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Everything posted by Basementdweller

  1. So the entire gun free zone thing didn't come to into being till.....what 1990????? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gun-Free_School_Zones_Act_of_1990 So any data prior to that is irrelevant because the gun free zones didn't exist. The legislation is only for schools not religious institutions. In my state.......to be declared a weapon free zone all one has to do is post a sign......Just about every place does and has.......Every gas station and convince store locally does.....interestingly this morning I checked the church and it is not posted weapons free.
  2. Bottom line is the Bear den leader becomes the First year webelos den leader. You stay with your boys till they join boy scouts.
  3. Might not be scholarly, but more than adequately proves that there was more than just one shooting outside of a gun free zone since 1950.
  4. how about some of these not in gun free zones http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2012_Seattle_cafe_shooting_spree http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wisconsin_Sikh_temple_shooting http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2012_Azana_Spa_shootings http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terry_Ratzmann http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chai_Vang http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seattle_Jewish_Federation_shooting http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capitol_Hill_massacre http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wah_Mee_massacre http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2010_Appomattox_shootings http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trolley_Square_Shooting
  5. JB I think your article is wrong..... Take a look at this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_massacres_in_the_United_States There are few I never heard of but they were not in gun free zones.
  6. Sorry Pack....I am pretty boring too. My favorite quote from all my reading.... http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/politics/2013/01/will-white-house-push-for-assault-weapons-ban/ under comments. "Anyone that cant live without assault weapons, probably shouldnt have them." The boys at work and I played the old hypothetical situation at lunch to day. your sitting in a movie theater, someone chucks in a a can of tear gas and starts shooting, the other 5 or 6 gun owners do the same.......Who is the bad guy and who are you going to shoot???? It is dark and the movie theater is filled with tear gas or smoke???? How are you going to select your target??? How many more folks would have been killed or wounded by the CCW holders???? hypothetical of course and it the result depends on the gun owners in the theater at the time.
  7. So brew when's the last time you have had a physical by your physician and not a CVS or Kroger minute clinic????? I would like to think that you understand breathing the air at the gun range isn't all that healthy. It can get fairly smokey at the local one. I get asked those same questions year after year. Do you wear your seat belt??? Do you wear your helmet when riding your motorcycle??? Do you have a living will??? Do you smoke or drink or engage in risky sexual activities????? So how is asking if you own a gun any different than any of the other questions???? So do you tell him to pound sand about those??????? I don't because I want the absolute best diagnostic health care I can get and hiding or lying about your activities or habits hinders the treatment.(This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  8. what a fantastic event........ I am amazed that that many cubs participate. Fantastic. Scouting is alive and well in texas. I say that with no small amount of envy. Thx for volunteering
  9. Eagle92 has said that his troop never used blue cards...... If a SM has an ego issue over blue cards, well, wow.
  10. ahhhh, joebob.....shakin my head As a Doctor, I would like to know that you own firearms to help me diagnose health issues..... Beyond the danger of simply owning a firearm. you have issues with the cleaning and lubrication chemicals, indoor range air pollution with both lead and propellant smoke. Hearing damage and bone and joint issues from shooting high power firearms......
  11. Trev..... What do you think the data will show that the NRA is worried about? or is it more of a fear of the unknown????
  12. Smears.......your just flat ignorant..... The answer is clear to SM...... If she fails to answer a simple question about gun ownership how is she going to answer a question about medical history.......such sensitive and embarrassing issues as sexually transmitted or contracted diseases, personal hygiene, diet or immunization historys. A physician patient relationship is built on trust. SM doesn't trust her doctor so why should he/she trust her. I don't see that I smeared schiff....he is very progun. I agree that the gal in new york should be in jail and held liable for the firearms she purchased......I don't care about the sob story that goes with it.
  13. All this gun talk on the forum has led me to believe a few things. There are a lot of paranoid scouters There are a lot of scouters taking boys on outings they shouldn't be going on, if you feel the need for a firearm you should rethink your plan. I don't buy into the media hype. I am a gun owner and I am glad that I cut ties with NRA as they have lost touch with reality long ago. I live in the ghetto and thank god that I don't live in the same fear as many of you who live in the burbs or country.
  14. NJ and that is exactly why we have eagle scouts who don't fit the spirit of the Eagle profile. any kid can work a list and get all the check marks and signatures. But do they actually learn the lessons along the way?????
  15. No idea about the research either. I wonder what research they are refering too? There has been plenty of research on violent video games, movies and music. I see mr schiff is being unreasonable in his progun stance. Research is great as long as it is unbiased and that is virtually impossible. So sheldonmom, why wouldn't you tell the doctor whether you have guns in your house???? If this is the same questionnaire I answered at my last physical it asked if you wear seat belts and if you own a motorcycle. do you wear a helmet. the question is perfectly reasonable. I answered it honestly. If you can't answer a question like that honestly, then you probably won't answer an intimate one honestly either.
  16. The problem Q is it sets a precedent. I bet there is an AHG newsletter that will show pictures or a Q&A stating that the AHG troop attended a BSA event. While I was not at Toms orienteering event. 2100 scouts and parents in a single day event is a lot. The flyer says Cub and parent only, so I take that to mean no siblings, which leads me to conclude that the event is already very busy. So till I get an email from national saying that I am required to let them participate then I say NO.
  17. So exactly how does plugging numbers into a website help the boys learn how to plan and budget for a trip????
  18. This is exactly why we have an attendance policy and we won't let dear old dad drop by at recharter to pay the fee for a boy we haven't seen in 6 months because of sports or lack of interest.
  19. If your flyer says cub scouts only.......Well then it is cub scouts only. Last time I checked AHG are not cub scouts irregardless of what some AHG busy body says. I get the feeling this only the first time we are going to hear about AHG pulling this stunt.
  20. I don't remember Eagle being that challenging as a youth. I was havin fun with my buddies. We camped and hiked, went to jambo and philmont and along the way I advanced in rank. Before I knew it I was one of the senior guys in the troop and SPL. the scout master caught me by the elbow one meeting and asked to speak with me a moment. He thought I should start working on an eagle project. I think I was 15 or so..... Till that point I never thought about it or really cared about it.
  21. I will never delegate the responsibility of saying no to a boy. Come on guys at least borrow a spine At least this SM followed the rules.....Notice I did not say do the right thing.
  22. Horizon here ya go second paragraph down http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2012/10/04/14224160-almost-eagle-scout-denied-award-because-he-is-gay?lite
  23. It may have been OGE, Beavah, Eamon that said that national views scouts as a sexual and the no gay thing is a Scouter issue. We will see in the coming weeks what nationals reaction is. Let me make this very clear.....I am not opposed to a gay eagle scout. I am opposed to the way this family did it for their son. If they did not have money this would not have happened. JUST THAT SIMPLE. The boy wouldn't have been on the Ellen show or got a $25k check he didn't need for college. Blonde good lookin and well spoken makes for good press.
  24. How is the system supposed to work??? Mom and dad rush a boy thru to get his eagle before he's 12. or the troop that just keeps rechartering an inactive scout......Now honestly if he was truly inactive for three years, why was he kept on the charter. How often have we read stories hear about misguided, scouts, scouters and parents either playing eagle guardian or trying to scam the system. The only thing I know about advancement is either the boy does it as written on the page or he doesn't. A guy who is a jerk isn't going to be elected patrol leader and no I am not going to assign him a project or intervene on his behalf. The boys know what they are doing.
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