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Everything posted by Basementdweller

  1. I can see it now AHB to go with the AHG.....White, Wealth, Ultra Conservative and from the burbs. I can see there motto..... I know what you will be doing during the Rapture.
  2. So with the BSA's membership policy change. I wonder if we can let an organization such as the AHG us our camps? I am being funny here......
  3. A question. Who wants the campfire program? Is it the youth or the adults? I suggested it and the PLC shot it down.
  4. the only TV in the house is in the main room of the house...... The only objection I have is the swearing and the white supremacy hilly billy crap that gets spouted. I take user names and report the idiots that due it.....Usually results in a 30 day suspension from xbox live. I keep a pretty close eye on it from the edges. My sons clan is basically the Troop with some non scouting friends and friends of friends. Our troop gets 30 days of camping a year....so our first class scouts have pretty typically 40-45 nights. Brew...I have wondered the same thing. There are a few boys in the troop that love to backpack There are a few boys in the troop that love to volunteer at the food pantry There are a few boys in the troop that love merit badges Parades, rifle shooting, cooking, plop camping, building fires, canoeing, swimming, rappelling, being den cheifs an equal amount hate those very things too. on and on. It isn't my job to try to please them all. Our boys are different. Country boys the adventure might be an urban one? Museums, urban hikes, concert, urban nature centers... Urban guys getting out into the country is it....Time in the woods exploring a rotting log and the excitement of the first salamander found. We need to remember adventure thru the eyes of a 12 year old. (This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  5. Every body poo poos video games. By son operates a clan in Call of Duty Series, he says it has 40 members....they played black ops, Modern Warfare3 and Black ops 2. He organizes the matches against the other clans, monitors behavior and performance of his guys, recruits new members. to be real honest I was impressed. they have a website and email system similar to what many boy scout troops have. While not all kids play video games in that manner, It is what scouting once was. Next to zero adult involvement. He did it on his own with dads permission.
  6. TT you would hold a gay leader to the same expectation of a hetero leader. Married or not would you have the SM and his wife making out at the campfire with the boys present??? or how about sex on an outing????? nope. I will say I am not comfortable with a gay SM in make up on the flag quad any more than a lesbian with the biker wallet and crew haircut. Just conversations I am not ready to have with my son at 6-12 years old....
  7. clears throat, Glad this came about, I was really worried about my local ax grinders finding out about some gay/lesbian scouters in our pack and troop and going after them. Now it is up to the minister and church elders. It will have no impact on my local organization as it is already been made a local option.
  8. We rarely have a campfire.....Generally the guys are playing capture the flag or ghost in the grave yard. The old guys just hang on the side lines and enjoy the banter.
  9. Interesting, never seen a semiauto being used at a scout camp. One camp that I have attended had a couple browning over and unders, the other had a mossberg pump that they loaded a single round per clay.
  10. Twocubs please provide a link to the national site that lists a perfect attendance award. In my searches it is a local pack award. This is about the parents not the boys. They could care less and will forget about it the second they fire up the playstation.
  11. While recently it has become a youth issue.....It is a Scouter issue. Many years ago, as a new adult scouter the thought of showering with a gay man in a gang shower really bothered me. Well, all of the summer camp or camps I have attended that would require me to shower have installed private showers, or shower stalls. Follow youth protection guide lines and it is all good. BTW, sthumper, there is some historical data that led some to believe that Powell was a repressed homosexual. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Baden-Powell,_1st_Baron_Baden-Powell http://www.nytimes.com/2012/07/20/opinion/scoutings-gay-founder.html?_r=0 I don't care one way or the other......You just need complete information before you spout off. No I am not going to tell my son that BP was/or possibly was gay
  12. Calico your right. The Semiauto ban won't work unless you collect everything that has been legally purchased. Then it probably won't make a difference in my lifetime and maybe my childrens life time, till all of the ones that have been horded away by the nutters are stolen, broken or turned in my families after they have passed away. But it needs to start now.
  13. had a great discussion with the Webelo den a few years about about heaven. It went something along the lines of only X Brand Christian will get in heaven. Really, so I pulled out the old phone and found that X Brand Christian represent only 1.6% of the worlds population. so little jimmy webelo does that mean that your god is going to exclude 98% of the worlds population from heaven. Since 98% of the people believe differently does that mean your wrong..... He had a really worried look on his face....There is no right or wrong....Just the fact they believe differently. Now lets talk about the mega churches/social club. Bottom line is we all know that doing the right thing sometimes means ignoring/breaking/violating the written rules.
  14. Oh I am not surprised As a swearing, bourbon drinking, cigar smoking womanizer. I had a mother ask the minister if she knew I rode a motorcycle, drank and smoked cigars. Minister told her that I would probably invite her over if I knew she was interested in motorcycle, bourbon and cigars. The minister had a smile on her face when she told me.... My sons friends are in the troop......I am sure all of them have traipsed a crossed the back porch while I was enjoying my cigar and bourbon, not something I hide,
  15. Lets face it. Summer camp should pay for the camp for the entire year. All of the camps I have read about getting sold have had poor summer camp programs and low attendance. Tinnerman was sold because it needed an up to code septic system, as I heard, so the council killed it by not promoting it. I know our council as spent a bunch of money on digesting type septic systems for our camps. With our local BSA camps charging us $100 for a weekend of camping in troop tents...We rarely us our local BSA camps. Your comment about just a spot in the woods to pitch a tent is valid. That is the way our troop likes it too.
  16. Mental health.....Everyone says this is the key. Everything about the human body can deteriorate or break. So how does one determine on a piece of paper at the time of a gun sale how one is mental deficient or could potentially break at some point. While it needs to be addressed, I have no idea how it can be done in a meaningful way. while the Aurora and Newtown guys had know issues, What about Virgina Tech, columbine, chardon or the ming minnesota or new york shootings????
  17. So are the camps being shut down and sold for what reason exactly? Some because of poor attendance as a result of poor program or facilities. Some because of poor promotion Others because of the cost to comply with new group camp rules. I have not heard of one that was highly attended and had a great program being shutdown.
  18. Eamon is right. How do you earn an award that didn't exist at the time.???? Ya don't. Time for DL and CM to do the right thing.
  19. Sentienal you know the answer. BSA's exclusion policy is ignored till some Scouter has an ax to grind. Then it is pulled out and sunk handle deep into the victims back. Interestingly enough it is usually the bible thumpers doing the damage.
  20. I said long ago that anyone who earns the NOA is a very well rounded scout and has sampled, in a very complete manner, what scouting has to offer. I presented it to the troop maybe a year ago and they are working on it. Right now they are a pioneering merit badge away from camping and hiking merit badge away from the camping and hiking segment. a couple are a mile swim away from the aquatics one.
  21. Man, no I gotta fill out a report for every kid that pukes or has diarrhea???? Never forget that kid that won the gummy bear challenge, didn't even look like they had been chewed.
  22. So Joebob Exactly what, from your perspective, skills make a boy scout?
  23. You guys are ignorant to think that background checks have anything to do with keeping guns out of the hands of criminals. Look at that guy in new york who had his poor innocent neighbor girl buy them for him or the Gun show guys advertising no background checks. Not to mention the huge black market in firearms. One of the fellows I work with has a felon on his record....It disqualified him for an Ohio CCW permit. So what do you do??? Get one from Wisconsin instead, which so happens to have a reciprocal carry agreement with Ohio but does not share criminal records. I will agree that unless the government collects all the assault rifles or semi's they will never go away. Even if they are collected the crimial element will still have them for a number of years.
  24. Advancement is only one method right? Scoutings problems are deeper than whether we have Eagle scouts that can rub two sticks together and make fire.
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