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Everything posted by Basementdweller

  1. The local Fund Our Salary drive. From my local perspective lets look at your points Training for adult volunteers.....Hmmmm no I pay $10-15 for a single day position specific training session.....cost for an overnight IOLS training weekend is $75.....Woodbadge is $300. Single day training is run my volunteers in a donated church basement......Pure profit. IOLS has maybe $10 of cost associated with it for food....Same goes for woodbadge but more like $25 for two weekends. The best part is the staff have to pay to staff IOLS and woodbadge. Leadership training and advancement programs NYLT training per youth is $245....What other advancement programs????? I pay for my scouts books, I pay for my books, the troop has to purchase merit badges and rank patches. New unit organization. What is that????? We had to buy the book from the scout shop for the venture crew. Recruiting activities.... Our district and council provide nothing for recruitment. We schedule and do our own boy talks do our own flyers too. He the DE usually shows up to collect the apps and money at sign up night.....didn't even bother to do that this year. Program publications....Hmmm, never got a free one from district or council...Always had to buy what I needed Communications not sure what this is telephones and internet service???? Maintenance of our Scout Camps Ya got me on this one.....But shouldn't the camps pay for themselves. Program Materials....Again what program materials??? I buy those at the scout shop Records processing...This needs to go away.....Should be done by the units directly into scoutnet. Clerical staff Who is that the voice on the call tree????? They have a volunteer at our front desk... Telephone and office equipment... Other related costs to support the entire program This means all of the catered luncheons and the SE stipend. I have not given to the FOS campaign for a couple of years.
  2. So is carrying a fire arm in violation of the G2SS enough to get booted out???? I wonder if carrying a gun at BSA events as an nonLEO citizen is better or worse in the eyes of the BSA than say being gay or atheist???
  3. perdidochas You are correct that the founding fathers didn't anticipate those. But we also created laws regarding those technologies regarding proper utilization. We can keep going, how about an Automobile, we have plenty of laws regarding those. Far as Religion, It has rules too. the LDS church the men can't have multiple wives. I would like to see churches get taxed just like any other business. So your argument doesn't work.
  4. GS you don't know me from adam. I live in not quite a ghetto but an area that has transitioned in 15 years from decent to well fairly rotten. I do not normally carry no need to even in Da Hood. I carry only when I am doing something I view as risky, after midnight trips to the grocery, or the neighbor banging on the door that she heard a noise, the police will not investigate it. And during the 8 years of having a ccw it has been less than 10 times. I don't live my life in fear. Desert....I understand living close to our boarder shared with mexico I could see it. We don't have any National wilderness to speak of in my area of the country and we stay on established trail systems so the likelyhood for us to run into these sorts of folks and their weed patch is slim to none. Carrying on a scout camp.....No reason to.(This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  5. OGE your post read that you dismissed him because of two beatings. Not any disability HICO thats great your able to babysit your autistic boys at summer camp. You must have a high percentage of parents participating. Right now I am trying to recruit a second adult so our troop can go. So babysitting isn't an option for us.(This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  6. I am not paranoid about folks carrying. I am a CCW holder. I am just alarmed at the number of adult men that can not go on a scout outing unarmed. Eagle the troops last backpack trip it was an hour walk to get cell coverage another hour to the road during daylight. I was not worried about our safety. So HICO if you had a handgun what would you have done????? Popped momma bear? What about the cubs popped them too???? What caliber is appropriate to kill a bear?? What happens if you wounded it and it got away????? You going to spend the entire weekend chasing a wounded bear thru the woods?????? the bear was in the campsite for food.....just that simple.....How clean was the campsite? Did the folks before you keep a clean campsite???? If the bears are habituated to humans then the camp owner is under obligation to deal with it either thru a professional hunter of fish and game trapping and removing the problem animals. Bearspray is a better option
  7. Well it is pretty obvious that gun nutts aren't gonna give an inch. Done with this conversation. I wonder how many more times Aurora, Columbine and Connecticut have to happen again before the people have had enough. The gun lobby should ban together and present their own plan. Before someone else does for ya.
  8. Peel the label away... So would you tolerate a kid who hits, fights,attacks or lashes out..... How about the kid that throws a knife at another??? Of course not..... he would be disciplined and eventually dismissed. I think what happens is the parent and society forces us to tolerate their acting out more than we would for a "normal" boy. So BDPT and acco is it ok if the angry fellow in OGE tents with your scout????? Sure the kid was dealt a bum hand in life, Not my fault...it was either the vacines or mom had the flu when she was pregnant or what ever..... In the other thread there is talk of making scouting safe with fire arms.....In other thread there is talk about mitigating risk..... So where do these youth fall in all of this.
  9. I have never carried a firearm on a scout outing. Never even considered it. I have never had a conflict or confrontation with the public on an outing. Never felt threatened by anything or anybody. Well except for those scouters who were on a troop outing and bullied me out of the shelter on the AT. I was makin dinner when they walked up and took possession of the shelter. Maybe I am a product of my environment... Living in the DMZ, a trip into the woods where I just need to worry about the mice, squirrels and raccoons getting into my food is a vacation. Honestly are things that tough in the burbs or small town america?????? If thats the case I am glad I live in DA HOOD. I have a mix of emotions tied to scouters who feel threatened to the point they have to carry fire arms on scout outing.
  10. It says the right to bear arms.....But not what type.......remember it was 230+ years ago. I wonder if the founding fathers had AK's, SKS or any of the AR clones in mind. I have no idea, but the hardware available exceeds the performance of the firearms of our founding fathers by several thousand percent.
  11. I was more than a little surprised at the number of scouters who carry some heat on scout outings. Who else does and why??? Be prepared????? Really for what?????
  12. WOW, I wonder what the folks in Irvine are gonna do with this thread..... Bunch of Scouters afraid to take their boys into the woods unarmed..... It's no wonder you guys that woodbadge was all that..... I am laughing at the bunch of ya. Absolutely unbelievable..... The day I feel the need to take a gun to go backpacking is the day I need to sell all of my gear..... So are you teaching your scouts that fear and paranoia???? Be prepared my behind, The likely hood of needing a first aid kit extremely high, Need for a 357 magnum is next to zero.....
  13. Wow the list of paranoid scouters grows.....Shocked.... So Pack did you ever take a gun on a boy scout camp out just because you were concerned or felt the need to be prepared?????? the most hysterical part of this entire thing is I live in the hood, ghetto or bad area and I live in less fear than you guys that live in small towns and the suburbs..... Amazes me to no end.
  14. Wow, I find it amazing how insecure everyone is......Missed joebobs post. I take the troop backpacking 3 times a year and have never taken a weapon beyond a small swiss army knife with me, ya know the little blue single blade one.....We have never had a problem, never a need for one..... So what in the world is everyone afraid of???? So is this like the Micheal Moore docudrama Bowling for Columbine????? NRA and media marketing fear??????? I am absolutely speechless that adult men are afraid to take a group of boys to the woods with out a gun... Sitting here shaking my head.
  15. GSDAD..... I don't live in fear, but I have common sense...... The night I drew, It was after midnight and I had to go get baby supplies, poor planning I was out......I knew it was a bad idea...... The dialog needs to start somewhere with some concessions. I am sorry your afraid that sensible regs mean the beginning of the end.
  16. Dean asked the million dollar question What is reasonable?
  17. GSDAD since I was the target of your rant..... I never said I did not own one of the fire arms in the list..... I own several on the list, so I am talking about self regulating. I have a couple of hundred rounds in a variety of calibers, I reload my own too..... Everything from a 17 Ackley Hornet thru 7.62 x 51..... So I enjoy fire arms... I am a gun owner and I believe that enough is enough.... I am not some idiot spouting about being prepared for the zombie Apocalypse. Or spouting off that a guy doesn't know what a flash hider is????? Reasonable discussion, but I see that isn't possible for the gun NUT crowd.......So when the rest of America says they have had enough and comes for your guns then what. We got guys talking about being prepared for the zombie Apocalypse, folks suggesting added insurance The best part of this entire discussion for me is how much fear YOU live in. I am glad that isn't how I think or live my life.
  18. Q we have all had the scout who was rotten to the core...... Autism has little to do with a rotten kid.... Rotten kid can control it and I have found them to be predictable..
  19. AZ I agree that if you take away everyones fire arms we would be killing each other with crossbows or ball bats. Just the way humans are.... I am not speaking of complete ban, but sensible regulation....
  20. Oh the interpretation and intent of the second amendment.....There is a lot of argument about the intent, So will say that we won the revolutionary war because every house had a gun or two. That is what the founding fathers had in mind Then the other side of the argument, The People were to be organized militia's or even national guards, but a supreme court decision made NG units part of the Armed Forces. I have a Carry permit in ohio.... I have drawn in self defense once and LEO chastised me for doing it.....fellows that were in all probability going to rob me in the parking lot never filed a complaint or charges. Imagine that. I don't think we are talking about giving up freedoms...... So why does a guy target shooting need a clip that holds more than 10 rounds????? why does a guy hunting need a clip that holds more than 10 rounds? Why does a guy need a 50 cal barrett rifle? Laser projecting sight???? Door breaching rounds???? Fragible rounds????? Folding/collapsible stocks? Flash hider????? Quantity????? does a fellow need 200 fire arms How much ammo in possession is too much???? I think we are beyond "the I should be able to because I want to". So is giving up freedom if the max magazine capacity is limited to 10 verse 50 or a 200 drum. I don't see it as giving up freedom. So how many kids would the fellow at the school killed if he had to reload his magazines or change his magazines after 10 rounds?????? of course it is hypothetical, he could be carrying 100 10 round mags and change them in a couple of seconds. So we take the semi automatic and change it to a pump.....probably still lots of damage, how about a bolt action, slower, how about a single shot, lots slower. Just offering some food for thought???? So how many of those kids would have been saved if he had a single shot rifle instead of a semi auto??? I could careless what china thinks of us..... Of course they would prefer us much less armed. I haven't see the latest Red Dawn movie....But the original got me all fired up as a young man..... Sensible regulation......
  21. I was a member of the NRA for a number of years......Then they fought tooth and nail against the assault rifle controls...Honestly they were reasonable.... I quit, because very simply I don't see any reason that a citizen needs a 50 shot clip with a laser sight..... When I read some of the stuff written in the NRA's magazine I know that my views were much different than theirs..... I shot in a bowling pin league for a couple of years....22 rim fire with subsonic rounds lot of fun.... So I am not anti gun...... This may open the door for some intelligent gun laws and hopefully will muzzle the NRA's attack dogs for a little while... So what do you think some reasonable restrictions or prohibitions should be????
  22. So who do they tent with???? I gotsta know
  23. Ya know the best part of your story Joebob.... If it ever happens that your little time bomb goes off. The news reporter with the bright red lip stick and the too short skirt will report in a serious somber voice " The shooter learned to about GUNS and shooting in the Boy Scouts". I required mom to attend our shooting night with him.....which was the deal breaker.....cuts into her drinking time.
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