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Everything posted by Basementdweller

  1. Our council bounced charters..... ASM's that were not fully trained became CM's. Our troop had 4 committee members and 6 ASM's who were 70 years old....well they became committee members because they were not going to take IOLS. We had several units recharter late because the SM's were not trained.... Our council enforced it.... Deaf if your folks refuse to get trained.....Who cares turn in your charter with out them being trained and see what happens. If it bounces it isn't your fault....it is theirs. Who knows your council might be all bark.
  2. So young man calls and wants to meet me and finish up one of his summer camp partials. Lad and mom show up to the meeting. He comes over and we shake hands..... Well it turns out he was just expecting me to sign the card because he had a letter from his SM saying he completed the work. I looked at the letter and told him thank you..... But before I sign your card I have a couple of questions.... Well the lad had no knowledge of the subject. I called mom over and asked another requirement out of the merit badge book.... Another miss by the scout. I asked the scout to excuse his mother and I.... Told mom I would like to work with her son on the merit badge.. I am not comfortable signing it because he cannot demonstrate the knowledge. She said he has a partial from camp and a letter from the SM with the missing pieces... I just need to sign it. I repeat.... I am not comfortable signing it because he acts like he has never heard the terms before and does not know the material. He is a nice enough scout and I will work with him to meet the requirements. I will not sign it tonight. They left and said they would call me when he is ready to complete it.... So how would you have handled IT?
  3. First my scout is registered and paid. I have very serious concerns about whether it will be ready for July 2013. The reports of the folks coming back from the shake down are horrible. From the huge delay getting into the Site, the zip lines acting up and the female crew members who were not adequately clothed. I received an email of explanation..... It was in not enough. In retrospect I should have saved my money and sent him to the second one.
  4. Ya joebob, it is pretty funny Contract expired on my old smart phone about a year ago......So 38 month and it finally quit....New phone has this crazy predictive text thing I haven't figured out how to turn it off... Scouter=Scooter in it's mind...irregardless how many times I try to fix it...Missed that one. Only 10,000 messages till it learns my train wreck of literary style
  5. Look at the market..... Boys are fat and out of shape Most homes are air conditioned Boys need to shower 2 or 3 times a day No or very little responsibility around the home Many boys refuse to be uncomfortable in the outdoors, they hate bugs and dirt. Virtual friendships are more important than physical friendships Video games are the most important thing in their lives Facebook and social media are incredibly important to some youth. I agree with the premise that we need better trained leaders, Most leaders currently are not life long outdoors men or even been in the military...of course military training isn't what it once was......so the quality of the BSA's program suffers.
  6. What's it matter Dad will go to the scout shop and buy the patch and award it when he thinks he earned it..... Then he will tell the world that he is the worlds youngest eagle and put it on all the college apps and such..... He will be for all intents and purposes because nobody checks on such things.... Selling popcorn out front of the stores over the weekend, I was amazed how many men claimed to be Eagles..... Mid Saturday afternoon I started this......You are thats great, our troop is in trouble and could really use another younger adult eagle scout to help with outings.....No takers Sunday I made up an info sheet with my phone number and meeting location and time.....I also outlined the adult leadership needs...I handed out about 6 of them.....No phone calls we will see tonight if we get anyone showing up. Calling their bluff or using the opportunity to recruit more potential leaders????? don't know.
  7. I took it that the folks were supporting the stand.... Oddly enough there was a chic fillet and hobby lobby with in a couple of hundred yards of our sale location.... Very white and very conservative.... My point is that scouter. Com is the only place that the gay rights folks can push their views on scooters... My comment out the very vocal minority.. We were way out of my popcorn selling turf and didn't even get yelled at by any other scout leaders.
  8. Selling popcorn at a store front today and This older fellow come up to me today and asked if I am the SM for the boys....I said yes sir and may I help you....a long moment of silence.....he reaches up and puts something in my shirt pocket and offered me his hand And says A fine group of men you got there..... he walks off...he put $10 in my pocket.... It wasnt the amount but The sincerity in the gesture. I get the sense that folks are begining to worry that our society is in deep trouble and the values no longer in line with theirs. I was moved by how the public reacted to my boys today.....
  9. Selling popcorn at a store front today and This older fellow come up to me today and asked if I am the SM for the boys....I said yes sir and may I help you....a long moment of silence.....he reaches up and puts something in my shirt pocket and offered me his hand And says A fine group of men you got there..... he walks off...he put $10 in my pocket.... It wasnt the amount but The sincerity in the gesture. I get the sense that folks are begining to worry that our society is in deep trouble and the values no longer in line with theirs. I was moved by how the public reacted to my boys today.....
  10. Selling popcorn at a store front today and This older fellow come up to me today and asked if I am the SM for the boys....I said yes sir and may I help you....a long moment of silence.....he reaches up and puts something in my shirt pocket and offered me his hand And says A fine group of men you got there..... he walks off...he put $10 in my pocket.... It wasnt the amount but The sincerity in the gesture. I get the sense that folks are begining to worry that our society is in deep trouble and the values no longer in line with theirs. I was moved by how the public reacted to my boys today.....
  11. Selling popcorn at a store front today and This older fellow come up to me today and asked if I am the SM for the boys....I said yes sir and may I help you....a long moment of silence.....he reaches up and puts something in my shirt pocket and offered me his hand And says A fine group of men you got there..... he walks off...he put $10 in my pocket.... It wasnt the amount but The sincerity in the gesture. I get the sense that folks are begining to worry that our society is in deep trouble and the values no longer in line with theirs. I was moved by how the public reacted to my boys today.....
  12. In my original post I forgot to add that NO ONE mentioned the BSA not allowing gays as a reason for not supporting or buying popcorn
  13. Thought I would stir the pot a bit.... So we are selling popcorn at a store front today.... A middle age couple comes up and says thank god for boy scouts.....Buys our largest sale to date......They go on and thank the BSA for putting its foot down on the Gay adult leader issue, for keeping the boys off the street and teaching them values.... I say thank you and immediately thought of the hate spewed on this forum about this issue.... Well the above store repeats 3 separate times during the course of the day..... Never in my years of selling popcorn have I seen the like......We even had an ex girl scout leader buy from us saying the girl scouting has lost its way..... Soooo, american values isn't exactly what we are seeing here.....are we seeing the vocal minority
  14. to guide your charges????? So are they whispering in the dark???? What are they asking????? A simple review of the oath and law should fix it..... Ask them if they think he earned it..... Then show them that the dates make it impossible..... No POR No BOR No SMC....... First class in two months is impossible......Life in a year is impossible...... A colorful strip of cloth is all it is to the boy nothing more....(This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  15. Honest mistake......I don't think so.....That was more than a little what is the word I am looking for. Popcorn is incredibly competitive....The purchasing pool of folks is very finite....A single day advantage in a small town is huge.... the SM was an A hole and acting out......Needs to switch to decaf......he was out of line. So what is going to happen tomorrow.....I would go and set up your table as planned.....Have someone with a video camera in da bushes if he shows up.....Then record the interaction......Be sure to get his troop number and from that you can figure out his Charter organization..... If he acts like an idiot....I would speak with the Institutional head at his CO, show him or her the video tape. Without the video tape it is your word against his..... Beyond all of the Adult scouting BULLPUCKY... What is going to happen is the owner of the store will change his opinion of scouting from positive to negative. He will no longer donate to Scouting and not allow them to sell anything in front of the store from now on....... A no win because of both of you.....Just not the jerk SM
  16. Ya know with dad a lawyer and trying to intimidate the Troop leadership.... I would let the SE and DE know and throw them out of the troop....and not look back.... You understand this is a no win situation..... I would follow up with a couple of discrete conversations with SM's likely to be their next victim..... Sentienel.....Laywer type folks look after their own.....Far as favors go....this boy will not want for a thing in life....He will get a BMW or porche when he is 16......Dad will get him into the right college for the right job.... We have lots of college interns where I work....Most are from the VP level and up.....Had one a few years ago who refused to do what I asked him....unboxing new equipment in a hot warehouse....I was doing it and he was sent to help.....I asked him again...So I called my department director who came down and sent him home.....Well he was back in 15 minutes with dad in tow....I was told I was out of line asking a 20 year old college student to work in the 100 degree warehouse,Now keep in mind I had be in there all day...... the director found him something else to do in the AC....... That night when he was changing to go home.....he said something I will never forget and probably flavored my hate for the rich for ever..... Rich folks take care of their own....
  17. horizon....since the PM system isn't working could you send me the info with the name of the not for profit you are using at Basementdweller1@gmail.com.....I am hoping that they have a group locally TCD I didn't post it for sympathy....for my own stupidity.....I guess I am completely honest and I expect folks to be the same way..... Something of a side note.....Every scout that has filled out a scholarship application for fees or a free uniform has rarely made it an entire two years......They quit
  18. Man, that is harsh...... Your group is worse than mine....... Isn't more important that they are actually going to camp instead of where??
  19. A couple of years ago that exact thing happened to me... The boys couldn't afford to go to summer camp....so I paid for it..... Then the first meeting back from summer break they were talking about their trip to disney..... How do they afford it........on the backs of those gullible enough to fall for their shtick.
  20. Worked out well He is now a district director... Eamons post is true Goals meet them just that simple they are all financial. The boys are just tick marks on a spreadsheet that the SE takes with him to corporate meetings to beg for his salary......
  21. Well there ya have it.... Ya need to remember that Puberty started in the 1900's around the age of 13... Today puberty starts as early as 9.....
  22. While that is true Pack.... It might not happen in my lifetime......They will be a military force.... I am aware that the aircraft carrier was an old soviet one, but it is a sign they are looking to expand their sphere of influence. Hopefully we get that global bomber and fighter project figured out......being about to keep our air forces based in the US and have the ability to reach anywhere on the planet in a couple of hours....
  23. The whole thing bothers me..... I am not sure if it is the fact they just don't know how to manage their money.... The fact they brag about all of their trips....... Or the fact that people were dumb enough to donate to their Save our Homestead plea......Look at their facebook page folks.....I bet they go to disney over christmas........ I would like $1,000 to buy some tents for the troop and these folks raised $8k in a week to save their house... I just don't get it.
  24. Anyone else a little concerned about China's growing military might?????? They have what appears to be an exact duplicate of YF 22 and new aircraft carrier... How about relying on them for our electronics????
  25. Eamon reminded me of something that happened at the may roundtable..... Our Old DE handed out a spreadsheet that showed the units and their FOS donation.......Looking down the page....We have 5 bucks in our Packs column.... I was called out after everyone had a spreadsheet in their hands... Mr. B the district is disappointed in your Units FOS contribution...... Sorry about that, but our unit is having a tough time paying for our program. Well, we have your unit down for $1,000 you only need.....ALL OF It...So how are you going to met your units obligation..... FOS is still voluntary....Right?????? It ended there with we will discuss your obligation after the meeting.....It never happened. I was ready for him.....I had 2 CM's, our CC and SM were going to meet with him....All were madder than I was.... So what happened to that DE.....He is now a DD.....
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