel your pain, but did you utilize the camp they are selling????? I know you said it was a dump.
  8. If both councils are financially solid then why in the world would you merge?? What is the benefit???? Our council has merged twice in the last 30 years with other councils......But they were in big financial trouble....Sold off their camps to pay off some of their debt....
  9. Rude loud obnoxious self serving resource dominating..... Walked into a hardware to buy some gloves for a project in my scout shirt and scout son in tow.....found some and went to pay for them, the guy behind the counter said he couldn't donate them........I laughed and said did I ask you to give them too me.....his response was he gets asked for donations all the time by the boy scouts and they either want discounts or donations. I laughed....Paid him and left. But the man has a point....... I cannot count the times we have stopped at a gas stations or restaurants with the troop while traveling and you can see the peoples faces.......The oh no looks.... A number of times as we leave we have had random people come up to us and commenting on how well mannered and respectful our boys are. Really I thought they were kinda loud..... Had a manage at a wendys give the boys all small frostys for the fantastic behavior and manners. While this is great for my guys.........What or how are the other troops acting in public that my guys, who are not angels, are being complimented???????? The behavior must be horrid.
  10. Ahhhh there is the key...... The pack picks up the cost......So your camps cost more than $10 a family. (This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  11. Our Camporees are free, well cost the district nothing.... We have a scouter who owns and donates portajohns, the campgrounds are the amvets or firemans parks generally, the troops provide the materials to run the activities station.... The Amvets has city water.... the district activities chair makes the awards out of oak biscuits.. It cost nothing. We are not permitted to walk in....we are required to use the council on line registration and system to pay Seattle the Good old boys club in the district is dead..... The jerk DE is gone....The new District Chair is a real no nonsense guy......I really like him and hope he can make a difference.... He has addressed a few of the issues I have been wondering about.....Did it with some authority too.....
  12. I second calling the De and getting current listings for troops in the area...... That is sad......
  13. I have said it before..... Our organization is seamless. Parents are surprised when they have to fill out an application when they cross over to the Troop.
  14. Pack, nice......we are heading out for a 20 mile three day weekend on the shelowee trace. Not much foot traffic compared to the AT, But high adventure for my guys.
  15. Listening to the banter at tonights meeting lets me know we are doing it right..... The stories of weekend....smirks storys of the inch thick pancakes and the missing bacon.....Not sure how they managed to get the jumbo thick pancakes......honestly one is all ya needed. They worked hard on the camporee skills, It just felt right.....The meeting ended and the boys didn't leave, The church trustee chased us out half an hour after the meeting was supposed to have ended....... Our football play spl even showed up........ I couldn't be more pleased.......Boys put a smile on my face......They are busy planning the november outing already....... Tonight was what it is about....
  16. Maybe I am just a hard ass....... Let me run that event.....No RSVP you can pay your money, but your last in line.....Just that simple. As long as you tolerate a behavior folks will take advantage.
  17. On my evaluation from our resident camp.....I gave kudos to a number of staff......I also called out a couple of councilors for give me's on merit badges, A boy said he had a turtle when he was 6 and the councilor said that was ok for the amphibian and reptile merit badge. Really????? Basketry merit badge....don't get me started on that...... ...... I spoke with the CD and PD about my concerns and they said it would be addressed.....
  18. So district boys...... How is it supposed to work????? Facts no fiction please...... I hit it off with the new district chairman......Solid fellow, he and I seem to be cut from the same fabric....frightening I know.......While I have his ear I would like to get with him and fix some things that just ain't right in our district.
  19. It is exactly that in my district......A scouter who in my opinion is an outstanding and extremely trust worthy fellow. Said the DE said that any district event must make 60% profit......he went on to say the $15 camporee made $11 per scout after the reimbursement to the insurance fund was made.... The District Training Chair was fired because he failed to meet the financial goals set forth by the DE..... Neighboring districts training are free or the cost of lunch.......Why does training cost when the building is donated, it is volunteers doing the instruction..... $12 for cub leader basics, basically watching this is scouting, youth protection and position specific... Now that old Jerk DE is gone....We will see if the new guy is a straight shooter......i like his enthusiasm.
  20. So let me get this straight...... All of that money they rake in from district events just simply goes to council and all the round table commissioners simply donate everything..... Every time I here about district and council crap like this it makes me sick..... No wonder the roundtable commissioners quit...... Our SE is knocking down $300k and yet a volunteer is stuck paying for his own roundtable materials... Absolutely pathetic. Why do we do it???????
  21. I would have a real problem 8 new scouts who spent entire mornings in the first year program earning 7 merit badges a piece in the afternoon....so that was less than 3 hours a piece. I wouldn't permit it.... Integrity in the program is what I am talking about.
  22. Why should we pay for roundtable?????? The building is free, It is run by volunteers, we don't get handouts paper or otherwise. Soooo, We sell Popcorn......we participate in FOS.....We overpay for district events, $15 for a camporee which cost the district nothing. With our districts mandatory 60% profit there should be plenty of money.....
  23. the event I am whining about was held at a Donated AMVETs campground. Zero cost.
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