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Everything posted by Basementdweller

  1. Too much adult involvement. Patrol makes the menu.....Grubmaster duty rotates each boy has his turn, some boys love doing it, others will miss a campout to avoid it. Grubmaster goes thru the food pantry and then goes to the grocery store and purchases the menu items. If they forget condiments, then they learn for next trip... Had pancakes with no syrup or butter not too long ago..... Food is a good place to learn lessons in my book. Most of our boys are well feed enough a mistake here isn't going to kill them.
  2. I could see how philmont could do three, rock climb, backpacking and then the High adventure base visit. I don't see breaking a ten day trek up and then counting it for 3 seperate days of backpacking. Just don't have patience for scout or scouter pretending to be lawyers mincing words to earn advancement or activities..... Either he did it or didn't do it....... The rest let your concious guide you.
  3. Hang with me here, because some other cub leader will read this and run with it. Tiger and wolf level......I don't have a problem with them simply picking up trash. It is age appropriate. Bear and webelos it should be more involved. We help spread mulch on the local nature center trail creating a more durable surface. and one year we put up a provided clean up after your pet kiosk, had a trash can and sandwich sized bags for.......well ya know. Boy scouts.....We have done invasive species removal and building of wooden walk ways........ The patch needs to be worth more to the boys than the $5 you spent at the scout shop.
  4. Q...in response.....My son and his patrol could careless about advancement. They plan the outings, menu, buy it and cook it after setting up camp....then are surprised when I ask for their book and sign off a couple requirements. I presented this recongition oppurtunity to them a couple of months ago.....They just don't seem interested. Although I have a couple that just need the hiking and cooking merit badge to complete 2 segments.
  5. Didn't we have this same discussion about the riding portion of the badge for your son??????? If my memory serves me right......the discussion was under the auspices? riding your bike around the neighborhood still doesn't count, with your troop or patrol only. Now we are quibbling about miles on a sail boat????? or hiking over multiple days at northern tier??? Honestly who wants the award, you or your son? I know my son could careless about awards or patches.
  6. That is the absolute funniest thing I have read today...... Falls right along with the folks that say Sandy Hook was faked.
  7. The youth I serve are not all christian.......We had this discussion before. Sentienel you crack me up, The LDS does some thing right in my book, regarding their youth. Don't agree with much else, but what the heck.
  8. Never dawned on me that Packs would buy soda and drink pouches for campouts. Make buckets of kool aid and everyone has a NON disposable cup. Keep in mind you will never make everyone happy with meal choices. We make walking tacos, spagetti, ziti, we have done hamburgers, hot dogs.... The boys are burning alot more calories on a campout than sitting in front of the video game system at home.
  9. Not the case. My nutter coworker was at a gun show in Wilmington Ohio a couple of weeks ago. There was a guy selling AR clones with a big sign on the table that said no background checks. The prices, according to him, were $500 more than what the other fellows were selling like models for at other tables.
  10. Very Early in by Adult scouting career I spent a lot of energy chasing scouts who missed meeting, activities or requirements. After much wasted energy, and losing all of the scouts anyhow, despite paying for summer camps, entry fees, packing extra meals and picking up and dropping off at home, I still lose them anyhow. I have come to the conclusion they weren't that into it anyhow. I am thru chasing scouts or parents who say, if you don't ___________ I will quit. Sheldonsmom, my jab at the AHG's wasn't specifically generated at you. I have a beef with them regarding their christian only spin on their organization. All of the local AHG troops are in White, wealthy suburbia.
  11. far as tenting goes....laughing here. Are you more comfortable with two gay boys in a tent or a straight and gay boy?????? I will do what ever the CO tells me is the correct path. If I disagree I will resign as SM and let my son make his membership choice.
  12. My high school class president is in jail in florida on drug trafficing charges.
  13. Yes Our youth disappoint us, each generation looks down on the one that follows how poorly they are behaved or promiscuous they are. Have you made a phone call to the young mens parents about the facebook stuff??? Maybe they don't know. But scouting is no replacement for a parent.
  14. I shoulda put quote marks around the post above, it was a cut and paste from the link above it.
  15. got right in? no issues Were you looking for something specific??? I could retrieve it and email it to you
  16. So exactly what lesson are you teaching your children? That gay or lesbian folks are not to be associated with. They are morally soiled? They are just people trying to make a living and raise kids just like you or I. I got news for you, if they go to college or move from your small town they are going to have to deal with THEM.
  17. They are people for petesake. How about this collection of eagle scouts who are murders. http://www.wral.com/news/local/video/11831729/#/vid11831729 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Glenn_Kopitske http://www.lgbtqnation.com/2012/12/gay-man-former-eagle-scout-charged-in-alabama-murder/ http://atheism.about.com/b/2004/11/01/michigan-eagle-scout-murders-62-year-old-for-being-atheist.htm http://news.google.com/newspapers?nid=1734&dat=19490511&id=pRocAAAAIBAJ&sjid=GFEEAAAAIBAJ&pg=5533,2746030 and my favorite the ax murder http://video.answers.com/former-eagle-scout-charged-with-brutal-axe-murder-517244235
  18. SM, I am guessing your in the I don't want a gay or lesbian adult to speak to my son crowd. That's great and your choice. A question for you, exactly why are you praying for us? Because we are accepting of those who are different than us? The behavior you fear in a gay scoutmaster wouldn't be tolerated in a hetero scoutmaster. I can just see an SM leering at moms and making comments to the boys or other parents. We have heard a couple of complaints here over the years of SM's demonstrating that behavior. Someone said that gays recruit more gays, I disagree, but will say that like minded people tend to gather together. I am willing to bet that you have already met a gay or lesbian scouter and just didn't know it. Most are just normal people, they all don't wear makeup or dress in drag and guess what they don't wear an arm band that says, hey I am gay. We have troops around that only allow members boy from the CO to join, no folk from outside a particular school or folks of color. So what? join a different troop.
  19. LDS changed its stance a couple of months ago.... http://www.mormonsandgays.org/ No one fully knows the root causes of same-sex attraction. Each experience is different. Latter-day Saints recognize the enormous complexity of this matter. We simply dont have all the answers. Attraction to those of the same sex, however, should not be viewed as a disease or illness. We must not judge anyone for the feelings they experience. Members of the Church who have same-sex attractions, but dont act on them, can continue to enjoy full fellowship in the church, which includes holding the priesthood, carrying out callings, and attending the temple. Unlike in times past, the Church does not necessarily advise those with same-sex attraction to marry those of the opposite sex. Same-sex attraction itself is not a sin, but yielding to it is. However, through repentance Jesus Christ will offer forgiveness.(This message has been edited by Basementdweller)
  20. I am an SM and would not refuse a SMC based on a missing patch. Far as only having SMC once per month?????? I do them when ever the scout asks, generally before or after the meeting.
  21. pack what in the world am I gonna do, I missed the end of the world last December and now your telling me I missed the rapture in 1996. I guess life is full of disappointments.
  22. If given the opportunity.... Which will most 14 years chose? Live at home with school as responsibility or Job and responsibility
  23. http://www.ahgonline.org/uploads/ImportantMessagefromAHG_Jan2013a.pdf
  24. Pc I have know a number of gay scouter for most of my adult scouting career. The only thing this does for me is remove the worry that someone with an ax to grind can't use this against me or the gay scouter. I have said it before, the gay scouters I know are much better people than the bible thumping drive by parents. I say let them go..... Local option. I will say that I will have a problem if guys start showing up to flags in drag.....but we already have guys insisting on wearing kilts.....so?????????? Didn't the LDS just take the stand on gays, Hate the sin not the sinner?????
  25. Thats funny I just posted it in the other thread..... I can see the motto..... I know what you will be doing during the rapture.
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