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Everything posted by Basementdweller

  1. in that boat with you. have one that has no control over his frustration and anger and will strike out at anything close.....people objects doesn't matter. The best part, it is now a very well practiced excuse the boy spouts over and over and over again for everything. If I feel he is ever a threat to the other scouts or scouters I will have him removed from the troop. That is my right to do so...... Irregardless what the self righteous do gooders say here..... I am not a trained mental health profession, I am not a social worker, I don't get paid for this..... I am just a youth scout that has grown up to be a SM for my son and his friend. If that little angry autstic time bomb is going off, it isn't going to be on my watch or on my scouts I know that not all autistic young men are violent....I have one out of 6 that is violent.
  2. EL With what you have describe about mom.....The second you talk to the lad it is a SMC.....Mom will document it and turn the paperwork into council forged signatures and all. twocubs.......You can kick him out of the troop for not participating......it is just that simple.....then a letter to the council registrar to that effect. It is no longer your problem at that point.
  3. I was unplugged from the world over the weekend and come home to see this has happened. I got that sick feeling when I saw it and read the story. From the account I read that schools security is infinitely tighter than my kids schools. There doors are not locked, the buildings are nearing 100 years old, no electronic locks no internet and no TV in every room. I wonder what the mother knew about her sons mental condition......Why was he taken out of school and home schooled. I wonder what his social media pages will turn up....I wonder what was on the computers that he felt they needed destroyed...... Why why why an elementary school????????????? Aspergers syndrome.....gives me pause for a number of reasons in the troop......
  4. The way that Scouts mom is working this.......If the SM speaks with boy about anything it will equal a SM conference in her eyes. I would have him removed from the charter.
  5. Cross posted with your 2cubs.... No way would I sign that application for the exact reason you mentioned. Multiple vacations a year, If mom works for a hospital she easily knocks down $80-100k a year and dads salary on top of that......I bet they take home $200k a year. I makes me sick that dad is that big jerk to even ask.... So how much they asking for?????
  6. Since I am the reason this thread got spun. Now I pretty typically pay for scout camp for 3-5 boys a year....Could be day camp, could be webelos resident camp or Troop Camp. The boys I pay for have nothing....Generally shirts from the CO's uniform Closet, Live with grandma or foster care. I know the boy and honestly they don't have much of anything other than a bed and a warm place to call home. I have been burnt a number of times, the year the boys came back with disney pictures from the family vacation after I paid for camp for them.....They will never get another hand out. The mom that asked for me to come out to her expedition with an application so she could fill it out....Nails were done nice and fancy....she was babbling on her blackberry, at the time was the latest tech toy...... The kid with the Iphone and the jambo financial aid app.... If you have a lot of assets then you have cash.....Craigslist is a great thing, 2cubs I would never consider financial add for the the folks you describe in the last paragraph. I can picture the folks, What kind of smart phone does the scout have???? Did he go to the halo, black ops or assasin creed release party???? How many of the before mentioned games does he own??? We could go on and on, I truly doubt they need or deserve help..... You guys all preach about not judging or knowing for sure...... So the kid with the new Iphone.....how many of you would have signed the application and why? Or mom shows up with a brand new car and wants help from the troop for summer camp?????? 2cubs...I have paid directly for over 20 boys to attend summer camp over the years.....of those only a handful are still in scouting and of that handful I only have a warm and fuzzy feeling about 2... Our troop doesn't have a huge bank account or slush fund.....I have read about a SM's fund we don't have one of those either.... We have enough to get by.....and that is all we need.
  7. So why even met with the boy????? He has never contacted the SM/EL... He is not a member of the troop. So how is this different from a life scout troop hopping because he has hit a brick wall at his previous troop trying to find a troop that will let him get his eagle. Now I don't know the lad, but sounds like mom is just pushin the issue and the boy could careless.
  8. Ok, so you have kicked him out.... You need to make sure neighbor dad knows not to bring him to any more meetings till his mom has paid the fee and filled out a fresh application. It is an awkward situation.....In years past I would have paid the national fees out of my own pocket to keep a needy good kid in the program. I bet he keeps coming to the meetings.
  9. After sleeping on it I would tell Mom no. Something just isn't right with the story. What rank is it for???
  10. The implementation was immediate. From this point forward you will attend roundtable here.... Which meant for me a 45 minute drive in rush hour traffic to a place outside the urban area...... While this was the geographic center of the district it was not the scouting center. I took the time and did a plot of troop locations and determined that the round table should be 30 minutes north and a little bit to the west of its current location. One troop would have to drive an hour to roundtable......but that's right they don't attend ever even at the new location or in the previous district. Problems..... The DE had worked for the other district and had his personal favorites...... The GOBC from both districts have fought and are still struggling for power after 3 years now. The country folks don't like the city folks and vice versa.....I get tired of the city kids trying to milk a bull jokes. They especially like the follow up question of well do you actually own a cow and have you actually tried to milk one or so exactly where does your milk come from??? Walmart or Krogers? Still no district program to speak of.... Results from my perspective..... a number of my old district antagonist quit/retired from scouting. You remember the ones, you will take woodbadge to put on district cub events..... My old district had no program, it destroyed the other district that had a reasonably active calendar. Roundtable attendance has dropped significantly because of the location, day and time change. I struggle to make it on time and it really is a long drive. So Eagle, I keep asking what is a district supposed to do beyond roundtable???? Never experienced a functional district so no clue.....But I know that our merger took one that appeared to be functioning and destroyed it.
  11. Well he does not meet our troops definition of "Active" so no need for a SMC or BOR. Our definition of active is 50% of meetings and activities for prior 6 months for general troop members. 80% of activities and meetings for Scouts with POR's. How can you have a meaningful SMC when you don't know the boy????? I would say no SMC till he is active in the troop. Unless she falsified the signatures the council should not have registered him with your troop and if they did I would ask he be removed from the troops charter and not recharter him in the future. You understand that if the boy is first class he can continue to work toward eagle as a crew member.
  12. Ah deleted what I am sure was a witty reply. I have posted and stated many times how irked I am about families requesting assistance. I just recently refused to sign a financial aid application for a scout to go to the jamboree. Why because he got an Iphone 5 a couple of weeks prior. device and service for a year cost more than the jambo would. Choices...... Doesn't sound like he needs financial assistance does it? But his parents need financial counseling.
  13. Naw, I will stand in line. In ohio it is fairly routine for absentee ballots getting lost only to turn up weeks or months after the election. If that doesn't happen, then they get declared provisional and then disqualified. I think they said 30,000 provisional ballots were declared invalid last election. I believe florida had the same issue during the last Bush election.
  14. When I made my house purchase long ago.......We made the decision to be able to afford it on one of our salaries....... Imagine that, thinking for myself and not letting a realtor or mortgage lender do it for me. Congratulations Mr. B you can afford a $250,000 house.....your payments will only be $1500 a month before taxes.... really, how am I going to heat, cool, light and above all eat during the rest of the month. It was a good thing we did, wife had some health issues that forced her to quit her job.
  15. Oh blame the economy........ I make sacrifices in my families life so we can do more things. We don't have cable TV, only one TV in the house, two cell phones one paid for by work. We don't eat out, we don't drive new cars..... Live in a house in a less than fantastic neighborhood. But ya know that is my choice. If your going to blame no vacation on a couple of hundred buck for a summer camp fee, then you shouldn't take a vacation anyhow. As SM I will discourage the boys from family camp outs. Drivers are welcome siblings are not.
  16. I never said anything about Black voter suppression.. Although there were accusations of that on the other side of town. http://www.opednews.com/articles/Eleventh-Hour-GOP-Voter-Su-by-Ari-Berman-121104-190.html http://www.vice.com/read/voter-suppression-its-happening-right-now-in-ohio The second story is exactly what happened in my precinct. The line was 5 hours long. I couldn't tell you how many people just left out of frustration......Everyone that got out of line and walked past me, to told them you are letting THEM win by walking away. I was ticked off when I got into the gym and saw the other district had 6 machines that weren't being used and we had 1000 people trying to use three machines....
  17. Commuting was horrible, rolling roadblocks during rush hour. Even surface streets were blocked with city trucks providing a secure perimeter.... I disconnected my home phone for a month and gave anyone that mattered my cell number. The robo calls were one every 5-10 minutes.....Moral of the story, don't put your phone number on the voter registration card. The political adds were crazy.....It did create some interesting discussions with Son and some of his friends. There is poverty everywhere if you take the time to look for it. I live in the same home I bought as a starter 25 years ago.....The area was different, white flight and the landlord property flipper people have destroyed the neighborhood one home at a time....... So do I throw in the towel and run for the doors like all of the other folks and let the folks have da hood, or do I put my foot down and make a stand. There are other circumstances that were at play, but moving was not an option.
  18. Have you asked him what is going on???? or even speak privately with his parents??? There maybe some very legitimate things going happening in his life outside of scouting.
  19. You can't see the forest for the trees. Your troop meetings are patrol meetings. At this point I would scrape any notion of trying to differentiate the two..... I would concentrate on getting the boys to understand the Patrol method....and as an adult leader I would begin planning for the second patrol...
  20. Besides....... Anyone who knows anything about local politics or the local police chief understands that laws are not for the wealthy or politicians.
  21. voter suppression is fact in my state. Republicans in ohio redrew the boundaries more than a few years ago and they control the allotment of voting machines and their placement. I live in a primarily Democratic district and we share our polling place with a primarily republican district. the last two presidential elections I walk in to vote huge lines at my districts tables and machines. the republican district had none.....The republican district had 6 machines to our 3. The first Obama election people were still voting at the democratic districts after midnight....keep in mind the polls close at 7.
  22. The Black box in the car................ Honestly, it revels the truth of an accident irregardless what the witnesses say. I am good with it. If I caused the accident while speeding, not wearing my seat belt, weaving back and forth while texting, the least I deserve is my own truck or car ratting me out. Haven't you seen the Progressive insurance commercials where you plug in a data recorder to your car and then send it into them for a better insurance rate?????? Snap shot savings or something they call it. Again, Who cares if the goverment reads my emails or txt messages, I AM NOT DOING ANYTHING EMBARRASSING ILLEGAL OR IMMORAL.
  23. So how many boys in the troop???? if you don't have a bunch of patrols, say 4 or more then there is no need for an SPL or ASPL. If no one wants to be Patrol leader, I would assign it and rotate it monthly especially with a troop that young.
  24. So Pack What freedoms have we lost???? Be specific please
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