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Everything posted by Basementdweller

  1. ok I know what/where the perineum is............hmmmmm, uhmmmmmm I am at a loss as to why you would need to list that it can't be exposed????? Ya, everybody I know wears lots of cloths, I am mystified by the cover your anus and perineum.....I live in a pretty conservative city I guess. Never seen anyone walking around nekid in public. So what the heck is going on?????
  2. An incident???? What sort of incident? Lost paperwork, Youth Protection violation, stolen funds, misplaced camp reservation????
  3. Well seattle, I am hoping that he is off getting trained, I have no idea what is involved in DE training.
  4. Oh Doc... New DE as of August......He has been to ONE roundtable, he failed to show at the popcorn training nights, He failed to show to our Packs sign up night, he didn't even show up to hand out the recharter packets. So irregardless of what you think of me....He has failed to deliver in any manner. Like I said seen him once the night he was introduced and he has been a phantom My Home district has NEVER, not since I became active, delivered a program of any sort......or course we have had 4 DE's in as many years, from the one that was playing golf every day, to satan, to the phantom, non seemed interested in the boys. I don't want to get the moderator smack down. Doc don't judge my situation till ya walk in my shoes. Did it ever occur to you that I wasn't always this cynical????? The last DE and the Good old Boys club woodbadge demand finished me off......
  5. ---- Support from your DE and district staff Cough cough, what sort of support....never receive any. Got a new DE in the August time frame....I seen him once.....Thank goodness we don't need any help. ---- Where your hang files are put for roundtable no idea what a hang file is.....so it isn't important or relevant. ---- Coordination - Popcorn sales Hmmmmm, No it is a council thing, we attend regional training not district training. ---- Coordination - FOS Yes our DE forced his way into our blue and gold banquet....but mercifully he came away with $5. I will not encourage FOS or participate in FOS. ---- Coordination - Recruitment They do nothing for us but collect the applications and fees. ---- Advancement - Approving eagle projects No this is done at the troop level. ---- Advancement - Eagle boards of review No this is done at the troop level. ---- Advancement - Disputed situations Nope, council does it. The AC resigned because of it. ---- Advancement - Leader recognition No I turn them into the scout office and they do the certificates while I wait then I go to the scout shop and buy the knots. ---- Advancement - Any special awards, heroism, hornaday, etc. no idea about this...I would take it to the council office probably. ---- Order Of The Arrow - Elections Never seen or heard from the OA crew in our district or council ---- Order Of The Arrow - Chapter meetings No idea, guess our chapter isn't active. ---- Membership - Signing rechartering paperwork Just drop it off at the council office. ---- Membership - Signing new member applications This might be the only thing the DE does.....But last fall I took them to the Council office to turn in and pay the fees. ---- Communications from district / council Nope councils website, District doesn't have anything going on to communicate. No district cub events, we did have a camporee. Fred you have absolutely no clue what your talking about..... What exactly are district Awards??????? Oh those are where the Roundtable commissioners award each other at the awards dinner. Funny they don't seem to do anything. Do your own thing.....pick up your charter from the council office, attend other districts round tables, camporees and training......Take your FOS dollars and invest it in your local program. (This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  6. don't cancel or modify the outing..... I have gone backpacking with my son and one other scout and the SM before.
  7. You could require the extra work required scouts to have a parent attend and be active. One of two things will happen. Their parents will with draw them from the troop or show up and be active removing your role as babysitter. I will not let one or two scouts ruin the experience for the group.
  8. I have never had a DE worth his salt. So I have never had confidence in a DE. The new one, seen him once....I am not sure what exactly he is doing. As a matter of fact I see him less that the Draconian DE that proceeded him. In my world DE's are completely irrelevant.
  9. the SE doesn't care.....Just more of us pesky volunteers making a racket. Do what you think is best for your unit. Honestly I doubt they will let you simply change districts. But no rules against attending someone elses.
  10. There is no way to assure absolute water safety......All it takes is one scout with dirty hands or for an inattentive boy to set the clean side of the filter system down in the mud..... Chemicals are the most reliable if you can get past the taste.
  11. Why does it need to be an official kinda thing??? Like the other roundtable better?????? then Go Like the other district camporees Better????Then go Like the others fundraising????? Do it If you feel obligated have the other districts FOS guy do the presentation and give them the money. This is coming from a fellow has been doing this for years....
  12. $85k doesn't even pay of one secretary at irvine...... Keep Scouting local...
  13. Lots of things run business out of the country.....It is safer to be an employee here. There are work place safety rules, There are EPA rules, There are product safety rules, there is a minimum wage. As a result it cost more to make things here. The health care is out of control in this country... Like it or not something has to give. Finally, I don't want to work at a place that simply views me as an expense.
  14. I would delete the nasty posts and remind the parents it is about the boys. I would warn the waring parties to cool it or they will be removed from the group.
  15. Oh they are idiots all right.......It has nothing to do with training. When a unit takes $6k worth of product and sells $100 that is a don't care attitude. the council popcorn guy emailed, the district folks emailed, individual packs and troops emailed begging for unsold product to be returned. When the second call for unsold product went out....I returned part of my take and sell order. I asked for more of the product that we were having success selling. of course there was none in the warehouse, No one on the facebook group or email list for kernels would share their excess product......... Ya know I don't care for the nonsense at district or council.....But I don't intentional screw over other units or the council. shakin my head....
  16. Ya a large number of scout volunteers are idiots as evidence by the stupidity I witnessed this morning. Our troop and pack ran out of popcorn during our sale and asked for more....of course there was none to be had it was in the units. Every week a plea from district and council for units to turn in product they are not selling. So our sale ended earlier than I wanted or hoped. Well sitting here and watching the hundreds of cases being turned in just makes my blood boil..... The complete selfishness of the unit leaders...... I just find it unbelievable. We no I dont one mom kia sedonna unloaded 15 unopened cases of carmel corn....ya know I am pretty sure we could have easily sold 3 of them and with a bit of work 5 more. Seeing this I am almost of the opinion that there should be no returns. Our unit does not participate in the second part of the sale because of damaged product that gets returned and redistributed....rodent and heat damage.... Make me embassared to be a member of the group
  17. I was wondering when this would show up here. So now the people have spoken and soon it will be permitted/legal/legit in all the states.
  18. Able has a long story..... But they probably stopped holding them so the scouters would stop talking to each other... Makes it easier to hide membership numbers being......stretched. Same goes for ghost units.
  19. This is entertaining..... We have done internet recharter for years.....It fixes all the issues if YOU invest the time to actually do it. I fixed the Packs....took a bunch of adults off and out whose boys weren't members.....Took 5 or 6 hours the first time thru it.
  20. Well who should be a round table commissioner then??? I am not giving scouting any more of my time currently. Being SM only I feel semi retired, you know I really enjoy having a bit of personal time, catching up on all of the home maintenance that got ignored for the last 5 years I was completely immersed in scouting. The new District committee has failed again. Nothing on calendar, The BS round table was introductions announcements and coffee then home. The only reason I keep attending is it is part of my job as SM. one night a month and we are currently in and out in less than 45 minutes....Not to bad. I help on a unit by unit basis.....I have taken one other troop backpacking this fall....an introductory weekend using all of the donated backpacks and tents that I have accumulated.
  21. Girls even typical ex girl scouts are very intimidated by venturing. While you try to mentor them, they quickly realize that there isn't a free lunch and it is a lot of work. I mentioned before the last go around with our crew, it was 4 couples....when they discovered that it wasn't going to be romantic weekends with the sweetie pie. They all quit.
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