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Everything posted by Basementdweller

  1. Well Eagle they give the rank to shoplifters http://www.scouter.com/forums/viewThread.asp?threadID=201286&p=1 Drug abusers and felons http://www.scouter.com/forums/viewThread.asp?threadID=209163&p=1 So smoking and drinking isn't so bad, right??? But interestingly.......We throw out a young well spoken man for being gay and being agnostic, but allow thieves and drug abusers to be come Eagles...... So what are we trying to tell our boys and the public. Interesting thought.......Being gay isn't illegal in most if not all the country, sodomy laws not withstanding..
  2. Calico it is the same reasons that house fires, quikie mart robberys aren't covered from my area..... A house fire or gas station robbery from the burbs is much more news worthy...... A window gets broken out of a car in the burb makes the news....three generations of a hispanic family die in a house fire it makes page 3 in the newspaper..... It ain't right......
  3. What in the world are you talking about Sasha??? In looking at the thread, I am betting there was a deleted post in there..... I remember a post that said If you hate it so much then why did you attend???? I attended because I was asked/obligated for my a patrol mate. So OH.....You know adults that can't complete projects??????? Thats what we are talking about here. Lets face it an eagle project is a single job. for a boy it is daunting, for an adult it should be a piece of cake.(This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  4. One of my scouts does this exact same thing....... My family's median income is $21k and they are probably not Caucasian. What are the chances or probability that they will end up on the Ellen show??? Or get all of the media attention this young man is getting........ZERO Because my families don't have the financial resources to tear up the internet or connections to blitz the media...... Would we be talking about this is name was Antonio or Xavier......I doubt it..... He is wealthy white and blonde.....
  5. Well it went Something Like this Mr. B isn't it horrible the kicked out that boy in california for being gay. How aweful cause he worked all those years to get his eagle. Betty that isn't the entire story.....It seems the young man also said he doesn't believe in god as well....I showed her the story on my phone from NPR. The BSA says you need to believe in a higher power, Not what or who we as Christians think as God. http://www.npr.org/blogs/thetwo-way/2012/10/05/162371701/teenage-boy-scout-denied-organizations-top-rank-because-hes-gay Well it is still horrible. I showed her the fox news story that said the SM had said they would get thru his coming out several months before his not signing the application. But that article is no longer available. So the SM was willing to work with him but the boy notified the duty to god issue. It seems to me the boy was out to prove a point. Interestingly I came accrossed this story... My information was incorrect.....turns out the SM never refused to sign the application and never had the discussion with Ryan. from this link. http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/for-gods-sake/post/ryan-andresen-gay-scout-good-scout/2012/10/15/c248e984-16f0-11e2-9855-71f2b202721b_blog.html
  6. Well blake you got further than I did.....finished my ticket no beads......coming up on almost a year since it was signed as complete.....
  7. Congrats on a fantastic and successful event...... I hope it survives the vultures from council and district circling. I wouldnt give them a penny. They will just blow it on executives salaries. I do like the idea of a halloween themed drive in movie experience like the old frankenstein and werewolf and dracula..... I still dont like woodbadge but i am glad you found it helpful.
  8. A boy tells me he is a thief......he wont get tbe grub money for the next campout and he will recieve some special attention while with the troop at gas stops and in stores
  9. When the District REQUIRES IT for your charter to be turned in then what???? OR Your DE fills it out for you then what...... The BSA has a huge fraud problem...... I stood up at roundtable last year and asked if it was still voluntary......I was told to sit down.... Honestly who cares if the District is gold or council??????? Does national give them more money to run the program......huhhhhh Just guessing here but NO. An SE in a gold council has another line on his resume for the next better paying job. That is the bottom line my friend........ If the BSA was a serious about the quality of it's franchises it would be run by paid employees and not some award happy mom whose advancement signing pen won't run out of ink till her son gets eagle, advertised skills or not.
  10. I especially enjoyed when they talked about how difficult the ticket was...... How it was the equivalent of 7 eagle projects.....Ego stroking...... Any Adult worth his salt should be able to complete an eagle project.....And only 7 in 18 months a piece of cake.
  11. At a cub event over the weekend, not my council or district..... Saturday night Halloween themed campfire started with a 40 minute beading ceremony. Picture 800 Cubs, Sibs and Familys sitting in 40 degree weather watching a bunch of folks sing Gilwell. Ya know they could care less.... It ruined the campfire, Several Packs left at about 30 minutes into the beading ceremony. I went up to the Camp Director and mentioned that it should have been at the end of the campfire instead of the beginning....She responded with sorry it was supposed to be 10 minutes and it would never happen again. This was the first time our Pack attended this paticular event....I was surprised to see all the fully bobbled up peacocks running around camp all day......They weren't helping but at the various activity stations chatting to the staff.... Interestingly enough they were zipping around on a couple of yellow UTV's.... Another case of Scouters being more important than the scouts.....
  12. So now you have two gay scouts in your unit. who are they going to tent with???? This is not much different than a crew and having a girl and guy sharing a tent.....The only difference it the likelyhood of them getting pregnant is zero. Trev...you did the right thing by the boy.......But when a SM does the right thing by the organization he gets thrown under the bus....... 6 months ago I would have done what you did....Now I am not so sure. An 11 year old....I would probably ignore it and have a chat with his mom. A 17 year old....I would keep an eye on it.....If I hear anything from other parents or scouts about it he will be removed. I am uncomfortable with him sharing a tent with another scout......much in the same way I am uncomfortable with my daughter sharing a tent with a scout who is not her brother.
  13. Had another parent ask about it last night..... Gave them the same response as the first one........this one brought up how nice it was that the one company gave the boy a scholarship..... I responded ya it was nice but he didn't need it because his dad owns a huge property management company......so nice but misguided. I added I hoped the boy would donate the check to someone more needy. Dean.....Public funds......While many scouting units rely heavily on the military for equipment to borrow or land to camp on......My district doesn't have access to this sort of govermental support, official or unofficial. We pay to camp everywhere we go....We, I, own or rent everything we use, there is no borrowing a huge tent or water buffalo for a camporee.
  14. A month ago I was pretty sure what I would do with this..... My initial thought was nothing, just let it ride or maybe speak with his parents in confidence. This last round of media has changed my mind.......I am in a sea of internal conflict and not sure what to do....... So SM's what do you do??????
  15. The Truth of the matter here Calico is the boy doesn't believe in duty to god and is also gay. So he should have never been allowed to be a member..... His SM did him a huge disservice when he came out..... From Eisleys description it sounds like it was run more like a private club than a Troop in the BSA..... Since I posted about the pictures and the wealth they displayed....Have you noticed they are all now cropped so you can't see the grand piano and the thousands of dollars of bobble on the fireplace mantel.......... On the ellen show he talked about a couple of troop trips to alaska and canada.....Bet they didn't drive...... They are Rich Calico so get over it.....This is just a rich mom trying to give her son something that can't be bought............He screwed up and opened his big mouth before he was completely finished with the process. now mom is trying to buy it thru a media campaign.
  16. And Seattle speaks up in support of JTE just like the district fellow he is... It's about DE raises..... Even with the trainwreck of a troop I am involved with we currently meet gold standards. We have serious problems.....We do not deserve even a bronze rating......But yet on paper we are gold....
  17. I just thought you were that excited about the new bobble for your uniform.
  18. Interesting Troop culture....Only One new scout patrol per year and 100% participation. Private summer camp..... thx Eisely for the background info..... I watched the ellen thing....That is one rich family.....troop going to alaska and canada on trips.... Mom is a mess...... So they hand a millionares kid a check for $20k what the heck is up with that????? The boy should hand the check to Someone else more needy.(This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  19. So the old gay atheist eagle scout denial hits me locally....... One of potential webelos parents asks me what I think about it.....they went on to state their position....which was based on less than half the information. Well I pulled up the news report and highlighted that there is more than just the young man who was gay. The god/higher power and the social media page...... The parent went from really agressive and negative to understanding. Folks just need all the info to form an opinion.(This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  20. Ya I was surprised as well. Just like the scout who is going on our backpacking trips and not working on the merit badge. Mr b I am only working on eagle required merit badges right now. Thats great which ones......stone silence
  21. So ok new sheriff in town..... Scout comes up to me Mr. B I need a POR for my rank, what can we do......Well we could use a youth quartermaster, I run the job description, scout says its too much work.....Well we could use a youth librarian......run the job description, hmmmmmm still to much work for the young man...... Historian......too much work...Grubmaster too much work..... I sent him on his way to think about what he would like to do....... So how do ya deal with fellows like this...
  22. Eagle if you have the time or are interested....I would love to hear the story behind the court case, scouting and the internet......since the PM system doesn't work, email me at Basementdweller1@gmail.com All you folks doin the oh poor boy thing need to have read his social media thing...... Young man was not living the oath and law.
  23. I bet the father and scout are reading this thread just laughing at us. Look at those poor self righteous fools....... why does this kid need eagle????? He had got the world by the throat.....No problem with food on the table....college is a given.....probably a trust fund when mom and dad pass....... Kid probably has more in his checking and savings account than I do...... One of the articles said that the SM said something to the effect they could work around the gay issue. Well he was wrong for leading the young man on. hmmm Eagle you know way too much about this fellow????????
  24. Interesting Eagle..... So do you think a million bucks a year???? I know my parents don't have the resources to conduct a national campaign to get their boy an eagle. Interesting that the troop has turned out a number of gay scouts prior to this young man.... So is this a rich white and bored in the burbs thing?????? My boys really seem to enjoy lookin at the ladies when we are out.. had a first year scout tell me he was gay.....he had no idea what it was other than it was the worst thing he could think of to shock me with. Well he is not gay took a young lady to the Fall Fling at school..... It is tough when your SM is also your chaparone at the dance..... I didn't wear my uniform.....but I probably should have.
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