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Everything posted by Basementdweller

  1. I have not read it. Yes it is harsh. But WE or I is the most important American, right. MY family, job, community, entertainment and needs supersede everything else. Look at some of the members here. Many are selfless and can see beyond the walls of their house and boundaries of their communities. Many more simply cannot. The world is flat as you can plainly see.
  2. Just chatted with my nutter coworker. Went to a gun show last weekend in Wilington Ohio. He said there was a fellow there selling AR clones with a sign on his table that said. NO BACKGROUND CHECKS Make me an offer The guns had tags on them from $2k to $2800 He also said that 22 long rifle rounds were being sold for $80 for 500..... I am not selling the glock.....I am a stable reasonable fellow, not living in fear at home or in the outdoors. It is fun to shoot, but my entertainment is not worth one more life lost.
  3. Be prepared for a mud hole. Last reports I got from a fellow who did a site visit recently says in his opinion there is no way they will be ready. Did you see that the zip lines aren't going to be able to run to the predicted capacity.....Each troop will be given only so many tickets not enough for the entire troop to participate. There is an up charge for white water rafting. On and on and on. The folks that went to the shakedown gave some horror stories of what went on.......followed by an email from national saying that it was NOT the jambo experience but a test.
  4. Not thumping my chest.... Someone posted about most of the Mass shootings happening in weapon free zones. that is what my post was about. I am not fixated on any particular color or title of weapon. I am now an NRA member and have sent an email and letter voicing my opinion to MY organizations leadership. As an NRA member I would like all semiautomatic weapons with detachable magazines removed from private ownership. that is exactly what I put in my letter and email.
  5. Who was in office when all that 9/11 legislation was passed???? Nobody complained or acted worried about it then????? I know I was alarmed.....
  6. Yet another military style assualt rifle used in killing 5. http://www.cnn.com/2013/01/20/justice/new-mexico-shooting/index.html And?????
  7. The reality of the world we live in is the Presidents Family are targets for attack. The Presidents kids could be kidnapped or threatened and used as Power pawns by folks with agendas or wanting Presidential influence. Anyone of you who believe that your kids are more important to the Nation that the current President's kids are complete idiots. Your kids could be kidnaped, murdered or worse and if your lucky they might make the evening news, But it will not impact national policy. I have no illusions about this....... The NRA leadership are complete idiots......I have noticed that the ads have already been stopped at least locally.
  8. Fear I love the smell of it even over the internet. 4 miles as the perp runs or by road..... not. My point is..... What exactly is an assault rifle......... I own more than one that fits the description even if it isnt black I dont see the second ammendment as a black and white document. You can still have your guns.....but nothing that has 1000 rimes the firepower of a 1800's infantry battalion.
  9. The summer camp I attended as a youth was sold thru the same scheme. My parents gave money to the Friends of Camp ABC to save it. They met the Councils Financial goal, But the council still sold the camp. Same goes for Tinderman canoe base out of the Cleveland council.....But my understanding was that camp needed a new septic system......the council effectively killed it by not prompting it for a couple of years. while it is sad to see these camps close......It eliminates some of the Merit Badge camps many complain about. So what is wrong with the camp....The camp we attend has 200 the week we attend and has 800 or so for the summer. If the program and food is good they will come, just that simple.
  10. Watching the news last night and the hot topic was the Assault rifle ban. Of course they talk about Sandy Hook, Aurora and Columbine. Son looks at me and ask "So dad what makes a gun an assault rifle?" hmmmm, Indeed. What makes a gun an assault rifle? Bein the fellow who I am and wanting to give the correct answer I wikipedia's it. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assault_rifle "An assault rifle is a selective fire (either fully automatic and/or burst, and semi-automatic as well) rifle that uses an intermediate cartridge and a detachable magazine." hmmmm, He follows up with, Well dad, that is my favorite one to shoot. I enjoy shooting them too. So in my opinion any automatic or semiautomatic rifle with a detachable magazine and say 12 grains of propellant in the cartridge should be declared an assault rifle, Irregardless of whether it is in military service or not. So the fix.... For hand guns and rifles Ban all detachable magazines and any means to quickly reload them, Limit capacity to 10 rounds or less, for civilian ownership.
  11. One of the nutters I work with swears up and down that it is an Obama administration is responsible for the shooting to get his gun control legislation thru......
  12. I have scheduled meetings to catch up boys who missed activities like some of the craftsman projects, art and readyman........ At those scheduled meeting times I have had a nice chat with the minister, unloaded the food pantry truck, vacuumed the fellowship hall.....Of the three that I have scheduled none of the boys whom it was scheduled for showed up. As noted Parents do not sign off on the Webelos activity pins.
  13. Oh so these folks were selected by the AHG to work with the local BSA council......Not the other way around. So it is pretty meaningless still. Far as the pregnancy thing......Just what the BSA camps need is a bunch of girls running around it. The boys are entirely different animals when the gals aren't around......
  14. Please name the councils that have ambassadors? or is this more made up BS???? So what does the AHG bring to the BSA partnership????? Nothing Attending Day camp is one thing.. Resident camp is something else entirely. I bet the AHG don't have as liberal a view on scout pregnancy as the GSUSA does.(This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  15. So was the fellows in chardin, aurora, colombine or Newtown drunk or stoned? Don't think so.
  16. why son there are no consequences for your actions? You can threaten another scout with a knife and it is ok.... The kind hearted scouter will take you by the arm....pat you on the head and reassure you it will be alright. Sure boys screw up, this isn't one of those you get a pass on. What or why does the status of the troops membership matter???? You guys act like this is some sort of a grey area.
  17. So Beavah..... Ya think the revolutionary war would have started or turned out any different if the entire population was disarmed????
  18. So what get outdoors is trying to say is along with limiting capacity we need to also eliminate quick change magazines and clips. Or course it sound anti to you.....
  19. How do we know what the spirit or intent was????? So why the restriction on caliber size??? or fully automatic weapons????? I doubt the result would have been much different with an average joe being the shooter. the CCW person would have still hid, or failed to get the gun out. I would have like to see the test run with one of LEO with the concealed gun and what the results were. If the instructor/teacher in the room had the gun, he was the first killed so it makes his gun irrelevant.
  20. Oh I am not anti 2A. I am about sensible restrictions. I agree that the student guinea pig should have been randomly placed thru the room.....the fact that the shooter is a firearm instructor is irrelevant.....What is relevant is he is there and has intent to kill and the ccw person is caught flat footed in all of the video we are shown. So what about the movie theater on a friday night? But the thing I took from it was.....the shooter had glock that had only 10 or so rounds in the mag. What if it had been a rifle with 30 or more rounds available???? he would have got the entire room.
  21. Well, it was the thing to do GS. I went and took the course with the guys from work met for breakfast, out to lunch and beers afterward.....I had a good time. We all went down to the sheriffs office as a group and applied for the permit together.
  22. So TT one of your sons pull a knife on some one????? So #3 scout pulls knife and kills scout on next campout. As SM how do I explain to the parent of dead scout, Scout #3 is son of an ASM/CC/COR/minister and sure he pulled a knife before be he said he would never do it again. He promised. hmmmm. Not on my watch. From prior threads, It is ok for scouts to bring drugs on camp outs, it is ok for them to bring porn it is ok for them to pull a knife on another scout...... I heard some things this weekend about about a prominent district volunteers son that happened on a scout outing......welll, the lad should be in jail.... The lad is having his eagle board in the next week.....I have no doubt he is eagle material, cough cough. No wonder national over rules local volunteers on important things like eagles.
  23. We can all second guess what the founding fathers knew or thought..... Once the the pro or anti gets a hold of the issue the words can be twisted to mean anything. The only thing consistently said about guns and the second amendment has been that the founding fathers just won their freedom from Great Britain because just about every house hold had a fire arm.
  24. Now I know that all you guys that carry have cat like reflexes and this couldn't possibly ever be you but watch it anyway.
  25. I sit here this morning reading these sad opinions. I live in not quite a ghetto, but a bad neighborhood...... I don't live in fear. I read all these "Role Models of the American Male", being afraid to go to church or public school unarmed. Really?????? Honestly if your afraid to go into the woods camping with the scouts unarmed or to the grocery you should take a moment and rethink whether you are mentally fit to be a leader in scouting. So what is everyone afraid of?????? I just don't get it.
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