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Everything posted by Basementdweller

  1. BP I also find it entertaining that a task force is needed to make the decision. Pretty simple in my book the NYLT staff need to man up, do the presentation and not rely on a video for pete sake. TT, despise? pity? No, his cancer foundation's work is good. I am afraid his legacy is of a bully, Liar and cheat. We can banter about it all we want on this forum, but he represented the US on the world stage.
  2. The old NRA is scaring people to death..... When you say home invasion....were you sitting on the couch and they kicked the door in. or were you asleep and they burglarized you home. I am prepared to defend my family, I live in a bad neighborhood and I am not stupid. I have several hot weapons around the house, The family know where they are at and everyone knows how to shoot them. Both kids have been instructed to keep pulling the trigger till it clicks empty once they start shooting. Both have practiced it at the range that way. I can defend my home with a revolver or pump action shotgun better than with an AR. I am not preparing for the zombie apocalypse or afraid of the urban riot....
  3. I am gonna say the assault rifle ban or a magazine ban is short sighted. Ban all Semiautomatic firearms with a detachable magazine and/or capacity greater than 10 rounds. as my scouting friend brewmeister pointed out, even a klutz can add a fresh 10 round mag in a split second.
  4. Wondering here why Scoutmaster and troop were removed and replaced by Unit leader and unit. I wonder where the definition of unit leader is located....... How long before we see a Unit leader here posting about a fight with the Scoutmaster.
  5. Cambridge.....some very good points and very similar to my line of thought. The constitution says you can have arms......Honestly, are we speaking of fire arms???? dropping back 200 years....a fire arm was a single shot affair that took some time to reload. I am not talking about a complete ban on firearms, just ones that are mean for people killing thats all. No semiautomatics with detachable magazines....just that simple. as brew, blake and eagle bragged about it takes just a split second to slap another 10 round magazine . It is clear that these mass shootings are not an United States only problem. But we are the only Country that the Politicians are intimidated in to inactivity by the NRA. I have formed a local group with several churches and other scout leaders to put pressure on our Congress man and Senators for change. We have drafted a letter and asked for a meeting with them thru our church minister.
  6. Spun from the original thread..... Major corporate supporters have withdrawn financial support. and this impacts my Pack, Troop and Crew in exactly what way???? None far as I can tell. I have never received a corporate donation for anything for any of my local BSA organizations. So honestly who cares if corporations withdraw their support???? that's right the council and national execs who are trying to get their pay check donated. How many times has it been quoted here.....a scout pays his own way. So why is the adults always have their hand out.
  7. Makes ya wonder..... When he looked in the mirror.....what did he think????? http://edition.cnn.com/2013/01/17/sport/armstrong-doping/index.html Doc take a look at that interview and see what you think. Pappa.....look around....It is sad but true.....win at all cost.....we have cub scout parents buying $100 pinewood cars off ebay. to win a stupid wooden car race.... Look around the mall or grocery store next trip....
  8. Now that's funny. He is the model for American integrity isn't he. Ya know I think he is probably a pretty fair representation of us.
  9. I guess this is one of johns hot buttons. Of course merit badge colleges are promoted. the make thousands of dollars in a single day or week event. Our council host a merit badge boot camp over spring break for $200...they had 60 boys attend. As a merit badge councilor I have had boys show up with those sheets and hand them to me expecting a near immediate signature. Honestly when are they going to just put up an Eagle kiosk. Quick credit card swipe and you are an eagle... I think about $3k would do it.
  10. So did our creator envious us mowing each other down the way we currently do. While he/she/it/they are all knowing.....what exactly is the lesson we are being taught by owning these rifles..... It would be an interesting discussion folks who drafted the constitution. So fellows. About the 2nd amendment, do you realize in about 200 years a single firearm will have as much fire power as a single brigade of men currently. Do you think a private citizen should have that much firepower in the possession? I don't know the answer.... But I bet the would not be all that happy with the way things are now, with the entire status of the country.
  11. bnelon.....not tryin to be nasty or anything like that. Just asking a question here...... why do we need presentations for advancement???? Either the boy can tie a square knot or not. or Planned and cooked the menu or not. Seems pretty cut and dry to me. Give me a list of requirements and either he can do them or not. Far as alternate requirements......We need an Eagle patch, certificate and pocket card with a HUGE asterisk on them.
  12. least he didn't pull the trigger...... I wonder if the union hall is a weapons free zone????
  13. Pretty simple here folks. Keep scouting local. My boys are making soda can stoves....They camp without adults directly in the campsite with them....They go on Patrol hikes while I relax at the Parking area with a good book. Most of the rules are because someone is bein stupid. I thank national for all that nice online training....sure beats the church basement on a Saturday morning. Kudu love the analogy......But I think it is more like starwars and spaceballs...... National is Spaceballs and replaced the force with the schwartz. Dark Helmet "Your schwarz is almost as big as mine". to funny thx for the laugh. Bunch of idiots running around the ship after someone activated the self destruct......(This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  14. So why is point 1 and 2 unconstitutional. I would like to see where in the Constitution that it says that you have the right to own a semi automatic rifle with a 100 round magazine.....Please point it out. The way it reads to me is you can own a firearm....could be single shot could be fully automatic. Don't want to ban them.....No problem, make the folks who want a semiauto register them like a full automatic. Something has gotta give folks... You are putting a price on each of those kids heads at sandy hook. Your entertainment while shooting. So you have to reload after the 10th shot???? or manually work the action for the next round??? I was gonna say I am amazed, but honestly I am not anymore. Gone is the selfless scouter.
  15. Skeptic I think it is about event expectation. I know the Jambo I attended as a youth wasn't what I expected, I attended the first one at AP Hill. It was super hot, the snokeling ended up in some sort of a tank and the line was an hour long, I remember being astonished at the theft and Scouters taking advantage of scouts trading patches. Our council is sending two boys where caught shoplifting at last summers shakedown, and both are in my sons troop. I spoke to the SM about it and he said there was nothing he could do. Philmont is resident camp where you move your campsite everyday. Oh it is beautiful for sure, I wonder if it is kinda like woodbadge. Ya take folks that have never pushed themselves in any manner, next to zero outdoor experience and make them walk 50 miles over 10 days with backpacks. For them it is probably life changing. My son is planning on going to Philmont in 2014. I hope he won't be bored, because he has backpacked most of his life .
  16. violence is part of our DNA. Back when we were monkeys on the branch, the biggest TOOK the food of the smallest and breed the females. So we were breed to be aggressive. First is was just muscle power Then an animal bone, as in 2001 space odyssey Then wooden clubs, Clubs with attachments, slings and stones, bows and arrows, fire arms, and on and on. I think shiff hit it on the head. As a young man fist fights were pretty common.
  17. Paying for their own background and psych check is simply a tax on ownership. Just as other suggested. Far as registration goes....It is property, you register your dog, home, car, and even your person with the government. Far as getting shot with 10 rounds verse 100......sitting here shaking my head, If the aurora, sandy hook, columbine or Virgina Tech would have been limited to 10 rounds before a longer reload process they would have been stopped much sooner. You have got to see that. I am sorry if you miss your oppurtunity on a deer because you just needed that 11th round to finally kill it or it takes 2 minutes to reload for 5 seconds of shooting at paper targets. Yes we are cutting into your personal freedom and right to burn dollar bills at will....You need to see the bigger picture.......Whether we give up a the freedom to own a 200 round people killer or live in a Police state with a couple of LEOs on every corner and one in every school, we are still giving something up. I will freely give up my guns to keep armed guards out of my kids schools and a LEO guarding my block. Just as Joebob's history lesson points out, The police can be more corrupt than the mob. I have experienced that locally with a detective on the local drug dealers pay role. (This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  18. Hispanics don't stay in scouting because the extended family dynamic that I could never understand. We have 4 hispanic boys, brothers and cousins, active in the troop who every single weekend go to grandmas house, which is in another town about 100 miles from us. The weekends they go I end up taking them home with me till the family gets back which is 8-9pm Sunday night. I have lost a couple who quit to work in the family business at 13 years old. One whose job was to care for his grandfather. So biweekly or even monthly activities are tough when your life is full of responsibility at 12 years old, camping, hiking and heck even scouting just aren't that important any more.
  19. So what do I think...... 1. Complete and on going Background check, paid for by the firearm owner, thinking every other year. 2. Mental health evaluations on going, paid for by the firearm owner, every other year. 3. No gun ownership for families with historys of mental illness. 4. Complete ban on ownership of all semiautomatic firearms with detachable magazines and/or a capacity greater than 10 rounds. 5. National registry of all firearms....gotta know who has them, right Want a semiauto, fixed mag less than 10. While the mentally ill need treatment, I am still not comfortable with a fellow who might miss his meds owning even a bow and arrow.
  20. Honestly, I don't mind taking a week off work. I don't mind volunteer. I don't mind paying for my food for the event. I don't even mind buying the staff uniform....... I do mind them making a profit from the adult staff. I don't spend $850 on food/grocery store trips for the entire family for a month. So lets use $5 per meal and $10 per shirt. so 21 meals is $105 and $30 for tshirts.....I would do it for $135.....NOT $850. ridiculous. Yep old national making a profit on the backs of volunteers.
  21. the local option.... Our local unit is much more tolerant of those who are different from us than say units in the bible belt.
  22. first off You will never make a person secure who is insecure by nature. I want the background checks and psych evaluations to be on going. annual might be to much, but every couple of years...... but we need more than,"Well, he wasn't crazy when he bought it". Just as our body deteriorates so can our minds....... So unless it is an ongoing eval it is completely worthless. If you fail you will surrender your firearms immediately. How about taking family history of mental illness into account? My experience has been that if mom and dad aren't wound quite right the kids aren't either. Taxing or trying to force insurance is worthless with out a National registry.
  23. Take a group of non-WASP boys to BSA summer camp and see how the other boys treat them. Waiter as vocational training when they are waiters Watermelon comments on lake game nights when water melon is served. Ya those boys just didn't think them up on their own, they heard them from mom and dad.
  24. So beavah, all those paranoid types gonna stand in a dark parking lot and unload their carry weapon before getting in the car.... Eagledad I am a heck of a lot less paranoid than a number of our gun supporting forum members. Heck I can sleep at home and in the woods without a fire arm under my pillow. I think that makes me infinitely more stable than those who cannot and a better candidate for responsible gun ownership.
  25. Odd, I thought I responded to this thread last night. I asked for american hunter Far as the glock goes, I will give it to the government when asked, but till then I view myself as a better owner than a nutter.
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