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Everything posted by Basementdweller

  1. Firefox plus ad blocker plus plug in equals no annoying banners.
  2. Ok Calico since your are questioning my assumptions. Have you looked at the Pictures from the articles????? Did you go to his social media page before it was taken down???? The picture in the first linked article. To the left is a grand piano and to the right a very fancy fire place. So how big does a living room need to be to house a grand piano????? How big is the house that the big living room is attached to????? Look at the stuff on the fire place mantel. in california I bet it is a million dollar home. The median family income is $116,000 for moraga california.......Ya they are very well off.
  3. I gotta add that the link to his social Page made me want to vomiting. His posts and ramblings were that of a 14 year old girl. I was sick to the very core of my soul.
  4. Lisa I am not as generous as you. I believe this was a publicity stunt. I saw the link before it was deleted, as his parent I wouldn't allow it. So why is it that this seems to go on for the wealthy??? Is it they have the media's ear? Or drama just follows them. It is done in my book. No eagle for you.... You lied when you took the oath and then spouted off before your eagle board. Now you get to pay the price.
  5. It was in the 8th paragraph down in the original link
  6. I am a life long outdoors man...... Bow hunting, fishing, canoeing, kayaking, backpacking, hiking, camping, motorcycle.....I do all of this with friends whom I consider brothers. I am not a man scout. The reason I say this is I do not need the excuse of boy scouting to enjoy the outdoors. My son was Backpacking and hiking long before he was a cub scout. Where is old Blake at???? Most Man Scouts would not go to the woods outside of scouting. Most adult leaders in scouting I know and have met are these guys.. Love to camp with the troop or Pack, rarely if ever on their own. They know their knots, but know what to do with them....They have a knife and can demonstrate how to sharpen and care for it, but never carry it. Most can demostrate how to build a fire, but cannot accomplish the task without chemical help. I have infinitely more fun on my own than with the troop and it is much easier to boot. Son and/or daughter grab packs, we swing by the grocery store on the way out of town and instant outing. No tour permits, no screwing around with pick up and drop off times. Now shaking down gear.....No crying kids in the middle of the night.....No ruined food and giving up my dinner. I enjoy scouting, but I also understand that is not MY TIME. This is my son and his patrol mates adventure. I am just along because I need to be.
  7. I buy most of my computer stuff from tiger direct. Many great deals http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/category/category_slc.asp?CatId=1753&name=XGA-Projectors& Most of these will meet your criteria.... I own an Epson and would recommend it.....Planar is also good. Advise....Never ever loan it out....Had one fellow borrow mine for the weekend and used 150 hours of bulb life because he didn't turn it off. the bulbs are expensive as noted.
  8. Oh the entire morally straight debate And whether the BSA views Youth as asexual or not. In reading the article the scout proactively notified his Eagle councilor that he has issue with duty to god and btw I am gay too.... Remove the gay issue..... He was less than honest everytime he recited the Oath......Probably around 12-14 is when he came to this conclusion.....so for 4 years. The SM has a bit of blame for this.....I would imagine in a SMC he should have brushed upon his religious beliefs or duties. The spokes man from the BSA did a poor job describing duty to god...... What I take from the article is Deron Smith said that their cannot be any gay youth now???????????
  9. I have to agree with tokala. It isnt for the troop leadership to decide if the troop is interested in attending or can afford it. Our council sends a couple of crews to philmont and northern tier every year. I will present them as being available and help those interested get more information and fill out the paperwork. I understand it isnt my scouting experience.
  10. A long discussion of this here http://www.scouter.com/forums/viewThread.asp?threadID=322033
  11. Deaf did it ever occur to you that the merit badge councilor are not responding to you because the know that it is WRONG? I know as a MBC I would not participate. so what is the charge going to be?????? $25 for 4 merit badges in two hour sessions. You understand that the boys learn absolutely nothing in two hours......how can a MBC work a room of 10 boys in two hours and give them a quality experience and know they understand the material.
  12. From what you just posted You need to find a new troop...... Do not sign up to be a leader....Don't go on the campouts.....
  13. Not pushing the agenda Pack..... I am a local option kinda guy and that is my current world.
  14. Yes I have There are all sorts of home school folks..... there are many that are exactly what you have seen. There are many more who love being one of the guys. The worst home schooled boy I had dealt with was a young man who would burst into tears if someone other than him received an award. It was to the point that I asked mom not to bring him to the pack meetings. He did not have the social skills to interact appropriately with his peers....He was 8 and acted 5 or 6..... We had one home school mom bring her scout waffle house because he called her and told her he did not like our breakfast.....I can imagine what and how it was said.....I remember telling him sorry you don't like breakfast sandwiches but that is what is on the menu, if you don't like it there is the peanut butter and bread. He lasted 6 month in the troop, made only one camp out.... The best you would never know they are home schooling, they are just one of the guys. I would make sure that dad drops off and picks up at the CO from now on. That will stop that crap or scout will quit
  15. The question was innocent enough. So did you like doing requirement 6? I really enjoy doing that, wasn't it neat. Really you should remember doing it it was a lot of fun......It led to a couple more questions and it was very clear that he didn't have any knowledge of the material. While I cannot retest on a signed of requirement, I can refuse to sign off on the rest because in my opinion the scout does not have the knowledge.
  16. deaf....I am guessing you have never burned out. You go thru the motions, the joy you once found in it is gone. Most times you don't even realize it is happening. So you can spout a boy scout leader is always courteous and respectful, I say bull pucky because they are humans. We have no idea what the SM's circumstance is....He could be having health, family, personal or financial issues.... We have no way of knowing from a parents post
  17. Have a troop in our district just like that.... They have a roster of 110 and 60 active. They have an ASM corp of 26 adults and on many outings the adults out number the youth. Despite those numbers the SM is the man and runs a one man show, don't know if it by choice or the other ASM's are busy man scouting. The ASM's hang together in what I will call an adult man scout Troop, why a troop instead of Patrol because there is 20 of them on a campout. folder, go see if the grass is greener at the other troops, there is no harm in it. But why don't you step up and help out the current SM, Get Trained and become his right hand man. Someone he can count on to over see meetings, day events and other outings so he can have some personal time.
  18. Another point to my post. Scouter.com is the only place where folks who are PUSHING the gay agenda can strike out at the BSA volunteers and bring the argument to them. NONE of the other scouting forums or websites would tolerate such non sense. So My point is that Scouter.com is the focal point of that attack and irregardless of what we read here it is not as widely accepted as many believe. Sentiel as you get older and have children what you believe will change many times. I find myself becoming more conservative in my views as I age.
  19. Sounds like he could use a weekend off. Been there done that..... One of the adults should have gave him the day off......Put an arm around his shoulder, slipped him $20 and said take the wife out for a nice dinner, da troop will get along today with out you.
  20. shorts were way too short.....and tops way too low.....The attire really disrupted the troop when ever they walked by. Yep seen the pictures. the comment from the adult was I wonder when the first youth member will conceive at the jamboree.
  21. Who cares.....at this rate he will eagle at 11 and the whole thing will be over. Just another paper eagle, like grains of sand on the beach....Occasionally one of them is lucky enough to become a pearl.
  22. Ya know I felt sorry for him..... I will never see them again....But that is ok..... I am waiting for a call from his SM about it. I know very little of the troop other than it is a Church of God troop that is composed primarily of troop members. The SM is also the Pastor. Never attends round table and they don't have much of a program from the calendar on their website. The Merit Badge card was from Chief Logan Reservation......
  23. So acco...... The boys saw a couple of average middle age folks that were glad to see them and supported them....the boys returned to selling popcorn while they chatted with the leaders at the point of sale. the boys were not party to the discussion. What is the teachable moment???? Mr. B what is a homosexual??? Mr. B I think I understand what it is, is it okay????? Mr. B why do those people think is is wrong????? Mr. B if the bible says its wrong, and it is ok then is the bible wrong???? Mr. B if the bible is wrong does that mean god is wrong???? Mr. B what do you thing about it????? Mr. B I think I am a Homosexual..... Phone rings several hours later with frantic mom.... WHAT DID YOU TEACH MY SON THIS AFTERNOON???? ahh, no thanks.... I will let my 11-13 year olds figure out what homosexuality is on their own or with a discussion with their parents..... I am fairly certain my boys are well versed in the world and I sure if asked they would have the beginnings of an opinion.
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