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Everything posted by Basementdweller

  1. But each and everyone of you forget that Scouting is a Second Tier activity...... Football comes first Soceer comes first Volleyball comes first Band comes first Baseball comes first Everything comes before scouting. it is very expensive for second level activity.
  2. But reduced registration fees don't do anything for event or camping fees. In the grand scheme of things it is a small amount of money. So if you dropped it to $5 then you end up with a bunch of members how can't afford the outings
  3. Don't worry Seattle I will keep the dislike of AHG alive here
  4. Ya I am here same as in the real world. But in my world adults don't buy dog sleds for webelos for a Klondike derby. A strong sense of community and service. Our troop is active to the point that one and done is never an issue as is short cutting requirements. Many here believe the human animal is basically good and benevolent in nature. I have seen and experienced too much to believe that, even from scouters who are of higher moral fiber and have a higher sense of community and social responsibility. How about the fellow to spun a story about not getting his eagle and how he felt inferior because of it... How he deserved to have it awarded as an adult. So I am at this year's recharter breakfast... Just chatting with some folks, one SM looking for a community service project.... I suggest our CO food pantry. The regional food pantry box truck delivers to us Thursday evening at 5:45, and I suggested that his troop could come down and help unload the truck and stock the shelves at the pantry or Saturday and help folks load their cars....... His expression was priceless... Oh no that wasn't what he had in mind. He wanted to volunteer at Zoo or Science museums. My personal favorite was he counted ushering at the local college football games as service hours. So they so the wealthy alumni to their seats and take pictures to them. We have done it..... But I view it as just getting into the game free and not community service.
  5. Gee, His departure wouldn't be related to all of you calling him crazy would it in this thread http://www.scouter.com/forums/viewThread.asp?threadID=373998&p=1
  6. I have never had a teacher call to check on my kids even after bein out with the flu for a week a couple of years ago....... Difference between urban and suburban rural schools I guess.
  7. I missed the WB hatred..... So SW were you a scout as a youth???? We are getting part of the story as usual.... How would the opinions and attitudes change if we found out he was a life long scouter who has been CM for 10 years and has no boys in the program??? and the boys loved him or hate him???? Wife was ill??? or he lost his job and is now working 2 part time jobs???? Or a newbee who has only been CM for 6 months? I don't care for WB
  8. Brentallen has gone and the pictures looked fantastic, if you search the forum, I bet you can still find them... MOAB I think is what ya need to search
  9. Lets step back....... Life happens. Family Always comes first. ALWAYS Job comes before scouting. So the old boy is hitting a busy patch......What can ya do to help????? Step up, which you apparently did and where told your place... He missed one campout and one parade....still no biggy in my book. far as the peanut allergic reaction....I am not sure if you told him the boy was ok or not, but what was he supposed to say???? So what can you do??? Bring it up at the committee meeting with some recommendations and have the CC and COR act on what the group believes is the best of them. Far as announcements go at Pack meetings....What is he announcing? Most of the cub stuff is den level....if your holding a bunch of Pack events then that is a separate issue.
  10. Let me fill it out online...... Let me pay via paypal...... No papers to lose....... No trips to the scout office......
  11. SPL did good. But there is another option for the requirement While a First Class Scout, serve actively for four months in one or more of the following positions of responsibility (or carry out a Scoutmaster-assigned leadership project to help the unit): Of course there is always the troop guide position. I assigned ours to train the PL and our new scout patrol. My expectation of him is to work with the patrol and get each of them to second class before we go to summer camp in June. The way it looks he should do it before February.
  12. Why the need for an award. How about a display about his career and a 5 minute he's was a great guy and here is why speech???? Or how about naming an award after him????
  13. Just some thoughts http://www.atlantaoutdoorclub.com/
  14. I think it has something to do with boy friendly menus
  15. Never seen a female scout leader that thin......
  16. This terrifies all the elitist SM and CC. All those troops that don't have Pack associated with them and try to snipe Webelos 2 at the crossover time. Someone said that Packs have 5 years in the cubs and should be able to pick where they go......As the Packs previous tiger, wolf, bear webelos den leader, Acting CC, ACM, CM and Popcorn Kernel....I have a stake in the boys and where they go too.
  17. Nice attitude Joebob So your going to exit the second your boys quit, age out or Eagle. I was involved in cub scouting for 7 years......I still sit on the Pack committee and expect to be the CC in the next year or so.......Why, I can offer advice, and guidance to the new cub leaders. I expect to be SM for at least the next 10 years and probably till I can no longer camp and backpack comfortably. Why I enjoy the boys I serve. Scouting is the only safe haven for these boys..... I find it very rewarding despite the games being played locally by the adults. The boys I serve are the only reason I stay......
  18. My unit functions this way now. the Troop and Pack meet at the same time and location. The boy scouts are hosts and activity directors at the Pack camp outs, they help at the blue and gold and Pinewood. The 2nd year webelos are invited on 3 campouts or events with the troop. We have 90% join and are still members after their first year with the troop. It surprises many parents that they must fill out another application when there boys crossover.
  19. so eisley, why not do the fire starting requirement when there is no burn ban on or out of fire season.....
  20. Your focused on the fire example..... Had a life scout at summer camp cut himself with his knife and stood their and looked at me saying "I cut myself" held his finger out for me to fix it. He had no idea how to deal with it.... Or the First Class scouts at NYLT that couldn't set up their patrol fly because they did not know their knots or proper application.
  21. Basically it comes down to who the council is going to side with..... A district level volunteer or a SM. Guess who wins????? He and his son should have been thrown out for what he did....especially with all of the documentation.(This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  22. One and done on requirements or Mastery. my personal favorite requirement In an approved place and at an approved time, demonstrate how to build a fire and set up a lightweight stove. Note: Lighting the fire is not required. There is a huge difference between demonstrating how to stack tinder and kindling and actually getting a successful fire.
  23. No idea what it about. Kinda looks like troop management software....but with a bend more toward a facebook interface. I wonder if they paid licensing to use all the pictures of the merit badges and ranks. The good news is it is hosted by godaddy in the US. The Developer is in Utah.
  24. Guess we winter camped last weekend...got to 22 degrees. Most of the boys had 40 degree bags with extra blankets. Some got cold.....But hopefully learned their lesson and will ask for upgraded bags.
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