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Everything posted by Basementdweller

  1. hmmmmm http://maddowblog.msnbc.com/_news/2013/01/04/16353310-nras-hammer-connects-assault-weapons-ban-racism?lite
  2. fear on the internet forum as well.
  3. A shame this stuff tarnishes it for the boys who put in the effort to actually earn it.
  4. Ahhhh Joebob, ya never disappoint. I find it real funny ya posted it "The takers outnumber the givers, and that will only increase in years to come. " Did it ever occur to you that if Romney would have simply kept his mouth shut he would have won????? What exactly is the old America????? Would that be women not voting and slavery???? Or are you talking about all of those over paid factory jobs????(This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  5. Interestingly..... Some blame the single mom as the issue.... The article CC sites says that it mostly a Black problem. But the mass shootings are a predominately white issue.. Newtown, Aurora, Columbine, Amish School. So whats up with that???? Of course the NRA blames video games, single moms, poor upbringing, and probably the pope for killings, after all it can't be the fact we have more guns in this country than about any place else in the world. the answer to the problem according to the NRA is, of course, more guns and people carrying them.(This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  6. Joebob, you mean helping your sons. Just as any father should. But a man stays after his son has benefited from the program and gives back, repaying with service to boys who are not his blood relation.
  7. Kids will spout what every they think will get them the biggest reward or in the least amount of trouble. My favorite little autistic scout has this down to an art. He is very mildly autistic and mom is milking it for all its worth and is teaching scout to do the same. When ever he is caught doing something wrong or unscoutlike, he spouts the line his mom taught him. I am autistic and don't have the normal self control that other boys my age do.
  8. thought I was adding to the conversation...... My point, When folks are forced to look in the mirror, Specially folks who have never done it before, They don't like what they see. Who would? Self centered, egotistical, backstabbing, and win at all costs. Sure ya won, but you hurt the boys, patrols, troops, districts or councils on the way. So while you won, you left a wake of destruction in your path. If it goes, it needs replaced by some other forced self reflection exercise. Most folks are too scatter brained to do it on their own in an honest fashion. So hows that reflection lookin???
  9. Rocket launcher's, Yes two, were turned in at a gun buy back. So who says things aren't out of control??? http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2012/12/28/16221808-rocket-launchers-surface-during-los-angeles-guns-buyback?lite
  10. Ahhhh Joebob doing his best to be the ugly american. Brought to you by the guy who is looking out for only his sons and as soon as they Eagle he is out of scouting........ (This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  11. Why should they remove it???? It lets a few folks take a look in the mirror, sorry isn't my fault they don't like what they see. I have found that the scouters who played the game with a win at all cost attitude are the folks who are very popular folks in local scouting society. I have pondered on it a bit. I have concluded that their popularity is based on their success and those that have differing opinions are crushed and left in their wake. The WB groupies latch on and leech off of this persons success at all costs attitude. Gotta laugh, Just got local scout email from council selling the next woodbadge course.... "Come join us for a life changing experience". Really? Life changing if your simple minded or have not had the least bit of adversity in your life.
  12. all of your proposals exclude the poor. In my state pit bulls are classified a vicious Dog and are required to be liability insured. While there are many responsible owners, there are many more who are not and do not follow the laws regarding fence height, insurance the letting their animals roam. It is fairly common for these pitbulls to kill other animals and attack people, but in da hood they just pay the victim off or intimidate them into not reporting it. It would require the gun owners to be responsible and accurately report the number and type of fire arms they own. I doubt a cheap skate like 732 or the old Brewman would not do that.....They would take the personal risk that their guns would never be stolen or involved in an accident.
  13. Eagle all of the officers in the schools, are likeable enough. But all of them I have met have physical problems that make them unfit for patrol duty. So how many of your gun toten friends could pass a mental exam by the old doc. I know a handful that if they did I would be really surprised. Two guys at work wouldn't for sure.....Serious paranoid types.....The one was warned about carrying into work, which is posted no weapons per law. How many of those preper guys would pass? What are the disqualifying traits?????
  14. Ya used to be able to get AK's really cheap, then it was the SKS and then the Norieco varient. I imagine it said bushmaster on the receiver. Brand is irrelevant it was an AR clone.
  15. Don't they have a right to be innocent???? A single guard in a school won't stop anything. A 400 pound or physically unfit resource officer isn't gonna stop or deter anything. Ya that's what they put in our schools, they officers who can't ride in a cruiser or can pass the patrol physical test. Ever wonder if you could pass that psych exam?
  16. Another AR style rifle. http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5haV0q9KW1gKvnD3W4sk-yxAVf_ew?docId=545f47cd49d7490495c87869825d9ee9
  17. A guard in every school.... What about the innocence of a kindergartener?? Are we infringing on their freedom and naivety of youth by posting guards in every school???? I am entertained by none mentioning this.
  18. Same fellow. I know it isn't legal..... But as you pointed out that doesn't stop the bad guy.
  19. Have you seen some of those gun totin citizens??????
  20. eagle that is the issue. It is way to easy to convert them to full auto. One of the fellows I work with did just that. SKS. He went to one vendor and bought one part, then another for another then another vendor for the final piece. Earlier you compared owning an mini 14 to an AR or AK. I know that full auto kits are available for the AR and AK, Never seen one for a Mini 14
  21. Someone said that they lose boys to ROTC where they shoot 223. If your talking about retention. Get rid of the stupid 22 rim fire max requirement. Get rid of the single shot on scout ranges. hmmm, so the tragedy in Connecticut isn't because of the guns. So mom instead had a nice aluminum ball bat. Well son could have killed her with it, but I doubt he could breach the door at the school. I think the mother is very much liable for her sons actions and I hope there is at least 26 law suits against her estate.
  22. I don't know if you have actually looked at some of the teachers you are talking about arming????? Now it might be an urban school system kind of thing.. I am not comfortable with some of those folks bein armed around my kids. Twocubs......All of the countrys I listed in the other thread reacted to mass killings by firearms. Germany, Norway, and great Britain all have shootings....... Heck one of the School Shootings in Great Britain was done by a Scouter, well ex scouter.(This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  23. Lets see most of above nations have ban private ownership of assault/semiautomatic centerfire weapons. I think that would have slowed things down considerably. You asked
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