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Everything posted by Basementdweller

  1. Just as completely banning every single firearm would prove nothing A single armed guard per school proves nothing. so whats he gonna carry, MP5, P90??? something newer????? Is he gonna take a bathroom break or sick day occasionally???? Is he gonna be at all the after hours activities?? (This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  2. Well reasonable.... Australia is too restrictive. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gun_politics_in_Australia British seems reasonable. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gun_politics_in_the_United_Kingdom Germany....gotta love the Germans. psych evaluation for those under 25, hmmm should we include all owners in that. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gun_politics_in_Germany Canada, Probably has it right. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gun_politics_in_Canada
  3. Sometimes the wife has a court courier helping keep you in line.
  4. Beavah That is a great idea. That might slow some of the influential groups down. Let ban paranoia and irrational fear.
  5. Honestly Brew, Your full of reindeer droppings. stopping and reloading as fast as a fellow just pulling the trigger....I call reindeer shhhhhh I have emailed and called all of my elected officials and let them know that I WILL be watching their voting record closely on this issue and I will make sure local folks are aware of it as well. This will be my voting point in the coming election. I told them reasonable controls and not do what the NRA tells them too. Interestingly my urban neighbors have had enough as well. I am a gun owner and it is time for reasonable restrictions. If I need to turn in some of my firearms to comply with new laws I am prepared to do so.
  6. Just heard on the news tonight that columbine had an armed guard. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/12/21/columbine-armed-guards_n_2347096.html http://www.slate.com/blogs/the_slatest/2012/12/21/columbine_armed_guard_colorado_shooting_shows_that_nra_s_shield_program.html http://www.nytimes.com/2012/12/23/us/mixed-reaction-to-call-for-armed-guards-in-schools.html?_r=0 Thoughts
  7. Yep that is the one......The two robbers were in complete body armor and had AK's with drum magazines. Nothing in the cruisers could penetrate the body armor.
  8. Oldscout In the situation you describe. I would carry a rifle or shotgun deemed acceptable in caliber for dealing with a predator that views humans as food. I know the tv shows showing salmon fishing in alaska show the guides with a 12 gauge slug gun and a side arm of unknown caliber I would have several adults assigned to security.......but the boys and adults in that situation are different. Not some paranoid citydweller.
  9. Ya TT, I don't get it either. They have an all or nothing mentality. So instead of enjoying their big black guns with a 10 shot clip they might not get to enjoy them at all. I hope it doesn't come to that, but it just might. I don't like guns in schools one bit. Just askin for trouble.
  10. ya supposed to end 6:11 AM here. my alarm went off 6:15....Listened for a moment for the zombie horde, earth wasn't shaking from the meteor strikes and earth quakes, No flood, I was breathing so the atmosphere hadn't been sucked away. 6;20....rolled around, better get up before son gets all the hot water. Still choking down that terrible coffee the mrs saved a dollar on because she had a coupon. Thats about it here.
  11. I have seen these fellows, forsaking family for scouting, I have seen a number end up divorced. Seen one fellow in tears during a roses and thorn session about missing an event for his daughter. Lucky for me this was early in my scouting career and gave me a moment of pause.
  12. Sooo, What about your SE's Salary???? The one in Kansas City knocks down $300k a year. Is that right???? Mine knocks down $200k. Then they come beggin for money from the members. Tok.....I staff our IOLS training. I pay to be on staff, I pay for my copys, I pay for any handouts/give aways, they are expected, and any materials for my presentation. I like the program, organization not so much
  13. Eagle that is why the firearms community need to speak up for sensible controls. Who needs a 100 round clip, or 200 round drum magazines????? And for what purpose??? You remember these fellow right???? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_Hollywood_shootout . http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SVeb_zZdliw Watch to 3:38
  14. So hangin out at my bench. Coworker swings by on his way out the door......He's excited the ups man just delivered a couple of 100 round magazines for his AR.....Said he had to get them before they were ban. I asked him why.....His response was "In case the shuf hits the fan". What stuf? with 100 round clip aren't you worried about running out of ammo....he has 2500 rounds of 223 plus 1500 of 9mm.....now he might have been bragging. So why does a fellow need a 100 round magazine????? Are we out of control???? Hornady is marketing s Zombie ammo. http://www.hornady.com/ammunition/zombiemax Really????? So are the video games warping us that much????
  15. So JP let me get this straight.......You were on a troop campout and disappeared for 11 hours and nobody came looking for you??????
  16. Guess I should just stay in my ghetto where it is safe....You people in the country and suburbs are just plain crazy.
  17. hmmmmmm? I have not doubt they knew all the lyrics(This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  18. For the fellow who takes his dog for protection......One of the links list Dogs increasing the risk of attack by Bears and Mountain Lions as they are seen as prey..... Several attacks on humans were because the humans tried to save their Dogs. Just sayin.
  19. Now if I was going SOLO or in a group of 2 or three into the areas you guys describe...Mountain lions and wild pigs I would Carry. I would carry bear spray into grizzly country.......But in all honesty if you see a mountain lion running at you, you will never get the gun out of the holster. I already backpack in black bear country it is really no big deal. Practice clean camp, hang your food, make sure everyone has sleep only clothing and no gear in tents period. Your good. But for a Scout Outing, which is what we are talking about, I would never carry. My guys are loud enough hiking along that we rarely see any wildlife. We did see a raccoon one time that I suspect was rabid, he was staggering along on trail 50 yards a head of us. We just gave him a wide berth. I can't find the statistics any more....But a couple of years ago while trying to calm my sons fear of bears I found a page put together by the canadian goverment that showed attacks based on size of the group.....1 was most frequent by a significant margin and it dropped off significantly to the point of a group of 4 it was never going to happen. Same is probably true for mountain lions, but I have never dealt with them. Although a hunter recently turned in pictures of one on his game camera near were we backpack. Interesting read..... http://www.adn.com/2012/03/08/2359636/gun-is-no-insurance-policy-in.html For those who claim bear defense, that little 9mm isn't going to cut it this is a good read. I want to know how you conceal a 44 mag with a 6" barrel where you could get to it in an emergent situation. http://www.chuckhawks.com/firearms_defense_bears.htm http://dnr.alaska.gov/parks/safety/bears.htm Like Beavah, I am amazed at the excuses used to carry a firearm on a scout outing. Maybe we need to add a course in self esteem and confidence to the BSA leader training list
  20. engineer, till this topic started on the other thread I had no idea how insecure my fellow scouters are. I am just mystified at the lack of confidence,fear and hiding behind the "Being Prepared" to carry a gun. How about the fellow that can't sleep in the woods without his gun or dogs????? Sad.
  21. Mike you forgot one that was nearly as bad as New Town.... Robert Bales
  22. So Polaris..... Your unit already supported your council to the tune of $6k.......So why are they bothering you again???? Next roundtable ask that question...... Then follow up with What is being done about the units that do not participate in the council fundraiser, popcorn? Shouldn't they be the ones being visited by the FOS people?
  23. Chicken that's pretty funny, especially from a guy who can't go to the grocery store unarmed.
  24. So what would have happened in Aurora if say 20% of the folks in that movie theater were armed??? Would the death toll been higher or lower? What about the people in the neighboring theaters?????
  25. Ya Pack... bet old richardb's head is spinning around like that little girl in the exorcist. GSDAD I am with Beavah.
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