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Everything posted by Basementdweller

  1. Eagle732.....Internet forums are not a place for free speech....They are not public in the same way the BSA is not a Public club....so they are not subject to free speech laws....Your membership and postings are subject to the owners whims.... With that said this forum is very open for a scouting forum....Meritbadge site is ruled with an iron fist...... I don't know if anyone else witnessed or participated in the BSA's brief forums at myscouting.org......You think the crowd is tough here......It lasted less than 6 months if memory serves me right.....And that was even tied directly to your BSA membership..... No clue what was said in the thread... But I still contend that the folks that did the covering up need to be held accountable in either criminal or civil court.
  2. " The SM understood that he and the CO would be talking to CPS and my attorney if they ever pulled a stunt like that again." With that if I was the SM I would hand you an application and ask you to take your son and for him to enjoy scouting elsewhere..... I don't take kindly threats.(This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  3. Ya know seattle....Earlier in the thread I told the OP if the Pack is too demanding they can take a flying leap. It is harder to recruit boy scouts...There are many more activities available for the Music, sports, the fumes, jobs..... Many Troop level scouters are lazy and don't bother to actively recruit.... The troop Pack relationship is a two way street not one way like many of the Cub leaders think..... I still contend that the Adults screw up scouting.
  4. It isn't safe for Scouts and parents to go door to door in our neighborhoods..... We do visit the few reasonably safe neighborhoods........But it is bad form to go selling popcorn door to door with a glock on your belt.
  5. Yo parent there wasn't any cell coverage.....we didn't think you would mind.... Now what??????? When we go Backpacking generally there isn't cell coverage.....Da rappelling spot same....the river we like to canoe....none either....... So a phone call might be great...... This sounds like the SM had a plan and knew it wouldn't past muster.....so it kinda happened..... Sounds like a fellow flyin by the seat of his pants..... Beavah.....Philmont is a poor comparison......All of the Parents should be made aware of the possibilities...So they know JR could go in a mine, ride horses, shoot rifles and such...... Sounds like this fellow planned a hike and took along climbing gear and took the boys climbing....That is a huge leap.
  6. Ya know what......I really hate hypothetical posts......If your gonna post man up and state the facts....... The big thing I see is the adult leadership broke the trust of the parents....
  7. Only an hour why even bother...... We have three full weekends Saturday and sunday in front of storefronts........ So it is very easy for a scout to sell $250 worth of popcorn....... The troop is selling at the same time out of our turf in the golden suburb......I am prepared for some flack from the Rich suburban scouters....
  8. There is no way to make it a meaningful part of the program..... Some folks will always ride on the backs of those who will let them. We charge a program fee....the scout can earn it thru selling popcorn....$250 covers it. or mom or dad can pull out the check book and pay for it. Everyone pays it.....So there is no free ride.
  9. Nice attitude Oak..... If this SE and the cronies associated with him make it work.....He could end up bein your SE.. The SE that sold my boyhood camp, Camp Avery Hand in Lexington Ohio, Became SE in the Cleveland area council where he closed Tinnermand Canoe base and sold it off too..... Don't think your protected.....
  10. In rereading the thread..... I have to agree with Fred that the troops spend way more effort recruiting webelos than the Packs do recruiting new cubs. Pack Recruitment A flyer, A boy Talk and A sign up night. Troop recruiting from Pack.... Hosting Pack Campouts Hosting Webelos den campouts Helping with Pinewood derby, blue and gold or any old thing the Pack thinks they need help with. Providing den chiefs... Providing Camping gear for the pack to camp out then having to clean it up afterwards. Now all relationships are not created equal for sure.....
  11. While it has yet to happen to my boys I have coached them all to respond with "it is BSA policy not Troop 123's, Adults make the policy I do not.....so support me in changing the policy when I grow up." Going from a Pack flush with adult volunteers, to my current situation with the troop a gay fellow to help me taking the troop out would be okay with me.
  12. so brew what part of the country are ya in????? I maybe able to loan ya the gear you need to make it work.....
  13. My local legion post is a bar.... It is in an old convenience store....The bar runs the length of the back of the building... There are tables and chairs lots of ash trays.....No grounds to speak of, other than the asphalt parking lot....The couple of times I have been in there not much going on. I don't doubt what your sayin frank.....just the way it is locally. I looked at your link...looks great.....But my experience is the local post is dark smells like smoke, stale beer and runs a fish fry friday nights..... Who knows those fish frys might raise a million bucks a year towards their cause????
  14. calico there is more going on here than just an eagle project. As someone said earlier sounds like the post commander has an issue with the scouts....this is a big no win... In rereading the original post....I can see where thomas said that it came up in a business meeting.... At this point I think the young man should go elsewhere for his project...
  15. I don't think it is hard either....we don't use pack ledger but a simple google spread sheet.
  16. Ya know what....... As a fellow in my forties I tried joining the Moose and Eagles......I bet the VFW and Legion are the same way.... While these organizations do a bit of community service they are primarily a private club to go drink in. Since I don't drink all that much and don't smoke cigarettes...certainly don't like the company of alcoholics.... Not sure how appropriate it is for the BSA to recruit membership in these organizations.
  17. I am a member of the organization... While I believe in the intended stated mission, I believe that the organization got lost somewhere along the way.... Unlike seattle and many others I will not overlook the flaws...It is run by human volunteers..... Far as the cover up 30 years ago.....they should still be held accountable for their actions.... This isn't shop lifting candy bars from the campus news stand.....this has deeper impact on folks lives.....
  18. Well who ever at national wrote those memos should go to jail....or whom ever the letters where sent to and didn't act on them..... Time for someone to grow a pair. Ya know what.....they are doing that to us......violate the g2ss and YOU as the volunteer are personally responsible for the results......BECAUSE you didn't follow the guide lines....
  19. We are approaching the situation you describe...... Some one left the AC on for a long period of time at the CO and it resulted in a $2100 electric bill. Of course the scouts were blamed, but we do not have a key to were the HVAC controls are located in the main office. The troop leadership passed the hat and gave them some money to help with the cost. I am guessing the new IH is looking at the rising costs of his club and the shrinking membership. Other than a place to meet what does your CO do for you Thomas????? One of the troops in the District's has a CO that donates as much as $500 per month to their scouting program. Call me self serving.....so what has the CO done for you lately????? Us....We work the food bank, the community meal, light building maintenance, keep the grounds clean......But expected service.....NO. We get a place to meet and donate some community service that is about it. with the other developments it might be time to find a new CO......Irregardless to what you will be told here, Troops and Packs switch CO's all the time and isn't that hard to do...We have one SM that pisses off CO's once a year and switches.....He is on his 5th CO since I have known him.....
  20. thanks for the clarification..... Honestly it doesn't sound like the scout is really involved in the project at all. Scrap it and let the scout find something he can do.... If you guys go ahead and do it the IH could refuse to sign off on the completed project if he is not happy with it. Question to the forum.......Isn't the scout supposed to plan the entire project???? I understand using subject matter experts...An engineer to design the pavilion makes sense... a bricklayer to lay the block......the trades guys make sense..... Shouldn't the scout do the rest???
  21. You forget.......Volunteers are a renewable resource.....The piss us off we leave they sucker in the next crew who hang around for 10-15 years then they piss them off and they leave. I was taken advantage of by district level and blindly donated to council thru the united way and FOS. I encourage volunteers to stop doing this.....Keep your money at the unit level.
  22. Yep Eagle that is sounds exactly like the old attitude here......We will see with the new group coming in....
  23. I am going to bet that there is no official National or council policy about folks resigning and covering abuse up soooooooooo...have the folks affected and sueing go after the individual Scout professionals for doin......Or have the Scout Professionals who did so go to jail for obstruction of justice........ I have no problem with scouting pro's being accountable......Since they aren't accountable to those they serve they can be accountable to the law of the land. I would love to see a number of those who participated in the cover up go to jail...
  24. Well Pere.....If they are able to remain in the middle class with one income I still call that wealthy because they are doing that by choice. Most of us don't have that luxury.....we both have to work to get by beyond base needs.
  25. The dues are consumed by our traditional crossover date in february. Pinewood, blue and gold, career arrow, tshirt, recharter the money is gone.....
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