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Everything posted by Basementdweller

  1. I would like to see our pack charge different dues.......But they said it is too hard to track. Lets face it tiger activities and crafts are cheap as are their go see its. Wolfs cost more Bears more bird houses and such Webelos camping, career arrow and such.....
  2. Sooooo, Thomas is this your son????and what is your position in the troop?? Most everyone has beat me too it???? So why are you talking to the IH instead of the scout?????? Is it your eagle project or the boys????? So how is he going to answer the question if asked.......What was the toughest thing about the project????? We the IH changed the design on me, but Mr. Thomas spoke with him and worked it out for me. The boy is 17 if he is an eagle candidate he should already possess the skills to deal with the IH. If the IH head wants it canceled relay that to the boy and tell him to get another project.....
  3. Just back from a weekend with the crew..... Not received any PM's.....Guessing the PM system is broken.....That would explain why the pms I have sent out have not been responded too as well......
  4. Seattle you shouldnt just pick a random $$$$.... Ya need a budget....one with real numbers.....for your $50 you get xyz. People wont raise cain if they know what or where their money is going
  5. You can politely assign jobs. If you ask you will never get a volunteer...... have a specific job ....small to start then progressively larger with mentoring. I didnt understand this for the first five years aa a bsa volunteer. Till i figured it out i was beating my head against the wall.......I worked myself out of a job in 6 months doing just this.(This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  6. The camp were we traditionally go to was at capacity plus 60......that is what we were told...... They created two new campsites this year to accommodate the additional youth. I can image getting that phone call in march.... OH CRAP what are we gonna do now?????
  7. From your source....I doubt the Per capita income numbers from the website.....In my experience that would be per household. Per capita money income in past 12 months (2010 dollars) 2006-2010 $20,132 $25,113 Median household income 2006-2010 $34,587 $47,358 Persons below poverty level, percent, 2006-2010 20.3% 14.2% Yep similar situations.
  8. I don't think so sentinel...... The moderators put their foot down...... The only thing they don't tolerate here is personal attacks and that was what that other thread was.
  9. jp......Most troops would probably be further a head just renting a trailer occasionally from the local uhaul or ryder place..... What you are talking about is fine....I have no issue with it...... What most scouters forget is a trailer is just a tool..... For many is becomes a rolling status symbol. That is what I was mocking
  10. Wheres old tim at......This is the kinda nonsense that really makes us long time volunteers furious..... They get us and local business to donate are money to keep camps open. They snookered the councils to merge and now they are closing camps..... Last summer we had a large number of michigan troops at both the summer camps I attended...In all the years prior there were none. Now honestly does this news surprise anyone?????? It shouldn't. How long before every state has one giant camp with ATV's, a lake with a blob in it, water skiing, cope courses and zip lines?????
  11. I am an engineer so I sit most of the day....I simply reduced my caloric intake.....I drink instant breakfast for breakfast and salad for lunch......then a reasonable dinner. I am plenty active in the evening, Especially with all the running for recruiting nights for the Pack.....Played with potential tigers and wolves last night for 3 hours, I was whooped. Ya I am SM and I was helping the Pack recruit... I just was eating about 5k calories a day....Ya know Breakfast sandwich then chinese, bbq or da big deli sandwich for lunch then a big dinner......I have my caloric intake in the neighborhood of 1500 for the day. Weigh is coming off 1-2 pounds a week, I expect to plateau at some point...I will have to change what I am doing at that point....
  12. Ya know what......Rural poor are different than Urban poor. While the farmers I know are cash poor, they have a $100k combine in the barn or they just spent $30k on a tractor.....Their vehicles are capable of driving 100's of miles a day. They own, or the Bank, their own home. Gross worth is 100's of thousands of dollars to as high as the millions. I don't know of many full time farmers involved in scouting, they and their sons are too busy running the business. Urban poor, typically are renters, may or may not have a car at all, if they do they only drive it at the first of the month and not very far because it is unreliable....Total gross worth would probably be less than $5k. While both are cash poor there is a significant difference between the two.
  13. Since the other thread got deleted by the moderators..... In my area.....Home Schooling is territory for the rich folks only......Again single parent or grandparent homes.....and if here are two adults in the household both work.... I stand corrected in your situation but YOU are the exception and not the rule. In my world there are troops with out Pack and they have no problem Poaching scouts. The troop has no small financial and time investment in the Pack for recruiting cubs to the troop. I have a real issue with a Troop who has done nothing for the Pack coming in at the 11th hour and snatch up our webelos......A troop in our district did exactly that......Their benefactor gifted all the boys crossing into their troop complete backpacking setups. They got most of the webelos from the are Packs that year..... While you and I understand loyalty.....When you dangle a nice shiny farkle in front of mom and dad your gonna lose that boy irregardless of the quality of your program.
  14. Eagle....I need to lose about 70 pounds to get to the recommeded body weight.....I have started the process and I am down 10 pounds in 8 weeks....Now if I can keep it up for the next 20 months. No way I would spend all that money to get out there and risk being turned away because of my weight.
  15. little grumpy this morning calico????? You know us scope drift....
  16. I understand that there is a lot of sentimental feelings attached to summer camps.... I wonder if it is a bad thing that they are disappearing. From the council we hear they are expensive, underutilized and always in disrepair. From the units we hear they are expensive and in disrepair, and summer campwise it is a merit badge free for all.....Many times the program quality is extremely low, at one large very well financed camp in Ohio I hear of boys receiving several merit badges in minutes of face time with the councilor.... Is this the reason we are seeing all of these merit badge universities in councils???? They are preparing the next generation of scouters that this is the way merit badges are earned, not at summer camp??????? Personally I think the program would be superior with out them.....It would probably weed out all of the weak programs and SM's in a couple of years....
  17. I have spoken to three different crews about their 2012 philmont experiences.....we are planning for a 2014 trip......fundraisers are planned and it is in motion..... Bottom line is......All three crews said the same thing......If your or doctor was honest about your weight on your physical and you were over weight......Then the med check at philmont put you on the scale and the determining factor was other physical health issues..... BTW no one got turned away, even being 20 pounds over weight. If you and your physician lied about it and your false weight met the BMI requirement then medical staff did not question it.
  18. thx....... The local once a week paper has an article about fairly frequently..... it is a painful process....The new folks have zero respect for their neighbors. But seem to be more worried if they can get their house on HG TV.
  19. I did frame my response with urban poor... Some areas of our city are experiencing a rebirth as such...generification is the term I think. The poor are being displaced by the rich...They are buying the big victorian homes and restoring them. So maybe in my lifetime our neighborhood will be what it once was....
  20. Little thin skinned there twocubs......I was bein funny....Nobody said anything about superior program or backpacking.... I stand by my suggestion.....Let the cubs paint it....
  21. That is a silly question.... You are under obligation to accept it... My reasoning is someone too the time to write up a flowery, adjective filled application and letter to nominate you...... That would be the only reason.
  22. Well Dennis you did your part to support the camp...We have a camp surrounded by housing now...It is in town for all practical purposes. But they use it for cub day camp, council seasonal events, public awareness events....Heck we have gone up their for a new scout weekend....There is even pizza delivery to camp, I thought it was kinda fun.... Our scouts rarely go beyond 40 miles from town.....Maybe 3 times a year for an outing. Guess we are lucky that way.
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