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Everything posted by Basementdweller

  1. skeptic.....the person that wrote that petition was not college educated or very heavily medicated. Irregardless of what she claims.
  2. I wonder if someone should start a petition on that petition site and ask national to end the mutual support agreement???? AHGMOM.....I don't like the faith statement, I don't like that it is being forced down our throats by AHG Volunteers. Remember those camps you and your folks enjoy are maintained and paid for by US lowly long term BSA members.....If your going to use our camps I would like to see special AHG pricing to pay for your share of the camp. So have you scheduled a FOS presentation for your AHG group??????? You need to if you expect to use the BSA owned facilities. If the BSA wants to partner then the AHG program should end at 14 and the faith statement needs to be none Christian based.(This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  3. Sad we have become a society where if you don't get your way you immediately go on a internet campaign to get your way. From the reading on the petition site the boy does not deserve the medal and minimal recognition if any at all. The petition wonders all over the place...Fundraising.......No idea girl scouts had first class. I don't think there was much if any lifesaving effort involved. Not earned or deserved.....despite what mom thinks.(This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  4. The leaders pay for meals and activities as well. One eats with each patrol.
  5. Beaver your statement about Christianity is as ridiculous as the hilter statement. I am Catholic....Many of the families I serve are not. The BSA has a stance of a belief in a higher power......The AHG has a belief there is A, one god and the Western style belief in him. If the AHG would change their belief statement to something similar to the BSA my Single biggest objection to their association with the BSA would be removed. I wonder what the AHG stance is on the book of mormon?????? Sentinel....Not seeing horror stories, Just folks who disagree with them excluding or forcing folks to agree to their statement of faith in ONLY ONE GOD or Belief system. I also wonder about their stance on Gay or lesbian adult leaders???
  6. Ya but the BSA does not force anyone to sign a statement that their is only one god.
  7. roundtable isn't the answer.... Going month after month and covering the same subjects. Year after year. Covering new boy scout gear for the 8th time in three years.... Honestly what subject can be adequately covered in an hour I discussed and outdoor training Advanced course a couple of years ago. http://www.scouter.com/forums/viewThread.asp?threadID=281554
  8. Engaged how is that a marital status......oh i got a ring and a promise... Makes ya wonder why how long your married matters???? I wonder if girls born out of wed lock are allowed.. all your married numbers better match up Signing the application says this "subscribe to and comply with the American Heritage Girls, Inc. (AHG) Mission Statement, Oath, Creed, Statement of Faith and all other AHG rules, policies and procedures." (This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  9. I wonder what the media would make of this relationship. Bsa partnering with another anti gay group. I dont remember any more but does the AHG oath and such allow for divorcee's????
  10. Most dutch oven stuff is pretty easy... My boys like the chuckwagon stew I make for dinner, I will make bicuits too. Or how about a pork roast or loin in the dutch oven, with kraut or veggies..... Breakfast I like doing a breakfast pizza in the dutch oven.....just google it.... Mountain mans breakfast is a favorite too. Dessert the typical dump cake rules.....I do like the mississipi mud cake better..... When you say low quality exactly what are you talking about, cold cuts, hot dogs and poptarts.
  11. We don't travel very far from home, generally never more than an hour. The drivers are not reimbursed for gas.....It is us driving the Church van and we refill it to where it was when we are finished with the weekend...... Our campout food cost between $10 and $15 and is payed for in advance by the scouts attending. Once the food is purchased no refunds are given, period. If there is surplus it is turned in to the SM to pay for the campsite.... If we did what you do our outing cost would quickly become $30 weekends.
  12. I know better seattle your area isn't white and wealthy....Mine is not either......But 30% of my scouts aren't christian either.
  13. Surplus gear is not the way to go for young scouts......to big and heavy. Alice or molle gear was not made with a 12 year old in mind.
  14. Or they are being forced to do it to provide a program at the District Level
  15. Not in line for sainthood...... Ya I am one of the good old boys...... Bottom of the Page. http://www.scouter.com/forums/viewThread.asp?threadID=275776 But there are thousands of BSA volunteers that give 100s of thousands of hours and millions of dollars of their own money to make the unit level program work..... This is the norm for Scoutmasters not the exception....... So a couple of weekends at woodbadge is nothing for these folks and nor is the couple hundred bucks. That was my point.
  16. My letter to the editor was sent as well. Asking some questions of the leadership..... Ya the old AHG are very white, wealthy and suburban....irregardless of the pictures on their website. The two troops locally are in the richest suburbs and are in Churches who do not host BSA Units.
  17. As a married fellow whose wife is also active in scouting..... I hold my wifes hand while we hike or while sitting around the campfire occasionally..... A good night or good bye kiss in front of the lads....no big deal in my book... Now my boys has no idea how a man and woman are supposed to act together.....There life is divorced man hating women, or dad is a womanizer..... Now your situation.....I believe that they should be removed from troop leadership....There is no reference to quote because there is no specific rule against adult romance.....The fact that adults are complaining is enough in my book. But for me common sense would dictate that they shouldn't be carrying on in front of the boys..... No boys in the troop.....there are gone...remember they serve at the discretion of the CO.
  18. Boy you are new..... Hundreds of dollars........and six whole days away from your family I spend thousands of dollars a year on scouting, from short falls on campsites, gear for boys who have none, summer camp fees....... Not to mention the hundreds of hours I spend annually on direct contact program....camping, troop meetings, round tables, committee meetings, church board, community meetings...... Your involved in Cub scouts....you haven't even began to see the elephant.
  19. Outdoor my point is you have zero experience taking a group of young Boy Scouts on a multiple day backpacking trip..... You were busy saying that an 8 year could carry a greater percentage of their body weight than a 30 year old....I am calling BS..... Oh they might do it for 100 yards or even a mile....but soon dad or leader will end up with the excess weight. It is a recipe for losing boys.
  20. DA DREADED DOUBLE POST (This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  21. I was gonna do the my is bigger than yours thing..... Naw...... So Outdoors when is the last time you took a group of 12 year olds on a backpacking trip??? Your son is a wolf by now, right???? (This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  22. how many scouts did you have along when ya did that seattle?????? I imagine your trek was uphill both ways and you shared your three day old ham and cheese sandwiches with bigfoot..... The machismo factor needs to be checked at the door.... All this testosterone isn't being all that helpful(This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  23. reminds me of the old ages and stages..... Marching along the trail for 14 hours is a tough sell to an 11-14 year old.... Now a 16 or older scout will march along....... We all go to the woods for different reasons...
  24. Seattle it isn't my guideline it is the standard recommendation from most backpacking sources.....Some will recommend as high as 30%.... http://www.gregorypacks.com/blog/?p=205 http://www.livestrong.com/article/376208-ultra-light-backpacking-information/ Sooo, is a 100 pound boy carrying a 40 pound pack going to have fun????? No.
  25. Your Right Norm....Nobody cares...... I am not sure they should.
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